Publication sur le thème « chasteté » par Doux Théâtre
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La chasteté conjugale est souvent considérée comme un symbole d’amour véritable entre les partenaires. La chasteté conjugale est souvent vue comme un engagement mutuel et un effort pour préserver l’intimité au sein du couple. La chasteté conjugale peut aussi être interprétée comme un respect profond des valeurs communes entre les conjoints.
L’amour et la confiance entre les partenaires sont renforcés par la pratique de la chasteté conjugale. Elle aide à conserver la flamme réciproque, même lorsque seule la partie masculine s’engage dans la chasteté. L’Église de Vatican II place la chasteté parmi les vertus clés du mariage et de la vie chrétienne. La chasteté comme engagement est un don sacré, un hommage à Dieu et un respect des saints, fortifiant l’amour conjugal en le plaçant sous le signe de la sainteté.
La conception de l’homme changeant.
En d’autres termes, l’homme est souvent vu comme plus porté à la volage et à la masturbation en dehors du couple. C’est ce qui nécessite qu’il suive des règles de chasteté plus strictes pour assurer la confiance de son ou sa partenaire. En dévotion, il peut faire don de toute son énergie, son désir et son amour, comme un acte sacré inspiré par Dieu. Ce sacrifice représente un engagement profond, un reflet de la sainteté à laquelle chaque homme est destiné.
Avant le mariage, la chasteté est habituellement vue comme une conduite honorable. La motivation derrière cette pratique est souvent liée à des croyances religieuses ou culturelles. Le respect de cette norme est couramment interprété comme un signe de contrôle de soi. Les programmes éducatifs religieux enseignent fréquemment la chasteté avant le mariage.
Avant le mariage, la chasteté représente un engagement essentiel pour un couple, indépendamment de sa foi. La pureté corporelle avant le mariage est souvent regardée comme un précieux don pour une femme. La virginité de la mariée est une fierté immense pour elle, sa famille et son mari dans toutes les religions, y compris l’Islam. Le chemin de la chasteté est souvent particulièrement difficile pour un garçon. Pour un garçon, conserver l’abstinence sexuelle jusqu’à la célébration de l’union est ardu sans des dispositifs comme une cage de chasteté. La maîtrise de soi est un signe réel d’amour, préparant les partenaires à une relation respectueuse. La continence avant l’union ne se borne pas à la pureté physique; elle prépare aussi le couple spirituellement pour une relation plus harmonieuse. Cette voie, lorsqu’elle est respectée, favorise une sexualité solide pour les futurs époux.
La chasteté au sein du mariage est au service de l’amour.
Les couples souvent établissent des règlements de vie et de sexualité pour garantir que l’homme reste fidèle et chaste. La question n’est pas de savoir si la femme est plus libre d’aventures extraconjugales, mais plutôt de la confiance plus importante dont elle dispose. La réalité est que la chasteté conjugale s’applique principalement au mari dans 95 % des cas. L’homme est tenu de porter une cage de chasteté, un dispositif qui emprisonne son pénis et interdit toute activité sexuelle. La cage de chasteté, sur ce point, est d’une efficacité optimale. Une fois verrouillée autour des organes génitaux, la cage maintient le pénis en position de repos, replié vers le bas sur les testicules. L’homme doit abandonner toute pensée et activité sexuelle, focalisant son attention sur le moment de libération et la jouissance avec son partenaire. Le sacrifice constitue un don de soi, un acte d’amour accompli devant Dieu.
Histoire de l’évolution de la chasteté.
La façon dont la chasteté est pratiquée aujourd’hui est différente de celle du Moyen Âge. Les femmes faisaient face à un doute plus intense concernant la chasteté à cette époque. Il existe des histoires, plus ou moins vérifiées, sur les ceintures de chasteté que les maris mettaient à leurs épouses en leur absence. La pratique réciproque est quant à elle relativement rare.
Chez les hommes, la chasteté est une discipline personnelle significative. Chez les hommes, la chasteté est souvent interprétée comme une forme stricte d’autodiscipline. Le maintien de la chasteté nécessite un engagement significatif envers soi-même. La chasteté masculine favorise le développement de l’autodiscipline, la volonté et le caractère.
Entretenir la flamme réciproque est possible grâce à la chasteté conjugale, même quand seul le mari la respecte. L’Église catholique place toujours la chasteté parmi les vertus essentielles de la vie. On considère cette vertu comme un don de soi au Christ, à Dieu et aux autres, confirmé par les vies des saints. Sur le modèle du Christ, les saints ont souvent combiné leur chasteté avec un don total de leur vie à Dieu. Saint Joseph, mari de Marie, est souvent cité comme un exemple de chasteté conjugale. Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, moine cistercien du XIIe siècle, se serait jeté dans un buisson d’épines pour maîtriser ses désirs selon une histoire. Avant de choisir une vie de dévotion au Christ et à Dieu, Saint François d’Assise vivait dans le confort et le plaisir. Après avoir reçu un appel profond de Dieu, Saint François d’Assise se tourna vers la pauvreté et la chasteté. Sa famille tenta de détourner Saint Thomas d’Aquin de la vie monastique quand il était jeune. On raconte que Saint Thomas d’Aquin aurait écarté une femme envoyée pour le séduire avec un tison ardent. À 11 ans, Sainte Maria Goretti préféra la mort à la tentation du péché.
La chasteté et la fidélité sont un engagement profond envers l’autre.
La chasteté conjugale, du regard de l’époux, est une manifestation de fidélité. La fidélité implique de garder la pureté de ses pensées, regards et actions, en plus d’éviter les relations extraconjugales. Une relation de confiance avec son épouse dépend de la maîtrise des pulsions sexuelles. La thématique de la chasteté conjugale est largement couvertedans cette page qui traite de la chasteté conjugale.
Cela peut inclure le combat contre la pornographie, la prévention des relations trop proches avec d’autres femmes, et le rejet du flirt. En conséquence, la chasteté se transforme en un don de soi, protégeant non seulement l’époux et son corps, mais aussi la famille, l’enfant et le foyer des dangers extérieurs.
Les ceintures de chasteté pour hommes ont été introduites.
Les XVIIIe et XIXe siècles sont les périodes durant lesquelles les ceintures de chasteté pour hommes semblent avoir émergé. Ces ceintures étaient en grande partie utilisées pour des raisons médicales, pour éduquer les jeunes adultes et pour freiner la masturbation, les relations sexuelles avant le mariage, l’infidélité, mais aussi par amour pour Dieu, peu importe la croyance. Ce don de chasteté, influencé par le respect pour Dieu, constitue un engagement pour mener une vie plus pure et sacrifiée.
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Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Who told you to look so sad? You still don’t understand I am superman yeah I’m superman yeah You are hugging the light flash side We are celebrating Baby Ahhh elder sister Summer Cicada has been here for three years Why are you still daydreaming like this, sister? elder sister You woke up Come on, come on, come on What’s wrong What’s up? Come on, come on, come on I want to discuss something with you. I’m not Gao Yuyang from the Finance Department. Have you been chatting for more than two months? He asked me to meet him tonight Can you go with me? Me Is it inconvenient for me to go on your date? Well, he’s going to bring his roommate. Just accompany me. What’s this Good I close my eyes Then I have to clean up. I must take it today. Um We will no longer have any relationship in the future Don’t be unrequited love anymore Hi Let’s go Hi, this is my roommate Xia Zhicha Haha ah Maohai Gao Yu Stop playing, Lao Feng. Old Phoenix goes down Go down It was his first meeting. Department of Finance First time You don’t remember me anymore Adverb It turns out you are the adverb. Gao Yu, why didn’t you tell me earlier? Your roommate is Fu Ciyu In my eyes, Lao Fu is just an ordinary man. And they are all brothers Who knew you would react so strongly? Ordinary, do you know Your ordinary friend It is so famous that everyone in Kyoto University knows it. Everyone knows You said so, right? Zhizhi Yes, I have heard of it. Yeah, how could I not have heard of it? He is the heir of the top wealthy family in Beijing. Wandering around I haven’t had a girlfriend for more than a month. And I was just a high school classmate he never remembered Come here Well, I will take advantage of our teacher Gao today. Add Master Fu as a friend Come It feels so good. They say you accept everyone who comes. Now I understand it. Why do you like me? It’s okay if you want to do something bad to me Um Forget it. A scumbag like you It’s obvious that I can’t handle it. If you really want to find a boyfriend, you have to find our teacher Gao. This one looks gentle Haha, classmate, do you want to add me as a friend? I will teach you He really doesn’t remember me at all. Stop playing, let’s have a drink together. cheers Squeak Um, what are you looking at? Um, nothing. Mysterious Let’s continue playing 152020 This is too embarrassing. Does he think I’m beautiful? 1525 What’s wrong, scholar? Thanks The adverbs don’t seem to be as rumored. Being mean and cold to others Even a little careful I need to go to the toilet Lower limbs Really useless Even the other party doesn’t even remember who you are. Your heart can be so messed up We agreed to forget him, forget him Can’t forget Da da da Why are you so anxious to cast a spell? Send me a good girl I’m not I don’t have It’s okay, I’m kidding. I know If a girl like me really pursues her Will she find it annoying? There’s something on my face Have we met somewhere? Looks familiar Class 3, Grade 2, Yuncheng Middle School We were classmates for a while. Is that you? That’s amazing Admitted to Kyoto University Why did you pretend not to know me before? My high school classmate is just so unpresentable, isn’t he? Um You are so famous So many friends I’m afraid you don’t know me I actually Hello Honey Hey, squeak Why did you come just now? Didn’t you just go to the toilet? I almost thought you fell into the toilet Aren’t you afraid that I will be bullied by him? Aren’t I here? Well, it’s good to be back Hey, Fu Siyu just went to the bathroom Did you see him? Saw it His ex-girlfriend kept calling me. You have to ask me where he is. Why is his ex-girlfriend calling you? This has nothing to do with me. This woman is not giving up on me He knows that I never take love seriously. He broke up You still have to pester me like a lunatic Oh, yeah, I’m telling you. His ex-girlfriend is like a pendant all day long You have to hang on me Lao Fu Ah, you’re back. That who I’ve already told him Don’t come to me again. One month is one month. It will end in one month. Why is there a time limit for your relationship? Hey, he is like this Miss Ren confessed to him. He came up and said I’ll only talk for a month If Miss Ren can accept it, then we can talk. If you can’t accept it, forget it We are all willing Right? What a scumbag! You’ll have to be a snack later. Don’t date such a jerk of a boyfriend. How come you can’t even open the flower rope? Come After you finish your drink, I’ll take you back. Come cheers ah Gao Yuyang Hug That Lili I’ll buy you a glass of water. Not drunk Not drunk Not drunk Not drunk A blasting bead and a Kanana The day is coming soon I’ll get something else later. Bill, please Next move Reach out Love will eventually end Between fingers Thanks Have you returned to the dormitory? The road is a bit congested Send me a message when you are safely back in the dorm. good Hey Zhizhi Why do I feel like you’re a little absent-minded today? Is there? Maybe I’m a little tired. A good student like you. Good Girl I rarely play this late. Zhizhi, would you consider having a relationship? It feels like you have one hand You’ve wasted your face. I won’t consider these things for now. Too The one who can really be considered handsome in our school I can count them on one hand. Those are really handsome Bar It’s not good. Too simple Easy to be deceived Just like Fu Ciyu today Tell me seriously When you saw it today Do you feel the heartbeat? No How is it possible? No, that’s good. Don’t fall in love with Fu Ciyun That kind of person In the end you will only get hurt What I know But liking this kind of thing is never under control Flying into the flame is like an addiction All these years, just one look at him There’s no way to quit it anymore Hey uncle uncle Will I have enough money after school starts? Enough Your parents passed away early. We are your only relatives. If you don’t have enough money, tell me. Don’t be embarrassed Yeah, got it. Didn’t Sisi just have surgery? There are many places in the house where money is needed. And I have a scholarship. You can work part-time in the hospital The money is enough. The doctor said the operation was a success. Really That’s great Squeak, come and help me There are too many people ordering at this time. Oh ok My uncle is too busy with a movie. I have to hang up My friend, the coffee you grind is delicious. Hey, let’s add WeChat Let’s make friends Multiple friends Why right No how Don’t give water to acquaintances cannot But I can give you more ice Such a cold woman oh Your iced Americano is ready. Fu Ziyu Do you know that Nana has been crying for several days? You didn’t even say a word Why do you say you can talk? You say divide, then divide. I’ve made it very clear to her. A month is a month He agreed No, you must give Nana an explanation today. Nana likes you so much Don’t you have any feelings towards her at all? No, and I don’t have a crush on you. So take your eyes off Can’t hide Are you kidding me? How could I possibly like a scumbag like you? Then stay away from scum like me. Nana always spoils you Squeak What are you looking at? stop Turn around Treat him well Don’t mess with me I can make it impossible for you to continue studying at Beijing University. He’s standing up for me. I don’t want to say the third sentence sorry Fu Ciyu I hate you No way, when you are famous, you will be surrounded by gossips No coffee to drink It rhymes. Can I take leave now? ah I’ll help you put on new clothes. No need for me to go back and wash it myself You are not afraid of catching a cold Xiao Chen has some old clothes here. I’ll change his in a minute. So when do you get off work? Didn’t I say that? good He’s not going to wait for me. Summer Tea, calm down. How could he wait for you? Do you have anything else to do? Go back and wait for you to rest Then I’ll take you to buy new clothes at noon. Oh ok Oh my god, why did I agree to this? Zhizhi, what’s the relationship between that handsome guy just now and you? Is he your boyfriend? Without us, we are just friends I’ll go change my clothes first We should be considered friends, right? Welcome Mr. Fu, you are here. This one, this one, this one No other Give it to him to try. OK No, I don’t need so much. Try first and then This one looks good This is too expensive. Or this one? Wrap it up I can afford this myself. You really are Others are just following suit Want to get something from me You have to settle accounts with me Like I cheated you Are you afraid of me? Otherwise why don’t you dare look into my eyes I’m just not used to looking people in the eye when I speak real Of course not I just put the thoughts hidden deep in my heart There’s no place to hide in front of you Hey, Zhizhi, you’re back, baby. Then I’ll hang up first. baby You two are together So fast This is fast. We have been chatting for more than two months. I think it’s slow. Now it’s all fast food love Ah, that one that Which girl did Fu Ciyu fall in love with on the first day? We can be together the next day Hey, you went out to buy new clothes You finally dress up nicely. This brand is valuable. Just like you are so beautiful It’s a pity not to dress up properly. The clothes are dirty I just bought one The waiter seemed to have made a mistake. This vest I gave you is very beautiful The tag has been cut Throw away the ticket If you can’t return it, don’t tell me you owe me anything. I don’t want it anymore Still want to withdraw you do not know What’s wrong Which little girl is Mr. Fu chatting with? What little sister? Fu Shao threw one up After that, there was no new filial son for a long time. Are you tired of playing? Then why don’t you consider me Oh, Sister Xin Please bear with it. If Fu Chao has you in his heart I’ve been thinking about you. Don’t even think about it. Brothers, don’t take it. I drive a little slow The holiday park newly invested by Lao Gao and my family is open for business Do you want to take your girlfriend out? Bring her bestie along Go go go Gao Yang will ask me out tomorrow Go to the newly developed theme park in Chengdu Are you going? I won’t go. Why should I go if you two are dating? And they said the ticket was expensive. It is said to be very lively And Fu Siyu also went I don’t want him to be a light bulb and steal my husband Just accompany me. Okay, just help me. Um People always seem to be so greedy To a long-lost person I originally thought that just meeting once would be enough. I saw it but thought Okay, I’ll go with you. but Can you help me put on some nice makeup tomorrow? You finally let me put on your makeup rest assured Tomorrow is on me. In the garden Dig, dig, dig away Um Wow, I see you. I really don’t know how to say that my makeup skills are too good. Is it because you are too tall or you are too good looking? Am I good looking? Beautiful bubbling I, a woman, can’t bear it anymore. Let’s go. Hey, why did you come so early today? Ah, why did you come just now? Show you this one Today is nice, isn’t it? I put makeup on him This one Hey, what are you squeaking about? This is just my girlfriend You are bold nice He said it looks good Master Fu Don’t have any bad intentions towards our jade. I won’t let you harm him. Don’t talk nonsense. The master wouldn’t like someone like me. I think you are wrong. I think you are wrong. He said I was wrong. It’s you How could I harm a good girl? Otherwise, I’ll be beaten to death by you. You’re smart. Zhizhi is my little princess Stop yelling How cute you are, you are a little princess Her Royal Highness I will protect you It’s almost time Why don’t we go in and play first? Let’s go My Princess My Princess Go Go Go Why Please help me get the bag, thank you. Wow I want to play this Zhizhi, let’s play this, okay? What’s wrong Your princess is scared. I don’t dare to do it. Well, forget it. If you don’t dare to play this time, we won’t play. Just playing something else Yeah, I can really If you can’t stand this, then don’t try to be tough. Who do you look down on? You follow me first Why Let’s sit together. Why Together we Everything becomes fresh I want to lean on your shoulder What’s wrong Too close Oh nothing My princess can let go of God’s hand Are you okay? I You drink some water So exciting I still want to play Hey, don’t run Hey hey hey hey You come back I just like you Do you want to see it again? Or do you want to touch it? You usually Xia Zhicha, you really wronged me Usually there are many people who want to touch it, but I never let them succeed. I, I, I believe it You’ve had so many girlfriends. The seductive method is so obvious How could I not have done those virtual things? Zhizhi, there are still many fun things to do after crossing the bridge Let’s go together Let’s go No, no, no I was scared to death when I played the pirate ship just now Yeah, damn Dragon fruit fried potatoes New Canteen Products I won’t eat anything that tastes bad. But I must try it if it tastes so bad. Do you want to go? I don’t really want to ready to go Hello, teacher. Why What are you I can’t eat it, so you eat it They are boring. Doing this kind of thing I don’t eat cheese. Look at this I really admire them. Bad things are waiting Hasn’t it been like this in recent years? At the beginning of the school term, several senior students went up to look for the father and son? They are now seniors. The most likely one is this It’s also our Meilan’s name is Tongtong This is the gentleman Are you guilty? It happened to be a father and son trip And he hasn’t made it yet. She publicly stated that she came here because of her husband’s gift. To chase him It turns out that Fu Ciyu likes this type of But I’ll go get some food first. Everyone knows that Fu Ciyu likes Mei Yan This face figure Kim Dae-lai But I came to Jinda University because of Fu Ciyu. Still looking at these? I’m not a demon So you just happened to click into my gossip Lingling was reading the gossip post just now I followed and watched some You’re so interested in me. Click it again and read it again I’d rather tell you myself. Xia Zicha I have no intention of falling in love recently Don’t get involved with that bunch of boring people. Very boring Is he explaining this to me? oh Does that mean My friendship with him Can last longer Longer Where are Li and his people? Zhizhibao, Gao Yuyang and I have something to discuss. Let Fu Ziyi take you to play first. He said he had something urgent to deal with. Nothing will happen, right? Want to know where he went? I’ll take you there after dinner. That doesn’t seem to be Lili. They really aren’t They are Why don’t we go first? Kiss me What are you shy about? Gao Yang is watching Don’t go out yet Did you know they were here? Have you never kissed? Eavesdropping Why are you so shy? There’s really no result. Wow, Gao Yuyang’s kissing skills are terrible. Look at that mouth, it’s like a cupping jar. He can get the result You talk about love so calmly I didn’t check my phone just now I’ll come find you right away let’s go Wait a moment This is all for you Just consider it as a thank you gift for the clothes you gave me It’s pretty nice. Thank you Ha, the master kicked me out. Come to your place for refuge Sleep here tonight Yeah You don’t wonder what I did. Not the same old three I’m talking to you This time it’s really not me who offended your stepmother The old man is in the police station near me. Why did you mess with him? I can’t stand it The old man and I will go to your house for tea As soon as I walked in, he was there, not posing. Like an old witch And her daughter. Follow suit I didn’t learn well when I was young. Use that foot to make a ham I couldn’t help but say a few words Hi, seriously. Your dad is really You are the only one who loves me My son is sending you to Yuncheng again. I’m making trouble again so you don’t go home Why won’t anyone inherit the family? Your father is not planning to give the family business to the old witch. The baby in the belly Um I then you don’t even if they want to rob This is my fate. Oh, let’s not talk about this bad thing. Did you go to the park today? Are you dating your girl? The photos are out. You see, they are quite a good match. Where did you get this photo? Your school forum Who is this girl? Could it be that A freshman campus beauty Hey, the photos are quite a good match. Didn’t you ask someone to delete this post? He is rather thin-skinned. When did you become so interested in a girl? There is a situation Don’t say this girl is too pure. I didn’t plan to touch Ha, why are you wearing such a cute bracelet? This girl sent it You’re the only one who talks too much Zhizhi The inspection schedule is out. Are there any students who like Teacher Yang Zhi’s course? I want to take you with me too Together Let’s have lunch together after class. Eat together Just the two of us good It’s going to rain. Summer Tea It’s you Why are you here? I’m a tutor in the community in front. Oh, I have a house. Which building are you in? Building 13 Damn it. I’m going to be late. Just on the way Let’s run over there together. It’s raining so hard. It’s not convenient. Walk You have to go to class. Go back to class. I’ll just run a few steps. Thank you Xiao Zhicheng Um See you tomorrow Waiting for online classes Have lunch together When do you arrive in the classroom? ah The drop-off area Liu Mingzhe Why don’t you call me senior? Every time you see me you hide from me So sad I already told you that. I won’t bother you anymore. Why don’t you believe it? Hahaha Senior, I beg you I beg you Please let me go. You cry Hahaha Hahahahahahaha who It turned out to be Zhizhi, a school girl. Don’t come over here Come back and call the police. Who are you afraid of when you are not in Qingdao? Ahhh ah You hid from me for half a year I didn’t expect to meet you here today. Do you have classes here every week? What does it have to do with you? How come it has nothing to do with me? After all, I am also your pursuer. I can’t have a good chat today. Then let’s meet next time. Good get out of class. Haven’t you replied to the message yet? Do you want to make a phone call? Forget about the workplace Sober Up I should be content to see him. Stop being greedy Feel sorry Only if you have a fever I may not be able to date her today. Having a fever Are you in the dormitory? Is there any medicine? I’ll get you some medicine. I was just at the drugstore. I’ve bought the medicine. You are here I I just want to see if you have a fever. Then you try it Burn so severely I’ll get you some hot water. alright Did the teacher call my name? without Well, didn’t you go home yesterday? I drank too late yesterday I just found a hotel to stay in. Do you have anything to say to me? Did you catch a cold because I was given clothes to soak in the rain It’s fine Minor cold You can’t smoke when you have a fever Will you hate me? Listen to you Don’t take it too far I didn’t expect him to actually listen to me. Came to the hospital for an injection Fu Nanhai What qualifications do you have to threaten me with my mother? Didn’t hurt you Do you want to go back? I feel a little uncomfortable Osmanthus I have imagined many kinds of reunions with Fu Ciyu I also imagined that there were many stories between him and me. But I don’t have the courage to say it My heart is only 5 kilometers away from you This is the closest I’ve been to you. Can you hear what I’m saying? Are you feeling better? It hurts so much that I have to go back It’s too late. The dormitory has to be closed. Then I’ll take you back. Need not I forgot to bring something. Fu Ciyu See you tomorrow I’ve become bolder. How can I be so stupid? I can’t even comfort people. Next time, run slower. Because we can meet again I seem to be looking forward to it. Every tomorrow These are my notes from yesterday’s class. You work really hard. Worthy of being a primary school bully Hello, students Today we will talk about the tragic theory of attention. Why Not good looking You’re cute. Look what you two are fighting about. What are you arguing about? You two What did I just say? Please ask this male student to leave Please answer this male student Nietzsche’s Theory of Tragedy Seen mainly in Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy Nietzsche expounded many ideas in this article. Good answer. Sit down. This subject Tragedy Theory I didn’t even hear the question. So what did you just ask? I didn’t listen either. He finished answering I think he’s so handsome. Wearing a mask can make you look handsome What if there’s an ugly person under the mask? Oh, what do you know? Look at his girlfriend, she’s so beautiful. How could it be ugly? A handsome man and a beautiful woman It’s so sweet It’s so sweet Why did the teacher stop me? I’m going to keep knocking. That’s all for today’s class. These two students Stay and do the cleaning in the classroom. Looks like we have to stay a little longer. Then I’ll wash the rag. What a coincidence! We meet again. I didn’t expect this next one. You little white rabbit hit your boyfriend again No wonder you resist me so much. Doesn’t your boyfriend with the rolling eyes know this? I saw that. Live long enough Well, if I want to punish him Will you be sad? Ah, will he send you to me directly? Ah hey You are the pretty boy boyfriend who was careless. I tell you He has been slept with by someone else. Look at youth harmless But it’s actually a bus. Don’t be fooled by him. I don’t You are confused and say If not what That goodbye Yeah, bye. I have to go over there and take the car What car to ride? Take my car Mingzhe’s things You don’t want me to believe it You get so shy when you see other people kissing How many can we talk about? Will you be punished for beating him like that? What is my name? Fu Ciyu Yes, my name is Fu Ciyu Do you think there will be What’s up? It is the top name in Beijing without any additional This alone is enough for him to harmonize everything Do you have the time to care about him? Why not care about me first? Ouch, my foot hurts a little Um, are you okay? Click Window Across the street Hope Hey, squeak Have you heard Liu Mingzhe who has been harassing you before I was beaten and hospitalized. It’s so serious Yes, I heard that he rolled down the stairs. Three ribs are broken. I can’t imagine how painful it is. He’s this kind of person. Evildoers will be punished. I guess some big shot did it. Even Mingzhe himself doesn’t dare to say Hey, Zhizhi, um Where is that handsome guy who kept coming to see you? Why didn’t you come today? How are you two progressing now? We are just friends. I don’t believe it What do you say? You have a new order, please process it in time Yeah, come alive I won’t tell you yet. Please Packing things Confession special effects props flowers You must choose the two most beautiful ones. Hey, someone comes to buy this confession flower again Still confessing? Um Why don’t you give this to that handsome guy? Hint hint to him Don’t talk nonsense haha Is it number 89? Yes I’m going out to sing karaoke at night. Come back later Hold the door for me There is also a fun Little princess birthday party The elders will also speak Our little princess carefully prepared to go to the White House The two looked at each other affectionately before they successfully held hands. I’m too clear Well, I can only say that 70 is a good match. This cup of coffee It can no longer be said that they are a perfect match. I think they are the best match among father and son and sharp girlfriend. They weren’t the ones who went to the park with me last time, were they? The back looks like I’ll go home first How about it? Aren’t they a good match? not at all Who is that person? So handsome, don’t you know him? Fu Ciyu, Mr. Fu I go Mr. Fu actually took the same elective as us. How come I don’t know anything about this class? Really crazy handsome Oh my god I heard you can add WeChat? Excuse me I don’t think he’s as good as that lady last week. Her boyfriend is handsome Oh, that’s right. What about the mask guy? Why didn’t you come? Oh, I really didn’t come. What a pity! I also want to compare Who has a better figure, Mask Brother or Master Fu? Um Classes Can I add you on WeChat? Go aside The couple always wanted to change the place to sit and check What on earth are you thinking about? So many girls like it Who do I bring? Can you add me on WeChat? I’m sorry. No cell phone Is it because there are too many people? He wants to hide from me What’s going on? You’ve been distracted all day today. Like a broken heart Um, no. I’m just too tired recently. Where is the broken heart? Special together Hello, welcome I want an iced Americano This is Tongtong who confessed to Fu Ciyu that day New friend given by Fu Fu Ziyu will be off duty later Are you really going to bring him coffee? yes Go meet him? Our Tongtong personally delivers coffee to people Fu Ziyu must not be fascinated Yes, yes, yes, by then you must take away Fu Ziyu’s heart. Caught tightly. That’s right. Okay. He seems to be really with Fu Ziyu What do you want to drink? I won’t drink it. Hello your coffee go go go But it was that equally dazzling girl Isn’t he being protected by Fu Siyu? Why are you still making coffee here? What nonsense Didn’t he get tired of you and dumped you? ah Little bitch I’m relying on you to pull me back this time. Didn’t expect that? Someone dumped you. But it doesn’t matter Junior high school girl, you still have me Let’s go and have some fun with my brother. It would have been nice if you had listened earlier. Follow me to the hotel You fuck Why are you still hiding from me? No, I’m not hiding from you. Okay, no hiding. Avoid me in class Pretend to sleep after class Now you see me hiding from me Xia Zhiqiang, are you kidding me? Give me an explanation Did you tell me Stay away from you consciously Why are you still blaming me? Why are you still feeling wronged? You’re hiding from me I didn’t say anything. You don’t give me an explanation There must be a process for confessing guilt and accepting punishment. You have a girlfriend Jealous No I just think if you have a girlfriend You should keep your distance from other girls. We can’t be like before. My girlfriend will be jealous Because in your eyes These are just normal interactions with the environment You are considerate of others. Summer Solstice Spring so This is why you’ve been avoiding me this week Right Tongtong and I are not together He confessed to me I like you Enough of being rejected by me It was too noisy. No one heard I’ve made it clear to him. He was explaining this to me. Hear a rumor and convict me I feel wronged too. sorry Then will you hide again? OK I forgive you. Take you back to the dormitory Why are you hiding from me? no after If you get a girlfriend in the future, can you tell me? Why are you trying to distance yourself from me again? Um good Because we have such a good relationship. I will talk less about love in the future Yes, friendship We are just friends Absolutely, absolutely can’t leave The signal you gave me Hello, is this summer tea? What’s wrong with me? It is like this Jiang Linlin is drunk here. I might need you to pick it up. Drink and keep drinking We want to send her too. But she wants you to come Okay, I’ll be right there. That should be it. Why is there no sound? Little beauty, come in and play Wow The old man is so accurate None entered Open up hey hey I secretly practiced last night. Open Go and pay Fu Ziyu I’m afraid What are you doing? Saving people. Save people It seems that Lao Fu is going to fall into the hands of the girl this time. Keep coming. You stinky bitch, I’ll see where you can hide Don’t come over here Damn, you dare to resist I dare to leave I’m going to kill you here today. Let me show you how to be a chastity face No no don’t want Uncle Wang Uncle Wang Someone instructed me Let me take him upstairs to the hotel Then Please, let me go. Never again I was wrong. I won’t do it again. Not You Who supports you? Say yes It’s Luo Mingzhe It’s okay, don’t be afraid I cried like a little cat I’ll take care of the rest. I don’t want this tone either. I’ll take you to deal with him. Oh oh oh That Xia guy is really easy to deceive I thought I would doubt something. I didn’t expect that he believed everything from a recording. I said that this kind of simple and obedient girl is the easiest to get started with. I don’t know if it’s done there. Brother Liu will be able to do it later hahaha Come I wish our Brother Liu great success Avenge the previous shame Hahahaha I’ll let you go tonight You know how fucking awesome I am, hahahaha Go to the side Have a good chat with my sister at least You have plenty of time at night. You accompany me now Is it you who is responsible for Liu Mingzhe’s today’s matter? Yes, you dare to come here now that you know everything. Then we will Dare to hit me You’re so proud of yourself for killing me last time, right? Ah, bitch I should have found a few more people to block you. Let you make my brother happy first Is it moving? You dare to hit me Do you know whose territory this is? Whose territory? Say it again. Why is it Fu Siyu? Didn’t he dump Xiao Zhicheng? me me me I didn’t say anything Yang Mingcheng All you just said I recorded all the conversations on my phone. I will hand it over to the school right away. Hey, Deputy that Because you beat me so badly last time. This matter Can we just pretend nothing happened? Just finished So unreasonable Just come and sit there for a breath. I’ll give you a reward if you play well. Thank you today You are injured Just a minor injury Are you okay? Just said this You wait here obediently. Ouch If my hand is broken You can take care of me later oops What’s wrong Why are you crying? I’m teasing you These are other people’s shoes. Ouch This is okay with me. sorry Why do you always say sorry to me? Treat me as an outsider I didn’t treat you as an outsider. I just Just what I took you too seriously. I don’t want you to get hurt with me. Xia Zhicha I give words I will never meddle in other people’s affairs for no reason. I saved you because you deserve it. I’m willing to take care of your affairs Hello Zhizhi, why are you calling me? My phone ran out of battery. My brother is fine now. That’s fine. When will you be back? The dormitory will close in 5 minutes. Are you downstairs now? Help me drag it. Dormitory Auntie I’ll be back right now It’s probably too late to go back now. or You go to my house first. Ladies slippers Does he often come back with girls? No one has worn the new one. oh Do you often bring girls home? How is it possible? I never bring anyone back. You are the first Sit anywhere Where have you been? I stayed at a friend’s house OK Then remember to come back tomorrow afternoon to take the exam. By the way, where are your notes from that class? I’m going to read by lamplight at night A last minute cram You open the second drawer on my left Then there is a folder inside. Can’t let Liu Yi hear it Otherwise he will definitely misunderstand Ah, I misheard half of it. Why are you withdrawing? I just said it wrong. Am I banned from the workplace? Yeah, sure. Which color do you like? So nervous Do you want to sleep with me? We’ve known each other for so long. Just a joke, my face is so red I wanted you to relax. I didn’t expect to be more nervous now. But this joke is really Anyway, don’t make such jokes again. Why No reason Should I tell you that I have dreamed about this many times? Okay, I’ll go back to my room and sleep. Call me anytime if you need anything Good night to the theater You did this yourself. Yeah, otherwise what do you think? How did I survive all these years? one person What are your qualifications? Threaten me with my mom He was born in such a prominent family. But he doesn’t seem happy. I’m almost at the school gate. Do you want to come out and pick me up? I’m sorry. I have something urgent to do and I have to leave first. I’ll take you there. Ah, no, no, no He met another boy. sister I miss you so much Let me see, taller and thinner. I’ll take it for you. No need, sister The doctor said I’m almost recovered. My body is not as weak as before. And my parents were relieved to let me come here alone Good boy Grow up and walk Thirst? I’ll take you to buy some water. Hey, good to go Thanks Fu Siyu There are too many people. Don’t do this What do you want to eat? Who is the man waiting for you outside? That’s my brother. Chang Mingsui My younger brother is also from Kyoto University Um He took a half-year break due to illness. What happened? Just ask oh Fu Ziyu Fu Ziyu Did you hear what I said? I’ve already done this, and you’re still not going to agree to me? OK I spread the rumor. But they all say you are my man Friends, if you don’t agree to me How embarrassing for me. Sister, are you in love? What nonsense are you talking about? I saw it all You are so close to that guy, please tell me What’s your relationship? That is to say My interactions with Fu Siyu just now were all seen We are just friends friend He did that just now because he saw that I was close to you. Is he jealous? No, he’s not that kind of person. oh That’s you like him. Hey, stop talking nonsense. I guessed it right, didn’t I? I tell you sister Believe me, you two will be together sooner or later The way that man looks at you is clearly possessive. Tang Misui, what do you know as a little brat? Don’t talk nonsense How could the master like someone like me? Timid and sensitive And always cause trouble for him no problem You just spread another rumor. Say we broke up You dumped me I dumped you You can say whatever you want. Adverbs are not acceptable Can’t we just let the mistake go? You know it’s a mistake. If you know, stop bothering me. Don’t worry, unless you are really in love Or talking about someone prettier than me Otherwise I won’t give up chasing you Stop being so conceited There are really people prettier than you. How did I become like this? I don’t know if I’ve used it. Liu Mingzhe was expelled from school Looks like I’m going to jail. This kind of person really dare not You are allergic ah without This is what I made up. I don’t think it looks like actually This is a little bit of emotion between me and Gao Yang. We’re all adults. You will know when you fall in love. snort snort You are too innocent. Oh, this I’ll take you to the bar tonight. There are many handsome guys there See the world Don’t be shy Don’t reject me Don’t reject us Yeah, okay Wait for me, I’ll clean up. immediately This is a low alcohol drink so you won’t get drunk easily. You try it first Um Zeze, do you want to play with me? Zeze Let’s play for a while If you two dare to touch this fruit plate Be careful, I’ll call the police. cut Can’t afford to click If you can’t afford it, don’t come out Are you sick? See more of this Later She’s charming to men. They just want to steal our fruit bowl You mustn’t be deceived. Did you hear that? People like you who hang out in the early morning are the most likely to attract scumbags Don’t be too naive I was accidentally kidnapped. Don’t worry I won’t The one dancing looks like Gao Yuyang Ah, I’ll go check it out. I guess you didn’t find me. Fang Tianyu Brother Fu, you are too cold-blooded. People secretly The little princess came here especially for you today. That’s right People are devoted to you Not to mention rewards. Kiss one kiss one Kiss one kiss one Kiss one kiss one Kiss you I’ll switch places with him. I’m not feeling well. People Tongtong I’m sorry, Brother Fu, let me change your seat. This is not very nice to the girl. ah Hahahaha I didn’t say anything Haha Let’s play truth or dare This is me, a girl I’ll go first. Truth or Dare Big Adventure The mission of the adventure is Kiss the girl closest to you Hahahaha My girlfriend can’t kiss me Then I’ll give up my position. Oops, I’m willing to admit defeat Excuse me My girlfriend will be angry girlfriend Hey, brother Fu, when did you get a new girlfriend? How come we don’t know? Just talked about Oh, forget it, forget it. Let’s scrap this game. Fu Ziyu, when did you get a girlfriend? Just talked about Your girlfriend isn’t here either. A kiss is no big deal. She doesn’t know anyway. The chorus is so loud Such a little joke I won’t be able to play it. Don’t excite me Fu Ziyu, what are you doing? how I went to kiss my girlfriend You wanna see it? What This rich guy’s girlfriend is also here Where is it? Didn’t see lady I was drinking with him two days ago I didn’t hear him mention it. Which of his previous ones didn’t cause a lot of trouble? Why is there no sound this time? Isn’t Tongtong that? you Hey, look at you How can you humiliate others in front of others? Let’s do this Oh no, no more. Why My little sister is alone Add a friend I I am not alone I’m going to find my friend That’s perfect. Take me too I also want to meet a girlfriend It’s fun to play with more people I’m sorry. Not very convenient So If you add me as a friend, I won’t bother you anymore, okay? OK How dare you hit on my girlfriend? Hey, Mr. Mo, she is your girlfriend. Oh, misunderstanding, misunderstanding I’m leaving first I’m leaving first What happened? You drank too much. If not, drink a little. I’m drunk like this after just a little drink. Come on, I’ll take you for a ride on the terrace. I see you seldom come to bars. Yes, I came with Lily. How much did you drink? Make yourself like this Well, I didn’t drink much. I just drank a little bit I just drank a little bit Yeah I wonder if you dare to drink again in the future I won’t dare to do it again. Come on, I’ll help you sober up Have you seen enough? What does it mean? That was Tongtong. We lost the game of truth or dare Brothers, I must kiss him I don’t want to Said I came out to kiss my girlfriend and left So that’s how it is This Tongtong didn’t seem to believe it, so she followed me. He just did it for others to see. I’m going back first Sisi, please let me go They all already know I have a girlfriend They know about me What’s up? Xia Zhiqiang, do you want to date me? Let’s try What he said What’s the matter? What do you say? I asked if you wanted to date me Don’t confess to me Is this also part of the game? I I But It seems that I didn’t perform well enough. This is the first time someone asked me about Qixi Festival We are all so familiar with each other That’ll take longer. How about three people? It turns out it’s just a game Is it possible to be friends? May I Drink this tea Don’t be careless Maybe it is useful to have it for a short time. Just think of it as knitting for your own bravery You go to the toilet Did you meet some extremely handsome guy who confessed his love to you? Why did you take so long? I I just feel it’s too stuffy in there. Get some fresh air It’s OK as long as it’s not cold enough Would you like anything else to drink? No, no, no It’s getting late. Let’s go back to the dormitory early. Yeah, go. Song Dynasty Words Hey, Lao Fu, you’re here for a romantic encounter Can we not make our relationship public? Do it quietly I’m satisfied after 3 months. good I promise you Affair Of course it was a romantic encounter Okay then I won’t bother you anymore Next time when Lao Gao is free, let’s have dinner together. Gone first good Fu Ge I came back from kissing my girlfriend. Hahaha Rich, you don’t know The Tongtong from before came over with clattering footsteps. I took a bag and went out. That expression is so fierce What is he? What does it have to do with me? Fu Ge Uh, this is Is my sister-in-law still here? Can you give it to me? Let the brothers see Then He is thin-skinned Brother Fu is afraid that we will scare him into drinking too much. Don’t worry, Brother Fu We two brothers will definitely be gentle and kind. It definitely won’t scare him. Um Are you all at the bar or something? Pure gold little white rabbit Hahaha, open your eyes, brothers. I really want to see it WTF Quick, quick, quick View Moments Officially announced Fugo WTF Really? Why Then our rich brother is in trouble. Hahaha I rely on Summer’s Departure He found a girlfriend again. This is the first time he shared his girlfriend on WeChat Moments How did he take out my photo? Will I be recognized? but Why do I always feel that Fu Ciyu’s new girlfriend’s back Looks so familiar I’ll call my brother and ask How did you post that photo? Hello Have you returned to the dormitory? Already returned That beard, um I don’t want to make it public I know this isn’t public. But someone just questioned me It’s a lie that I have a girlfriend How can I prove that I have a boyfriend if I don’t post something? Xia Zhizhang, you know you can be my girlfriend Need something more done? have no idea Holding hands, of course. Hug and kiss what else Guess what better version of me never waiting cause i know that you’ll always make it What I want to say is that I still feel at ease being spoiled by you What are you thinking about? Nothing Just want to remind Xia Zhicha You have a boyfriend now But I don’t know what you said. I’ll teach you starting from tomorrow’s date. Eat first OK, where to eat? Fu Siyu You look at my left hand What did you call me? Fu Siyu Should be called boyfriend Or a more intimate name I don’t want to leave Boy friend Don’t ask where this is. What if you are kidnapped? alright I won’t lie, you’re so cute How can I bear to sell you? Grandma Han Oh, little rain, little rain You came so early today. It just so happens that your Grandpa Yu is preparing the dishes. This is Grandma Han Grandma, this is my girlfriend Xia Zhicha My girlfriend’s grandma is so beautiful Such a cute little girl and We have a little rain Deserve it, hahaha Old Old Hey Come here Don’t wash the vegetables yet. Xiaoyu brought his girlfriend here Good good good Girl It’s your Grandpa Yu. Grandpa Yu, hahaha Grandpa, this is my girlfriend. Her name is Xia Zhicha Want to drink tea oops He is Xiaoyu’s girlfriend, hahahaha The brat finally decided to bring his girlfriend home Hahaha good Come on, let’s eat. Have a meal Drink tea again Wow It smells so good Hey, come on, come on Eat eat eat eat eat You are lucky. Grandpa is the chef king of Beijing What about after retirement? Only one table per day Many dignitaries can’t even get enough to eat Grandpa and grandma Girl, please don’t be so shy. Actually It’s not as weird as this brat said. Look at you kid Looking for a fight I know I’m wrong Fu Ciyu is at odds with his biological father It’s more like a family with them. Girl, are you feeling uncomfortable? No Hey, your tea Ha ha Zhizhi What kind of person do you think Xiaoyu is? They can’t hear it over there. Do you think he has a bad temper? Difficult to get along with No grandma I think my aunt is a very good person Yeah, what a good kid. In fact, Xiaoyu has had a very hard time these years. After his mother died His father left him alone in Cloud City What a sunny child I was. But after coming back Became another person Don’t look at him, there are always some girls around him But he never messes around. You are the first girl he brought back. It turns out that from that time on Is he already that unhappy? Zhizhi, you said so much. Actually, Grandma Han just hopes that you Can you accompany him on this journey? Don’t worry, Grandma Han I will always be with Ayu But my relationship with Fu Ciyu The relationship was only 3 months Good Kids Good Kids What did Grandma An talk to you about? There’s nothing about you Um, did you say something bad about me? No fine Anyway, those things in my family are not a secret. Although many people say that Fu Ciyu is very bad A merciless person But he didn’t talk about treatment That’s enough What are you thinking about? Walk so slowly What Hello hello Can you please leave me your contact information? This is your sister, right? Looks so cute I am his girlfriend It doesn’t look like it. My sister looks so small Why are you attracted to my girlfriend? She is my go Good I just learned how to claim sovereignty. My girlfriend is jealous I don’t understand what you are saying I don’t understand what you are saying Then I will swear more sovereignty in the future I want more trouble Ah, where are you from? So cute You catch him more often when you go to the toilet Such a cute puppy But why only half? So cute How could he be left alone? This way they can be together, like? How did you come here? I just saw a divorce. But it seems not to be him I thought you were stealing me by bringing me here. Kiss me Too early We’ve only been dating for one day It’s too early anyway. OK Lower limb tea There’s something wrong with you Tell me seriously Are you secretly dating behind my back? How do you know huh? Look at you, a young girl in love I didn’t know it yet. Blast you I didn’t expect that I guessed it right. Which handsome boy is this? I don’t know Let me guess It’s not from our class. Oh, I’m going to wash up first. You haven’t told me yet, right? Sooner or later I’ll know Is it that obvious? I’m here. I have to go up. Don’t hold me before leaving I seem to have started to get used to Fu Siyu A feeling of getting closer See you tomorrow baby That’s right The day after tomorrow there will be a basketball game between our school and our school Gao Yuyang is going to play I have to go. Do you want to go with me? Okay, I’ll go with you. Lao Gao, I will take Zhi Zhibao with me tomorrow Cheer for you Can’t think about it anymore But he called me baby Borrow it for a moment Why are there so many people? These women are like they have never seen a handsome guy Fu Ciyu Oh, yes, a team member twisted his ankle yesterday. Then find someone to replace I didn’t expect Fu Ciyu to agree. Now, as soon as they heard the news, they all came this time 80% of the girls here come here to see her So that’s it Wang Yiyang is so handsome Wow Wang Yiyang is so handsome ah Oh, Wang Yiyang, Wang Yiyang I will be the first one to deliver water to Zhang Yao later. Hey, normal It was like this before Who is Fu Siyu? I just don’t know how to say no Every time I see someone I like, I just take their water. It is said that Some girls were taken away from their water Just pretend to be my girlfriend Actually, Fu Siyu I don’t even know who that person is. I’m leaving first Saw a few goblins I can’t get close to our old Taoist priest anymore. Zhang Yuyang Then he can take anyone else’s Hand Hiding from me again? Or did you deliberately invite me here? Want to date me You are a hooligan This is rogue If I do something more outrageous in the future The baby just can’t stand it Or I can’t do it. I think there were too many people just now Excuse me Okay, I’ll try harder from now on. Make yourself more capable Come Bao Mei Just left Must still be waiting for me Too many people brought me water just now I don’t have any medicine. I’m dying of thirst. Am I cute? cute and yours That’s right. I’ll take you home. Sir, come here quickly Something happened at the factory OK, I know. Why don’t you go and do your thing first? Post it ah What what what It’s a puppy. Then I’ll go first ah Um, what’s wrong? Tied hands Why did you suddenly want to knit a scarf? Why Isn’t it popular to knit scarves for boyfriends recently? I wanted to knit one for Gao Yang. I want him to wear it every day so he can feel a sense of accomplishment. Hey, do you want to knit one for your loved one? I bought a multi-line If you want to weave, take it from me. Would Fu Ciyu like this kind of thing? What color do you like? What happened to black? No random questions Hmm Lili Then I’ll just take two. Take it Um Lao Fu What are you looking at? Smirk here Why If a girl suddenly asks What color do you prefer What does it mean? I’m not you. You won’t really become love-brained, right? I think this is good. Why If a woman asked me this I’ll tell her I’m doing porn Porn Oh, no, no Don’t really say that. I’m not stupid. I know he’s preparing a gift for me. You know you asked me to show off Oh yeah Lao Fu I don’t think the old man can hold out for a few days. Your dad is worried about the swelling in your stepmother’s belly. Now I go to the hospital every day I want the old man to change his will. Although I know the inheritance is yours But I know I’ll go to the hospital to see the old man when I have time. I don’t know if he will like it. Baby Hey, Ayu Where are you? Oh, I’m in the hospital. You are sick How can I take care of my grandpa without him? Miss me yeah I miss you, Ayu It’s snowing. Can I come and see you? His family is sick. I’m going to find him now Is he in a bad mood? I really want to see you. Um When the first snow You should stay with the people you like. What happened to Ayuan? Today’s adverbs look so tiring. He’s afraid that I’ll worry. I think you don’t seem very happy. No It’s a bit tiring to take care of people in the hospital No unhappiness Ayu lowered his head. Last time I asked you what color you liked I want to give you this. This is what I knitted for Ayu. Maybe not as good looking as those big brands But it’s warm Then I’ll go first You need to take care of your body Let me be you The next time we meet Can I kiss you on the mouth? Just teasing you I won’t be in school during this period. Remember to think of me, baby What can Tongtong, are you still here? Because Su Zimin is feeling uncomfortable Don’t be sad You also know that he is a playboy. Still accepting everyone Maybe I got tired of that girl after a while. That’s right And he hasn’t revealed it yet. Who is that woman? I think it’s either too ugly to be presented. Or they’ve already broken up. It’s still pinned in the Moments If you don’t have any points, then you can’t show it off. Ah Cheng is an ugly guy Who knows? Even Fu Qiyu himself dislikes it. Yes, our little princess Zhu Yu is here. Which new girlfriend can compare to her? Anyway, I haven’t seen it in our school. Who are you Hello, I am sent by the calligraphy club. The performance arrangement this time Your dance studio is dancing in front The calligraphy club is writing in the back Why do I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere? I work part-time at the coffee shop at the school gate Maybe he looks familiar. The table is there I’m going to practice. Don’t bother me What happened to the calligraphy club? It doesn’t mean you need a background board. Find someone this good looking to steal the spotlight talk In the final analysis Our Tongtong is still the most beautiful I will definitely put pressure on her when the time comes. No problem That’s right. I’m going to put on makeup. Wait until I finish applying it before you do it. Zhizhi, when is your turn? I brought a camera today to record it for you. A beautiful straight shot not yet Waiting for the makeup artist to put on my makeup Xia Zhichen: We are short of makeup artists. I can’t draw it for you. Draw it yourself But I didn’t bring any makeup. What can we do? It’s just a word anyway It doesn’t matter whether you draw or not, the one writing at the back and you I am coming Luckily I brought my makeup with me. Otherwise, I don’t know if I can make it in time if I go back. I praised Tongtong for her beauty before. I didn’t expect that he was so annoying behind my back. I’ll come down and do your hair. Do you want a lighter makeup or a stage one? I think It’s better to be more gorgeous on stage With your personality, I would definitely choose something light. Lili, come as you like this time snort under Please enjoy the performances by the calligraphy club and the dance club Ink Oh my god Who is the girl writing behind Tongtong? Does anyone know her name? I go to our school When did such a pretty girl appear? Who knows? I feel like the girl behind The pretty ones all overwhelmed Tongtong. This is the beauty of our school. Li Yu You are the most beautiful Li Xin Li Zhibao Chen Zhibao, you are awesome Did you hear The audience is all praising you That Broken Tongtong The sound of cigarette teeth backfired and it really made me laugh to death I just took a lot of beautiful photos for you What do you think? Auntie, she’s still busy. So anxious No costume changes were made. Have you opened it and read it? I only read the note you gave me. Open it and see I know oh why are you laughing No I am very happy I’m very happy that you prepared this gift for me with so much care. Then you take it with you. Help me bring It doesn’t seem to be suitable Your head is a bit big Ayu Have you finished your work? Almost done Then you still My baby I’m sure for today’s show Come see He watched my show. Then I’ll send you a message Haven’t you had time to watch it yet? That’s why I didn’t reply Because I want to tell you in person My baby is the cutest little bunny Maybe it’s a little bear I eat rabbit. A Yuan Um Rival We agreed to kiss each other on the lips next time we meet Wenyuan I can’t breathe. You don’t think I’ve been in love a lot. I’ve kissed a lot of women, so you think I’m a scumbag. This is also my first kiss Mom, you’re not going back tomorrow. How should I say thank you for the compliment? Just kissed once Feeling more proficient It all seems like a dream Be more genuine sister My mother is the most skillful one. Let me bring it to you. Sister, won’t you come back with me during the holidays? I found a company for internship I’ll go back when the company has a holiday. Okay, then come back early. Otherwise, my parents would definitely complain to death. Don’t worry, I’ll call them when I get home tonight. Oh, okay. What’s wrong Well Wasn’t your last performance a hit? Then my roommate asked me He asked if he could get to know you. Help me to refuse. I guessed that I’ve already rejected it for you. I treat her as my roommate She also wants to be my brother-in-law No door Besides, even if you want to, I won’t. Sister, I’m going to class. Go ahead, bye. Our baby is so popular. How do you get down Come down and have a look Lest someone else take it away You just heard it. Um Know I rejected them all. Finished I was suddenly informed that I cannot stay in school during the winter vacation. I can only find a house in advance Otherwise sit down It’s not good to leave your house What are you thinking about? I’ll give you a house to live in. I’ll live somewhere else You have to remember to clean up How come you are here? Miss Tian is back! What to do I want a relative so far away Tie me up So that everyone knows that I have a lover. That’s my brother. Oh, it’s you. Well, I’m a bit busy now. I’ll take you up first. Good walk Are you Summer Tea? I know you two. Well, he is the new intern today. Then you take him with you. I’m leaving first Hey, ok sister Leave it to me My name is Liu Haojun I am your brother Changming’s roommate The one who asked for your WeChat before It’s you I was a little impulsive at the time Sorry to bother you But now that we are colleagues Otherwise, let’s get to know each other Yo You are the school beauty that Jin Dagang made famous, right? This is Mr. Zhao. Hello Mr. Zhao Since you are a new colleague I’ll be the one to receive you. What should you do? Oh well Hey Xiaoxia Today is my first day at work How do you feel? Very good, very good Lao Fu You really understand me You know I didn’t drive today. Okay, I’ll tell you. That’s the campus beauty from Kyoto University. Xiaoxia, we are leaving first. Let’s go Get off and take a taxi Why What do you mean? You’re not here to pick me up. Are you going to pick up her wife? Get on board Ah, sister-in-law, please Ah, it’s over, it’s over. Xia Zhixia is actually Fu Ziyu The Hiding Girlfriend Then I asked him for his contact information before, that would be the end of it. Hey Brother Tiger, I was just talking nonsense before You know Whenever I see a pretty girl, I think I have to say two words. I didn’t mean it. Sister-in-law, I’m sorry. You go Is there anyone? Master, I think about it. I still need to call you alone. I really have no interest in my sister-in-law. Know That requires me to say no to that team in advance. Need not You’re not going to make it public yet? Doesn’t he want to make it public? Oh, I have something else to remind you. The company has a new member An intern with my sister-in-law I heard it seems to be from Jin University It seems that I have some interest in my sister-in-law. Oh, I listened to their conversation. It seems that he is your brother’s roommate. Finished Almost done Did you stay to work overtime too? yes Not really I think you feel a bit lonely staying alone. Thinking of being with you Is there anything you don’t understand? I will teach you Go to the bar with me You don’t pick up your sister-in-law from get off work. So I am jealous. Go drink to drown your sorrows Xia, where do you live? I’ll send you off. No need. Too much trouble for you Xia Xuemei Don’t be polite to me. I’ll take you back I’m sorry, Senior. I have to pick up my boyfriend now Why I’m here, where are you? I drank too much I’m outside On the roadside downstairs Oh ok, I’ll be there soon good Fu Ciyu has always been a good drinker Why did you suddenly drink so much this time? Are you okay? Ah, never mind I’ll get in the car now. Hey, slow down. Be careful sit Ouch hot Very hot Oh, I can’t take it off. Open your eyes You put on your clothes and I’ll open my eyes Open your eyes first I didn’t wear those clothes. Have you ever eaten it? Then I’ll take this off too. Why I’m telling you, a drunk Oh, baby. Did you get a call from your boyfriend? Is it safe to get home now? Tell him I’ll pick you up right away. you You didn’t drink? Why are you pretending to be drunk? Can’t you see? I’m seducing you so Is the baby hooked? It seems that there is no I’m going to take a shower This is the treasure Please help me find which of these two looks better. Ah, what’s going on? It’s jewelry. The red one looks good on you. Okay, I’ll keep this. Well, is this the house you rented in Beijing? It seems pretty good Why is your mouth swollen? Um Was it kissed? And he must have just been kissed. It’s so late You man don’t Will it still be at your house? Or are we living together now? I didn’t That’s good. I was really scared just now. I’m afraid Your cousin is unreliable. It’s only been a while I’ll trick you into living together Baby, pass me my bath towel. ah What’s the meaning The dog man is still in your house. What step have you reached? Who is this dog man? Explain to me clearly about your lower limbs Nothing Don’t worry Just a kiss If that damn yellow-haired guy dares to bully you He must be killed with a knife What’s wrong That student again. No, no Shi Jianglin Brother Fu, it’s not your birthday in a few days. Brothers are thinking Do you want me to hold a birthday party for you in the factory? No Do you have any other plans for your birthday? Yes So is there anything you want? I want you Take me somewhere You are here for you So you brought me to the bar. yes Wait for me My heartache Next Steps This song is dedicated to someone very important Please tell me if this handsome guy sings well or not. How’s the singing? It sounds really good Well, I guess everyone must be very tired singing along. What’s next? Let’s play a little game The name of this game is Destiny You can see The host now has a flower in his hand Right? Then the host will throw it down. Who received it? You have to talk to an audience member next to you Complete a kiss interaction Be prepared The Game Okay, I want one too. I don’t think it’s appropriate. one Good, it’s our handsome guy Get this sentence Let me see the one next to me. yes The young lady next to her doesn’t seem to show her face much. Maybe a little shy Should we change someone? sat at the mountain thought i go to get around Wow It’s so sweet Even if you don’t show your face, you still have to claim your sovereignty This feels so good. It’s really a waste. Okay, so what’s next? Or let’s invite our lead singer Let me bring you another beautiful song. Ayu Today is your birthday You are the protagonist So I want At the moment when everyone is bustling Wish you happiness Always happy Ouch Take my employees to the bar in Haicheng on weekends Lao Fu, you are so romantic. Who did you hear that from? Miss Xue searched Mr. Fu actively coaxed people to recruit people. Oh my god, I’m so angry Ah, but don’t worry. My sister-in-law didn’t show her face yes Our three-month deadline is coming up. What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell? fine It’s too windy outside Let’s get in the car first These days go by so fast. So happy that I almost forgot The three-month deadline has an end. Should I tell my father and son in advance? We can part ways in peace You didn’t close the door when you left. I remember turning it off Isn’t he like our brother? I’m not your brother My mom and I have been waiting for you here for so long. Oh, it turns out to be He went out with those questionable women again. ah Lin Zhinan, please say one more sentence You want to do it I tell you The baby in my belly is also from the Fu family What are you talking about? It’s still unclear who the Fu family belongs to. Don’t even think about telling Fu Nanhai I won’t let him succeed in his plans. roll I feel a little uncomfortable Can I hold you? Aunt You want a hug just Are you scared? you My little rabbit has become brave. How long until I return home for the New Year? Three more days I bought the airport 028 I won’t be able to take you to the airport then. How about I help you pack your luggage? It’s over between us. This gives you the biggest Pray in the temple Very smart After the New Year, we may never see each other again. I want to share this luck with you I hope you will be luckier in the future. A little smoother This is the only thing I can do for you Cheers Happy New Year! Happy New Year Then please eat more. Too thin Eat my sister, eat mine. The one at my dad’s is too greasy. Eat too much and lose hair, you little bastard Hahaha Our news yesterday Mr. Fu Huaiqing, the head of the Fu family, passed away due to illness Funeral tonight Celebrities from all walks of life attended the event Fu Siyu’s grandfather passed away I’ll make a phone call first. Someone is setting off fireworks outside Very nice Show me tomorrow night good So boring It’s better to watch the fireworks outside the window than to watch this You’re a boring brat, aren’t you? Come and learn how to make dumplings from your mom Sister, come with us. Okay, let me wash my hands first and come right back Why What are you doing Prepare to make dumplings with my family Didn’t you say you wanted to watch the fireworks yesterday? I’ll take a picture for you I mean watch it with me. Well, the fireworks outside are about to stop. There will be more later. Baby, look outside. Why don’t you wear a coat? How come you are here? I miss you Just drive over here. drive It is more than 2,000 kilometers away from Beijing. Baby looking up Didn’t you get enough rest? I’m not sleepy No, you have to take a rest. I’ve been driving for a day. There is a hotel next to our house I’ll take you to rest. Where are you going, sister? Uncle and aunt, please sit down How heavy is the rain this year? Where do you study? I am 22 years old Yes, I study at Qingdao University. She is in the same school as our Zhizhi. Oh, that’s so convenient. sister I’ll just say it You two will be together sooner or later Auntie, you have so much hair. Uncle too Hahaha Last time I saw you at school shy Auntie, you have so much hair. Uncle too Hahaha The last time I saw it at school Didn’t talk much I am more socially phobic What’s wrong I think it’s getting late. You drove all day to come here. How about I take her to find a hotel first? Oh, my sister is the one who cares about others. The house is small. Ah, I won’t keep you. But I will come back for dinner tomorrow OK Then I will come back another day to taste the cooking of uncle and aunt Walk well If only time could stop here Answering the phone What does it have to do with you where I go? Don’t worry If it was me That bastard is no longer in your wife’s belly. No pain The last time you were injured I’ll say it hurts. Hotel arrived Go back soon never mind You stay with me. Want to hear a story? Can I listen? You are my girlfriend What can’t you listen to? My father is the only heir to the top tycoon in Beijing My mother and he are a perfect match It can be regarded as respectful to each other. Until my father met his first love again The woman named Lin Yanyi Later, my mother became depressed and ill Died of illness Before death My father was in another woman’s bed You saw it last time. The woman named Lin Yanyi Entering the house with my daughter The old man had made a will. The Rich Family Belongs to Me Until Lin Yanyi came to the door I just found out Before the old man’s death Delegation Lin Yan is pregnant Also has inheritance rights It turns out that he has had such a hard time these years. Fu Nanhai called me just now He said something happened to Lin Yanyi She said the child was almost lost. He asked me if I did it. How stupid if I really did it. I already started I have 800 ways to make him die. Leave no trace Are you scared? No Ayu, are you sad? A little bit Before this incident I always feel that no matter how messy the house is, The old man will always stand by me After all, at home He is the only person who is nice to me. Now there is a feeling Betrayed by others A Yue Want a hug Um I will always be in the wild Turn over Happy New Year, baby hello Outside Yeah, I’m setting off fireworks outside. Are you alone? Who is next to you? Um With my family members. Really? Let me say hello to my uncle and aunt. Not very convenient The person next to you is not Fu Siyu, right? I really do. Don’t tell me The yellow-haired brother who kidnapped you during this period It must be Fu Ciyu Yellow Haired Brother Talk about me? It’s your friend’s. My code name is Huangmaoge He didn’t know you were Fu Ciyu before I felt something was wrong when I saw you two before I didn’t expect it to be true Fu Siyu The mysterious girlfriend who was widely rumored It’s you I just said that last time I video chatted with you Why did that person’s voice sound so familiar? No, Fu Siyu has come to Yuncheng to play with you. I want too What’s wrong Jiang Lili said she was coming to Yuncheng She wants to see you See, isn’t this good? But she knows our relationship. He said you have too many dark histories. He wants to check you out. Looks like I have to perform well. But the three-month deadline is coming soon. So the problem you’ve been worrying about is this I actually Do you understand now? What does this mean? I regret it Besides, I didn’t intend to talk about only three Wasn’t our agreement before that okay? Why I can’t bear to part with it I feel like I’m addicted to you now He is reluctant What are you addicted to? To me, it’s still those intimate things Will he get tired of it later? What’s wrong Not willing yet I do Fu Zei I really like you Happy New Year to Zhizunbao Do you miss me? You definitely don’t think about me when you’re with your boyfriend. It’s gone Master Fu Are you ready for the judgment of your mother’s family? These few days, I really haven’t It turns out that Fu Siyu is the one who is in love. Hey, what is this place? This is my high school This is the back door class All locked Does your school allow outsiders to enter? Can you take me for a visit? I think it’s OK. Hello, uncle Can we go take a look at the school? Sorry, little girl. Our school Outsiders are not allowed to enter But I am a former graduate. Can you be flexible? Uncle Huang, can we go in and take a look? Xiaofu, you are back in the clouds. Hey, go in, go in. I didn’t recognize it just now It turns out that you are the top student in their class. That’s not right. How come you two are from the same school? Aren’t you from Beijing? He transferred to our class in his sophomore year. One year of independence You two are still in the same class. So how come when we first met You two don’t act like you know each other. I thought he didn’t remember me Indeed, I didn’t recognize it. No way, it’s our Zhizhi’s face How could I not remember? You can tell from that, little girl. No way, the pearl is covered in dust Pearl covered in dust Xia Zhizhi, if you had learned how to dress up earlier Fu Siyi has been pestering you for a long time and fell in love with you at first sight How could I possibly make it to this point? That won’t work. If my little girl wants to take the entrance exam to Beijing University, I won’t Let’s go. We went in for a walk. Xiaofu, I have a letter here. This is when I first went to school. Sent to you by a little girl Oh, that’s right. Xiao Fu, I have a letter for you here. This is when you first started school. Sent to you by a little girl A letter from a girl to you Could it be a love letter? Hehe Maybe I’ll help you find it Our Zhizhi is jealous Did you find it? No Zhizhi, did you write that letter? I saw you today The letter is in my pocket. so Did you start liking Fu Ci Yu from that time? Well I I’ve had a crush on him for a long time No wonder Zhizhi, you are so brave Brave Who didn’t have a crush on someone in high school? But I don’t even remember what they look like. It must be very hard for you to have a crush on someone like you. No contact for so many years Can still hold on to the end What you wish for is what you deserve In fact, during this period of time Whether it’s his performance or your performance It makes me feel like nothing can stop me. I was just afraid that he would bully you. He didn’t do this to his previous girlfriend. Of course not. I heard Gao Yuyang say this before. He never did this to his previous girlfriend. How come? Why are there so many goddesses? Want to date him? It’s all about money and looks. Oh, by the way, the father and son fish themselves also know about it. So he never let those girls get close to him Um Congratulations You’re the only one who’s really had his food over the years. Hey, so how is the relationship between you two? No, just kissed once. I don’t believe it, tell me. Really? Tell me now. I don’t believe it. I’m going to sleep. You’re not allowed to sleep Shenzhen People Hey Ayu My ID card is missing. Is it on your coffee table? Please help me take a look Do you need me to deliver it? Are you convenient? Of course it’s convenient Don’t you want to make us public? Or did you finally figure it out? Would you like to give me some rice? Um I’m going there now Baby, I’m here Okay, I’ll be down right away. Why Why is Fu Ciyu’s girlfriend in our building? Then we must see What does that ugly guy look like? The forums are talking about it A lot of people are watching Who knows? I got a new one. The ugly one was thrown away That’s why I dare to show it out No matter what, I won’t give up Near this Why is it him? What to wear to be unlucky Tongtong, do you want to take a look? What do the father and his girlfriend look like? Let’s see, let’s stop talking. Otherwise, nothing will be done. I’m going to be bullied again. Give me your hand, baby What about my reward? It’s him I lost. Where is Fu Siyu? Ayu is not here It’s called Summer Tea, right? You are the girlfriend my brother met at school ah The last time I saw you I thought it was some questionable woman. I’m sorry. Tell me, what method did you use to hook up with my brother? Relying on purity? What are you wearing? It seems my brother doesn’t care much about you. Really? Yes. Otherwise You don’t think my brother will be sincere to anyone, do you? If that’s what you said. You don’t have to talk to me in person. What is your purpose? There’s no purpose. Just seeing you are pitiful I want to give you a few words of advice. It’s not too late to leave my brother now. If you just want to say this Too People like you I guess I don’t know anything yet. I’m afraid you don’t know that my brother is getting engaged. The engagement happened a few days ago. My brother didn’t tell you. My dad made a condition As long as my brother agrees to get engaged to the person he arranged The inheritance right of the Fu family will belong to him. But unfortunately he agreed After all, the Fu family’s business and a woman Which is more important? Everyone can tell Then I’ll wait for him to tell you in person. Personally Do you think he will tell you? I can take you home and raise you It means he is still interested in you. Do you think he will let go? Rich Family It’s more than enough to support a woman at home. But I want someone with a personality like Miss Xia Should not be willing to do A third party who interferes with other people’s families I don’t understand what you are saying Miss Lin, I have to go to class. stop You don’t believe it, right? You can try Can we prevent Fu Ciyuan from going back home tonight? This is impossible Hey Ayu Can you go home today? So anxious Why does my baby miss me? But not today. I have something to do at the old house. I’ll come back to accompany you tomorrow Is he really getting engaged? He really got engaged. Summer Tea It’s time to wake up from the dream Now you believe it, right? Let’s break up Come in elder sister Need service? Ah, not needed for now You guys go out first. I can’t afford When I have money I’ll call them all over to play with you. There are more handsome guys in reality You know it’s superficial He is a piece of shit. Hello Get out of the workplace Xia Zhichang, you are pretty good. He ran away without saying a word. Turn around and laugh with others I didn’t tell you that I broke up reason Not gentle But I don’t want you anymore I don’t want to be hidden. Become a third party who cannot see the light So I don’t want it anymore I won’t let you leave me, little scout. Why are you crying? good Don’t cry, don’t cry Stop crying You gotta tell me what happened. Aren’t you engaged to someone else? Who did you hear that from? Lin Zhinan He took me to your engagement party. Why don’t you ask me? You didn’t tell me Whether it is an engagement party or accompanying someone else They will only tell me I didn’t agree to get engaged. That engagement party was someone else’s. I am only attending as a guest As for Miss Gu It was the girl Fu Nanhai forced to be my companion. I haven’t even touched his hand. At most, just clinking glasses So I misunderstood him? But if You are not divorced Then you reply home You see, the grievance plan has not yet passed. I’m worried again. Okay, even if I agree. On the surface, it seems to have given me a boost. Actually It’s just that group of people want to get married To strengthen my control So that’s how it is Of course there is another reason I can’t bear to see you suffer I can’t bear to let you go Am I that important? Xia Zhichang, you are such a fool Put your hand here You feel my heartbeat I almost took out my heart and showed it to you Do you still think you are unimportant? Since he likes me so much, I think in his eyes Even if you have some feelings for me But it’s not that important. But Your previous girlfriends always broke up with you. No need for any reason Even the two of us together All because of a bet You didn’t even really say you loved me I’m afraid I’ll be like them. I got tired of you quickly Throw it away soberly and resolutely But you don’t feel safe yes I’m telling you seriously now I pay words I only love you should Xiaozhi, why are you so love-brained? Your scumbag coaxed you a few words and you reconciled Lili, I misunderstood him. I believed the rumors and Okay, okay. You two, follow me now. I don’t want to see you two showing affection Hey, brother, you got off work so early. Go pick up my girlfriend Why No, I’ve heard people say it everywhere recently. Aren’t you planning to date that Gu Yue from the Gu family? Are you getting engaged? Who did you hear that from? Isn’t this spreading in the circle? Your dad really likes Gu Jia. You’re going to be engaged soon. You’re getting engaged to them. Maybe the Fu family is in your pocket. impossible What is impossible Let me marry someone else impossible If If you are engaged You’re not serious about Xia Zhicha, are you? Not only serious but Then what about the people in your co-pilot? What do you plan to explain? Bye bye Ms. Xia Zicheng Could I take a moment of your time? Next section please Is this the place where Ayu lived since childhood? Please walk faster in the next section You are the girl that Fu Ciyu likes Pretty. I thought you were a smart person. So I asked Lanlan to remind her to leave Fu Ciyu But I didn’t expect you just looked honest. No wonder Fu Ziyu likes you. Gentle and bookish Like his mother Ayu doesn’t want you to mention his mother Who are you? You, little girl, are quite protective of her. snort What a pity, even if you like her She won’t marry you. Do you know why? Because he dared to do so You have to leave the Fu family Penniless Who would still want to be with him at that time? Brother, don’t bother Dad. I do But I think you shouldn’t ask this question. Instead, you should ask You remember How dare you talk to your elders like this? Aunt Who let you touch him? Who let you touch him? Xia Zhicha, why are you here? Well, you have my brother’s support. You vixen, just don’t disappear. How dare you mess with my family? Are you so anxious for me to settle accounts with you? elder brother You are an outsider Fu Zeyu How dare you ask your sister to apologize to a stranger? You don’t want to enter this house. OK sorry How do you get someone to apologize to you in school? Apologize sorry Fu Zi said, kneel down. Do you have to force me to kick you out of the house? Please It just so happens that I have a little Barbie who is the vice president. What’s in that USB drive? Why is your father so afraid of that USB drive? It contains the stupid things my father did. The article on the USB disk is unique to the old man. Can’t be fake He can recognize it at a glance How did you find this USB drive? In my room in the old house This is probably the last escape route the old man left for me. Anyway, no one will bother us anymore. Come on, I’ll take you to see someone. mom I brought your daughter-in-law to see you. Why didn’t you tell me you were here to see your aunt? Don’t be afraid, my mom is very easygoing. And I especially like looking at beautiful women She will be very happy Hello, Auntie I am Summer Tea I will definitely bring flowers next time I see you. Let’s go forward. Um Maybe next time I’ll call her mom. What does it mean? Summer Tea Are you willing to be Fu Ciyu’s wife? Baby, are you willing? We are only sophomores Is it too fast? Not early I can’t wait I want to have a home of my own. no Why not? You promised me to marry you. We are doing this legally. Anyway, isn’t it okay? I’m going to take a shower. Hello, sister Will you come back at night? If I come back, I won’t be so fussy. Not going back good Brother-in-law Where’s my sister? He is taking a bath Uh, sorry. Excuse me Did someone just call me? Your brother just called and asked if you were coming back. I’ve already told him You don’t go back Doesn’t he know about us? We’re already engaged. You’re planning on buying so much wine. Come and turn around What is that period? Good, your hidden seat does not ask Whose birthday is it? The day I fell in love with you When did you start to like me Second year of high school Do you remember when we went back to school during the Chinese New Year? The security guard said there is a letter for you Actually, I lied to you I secretly hid this letter because That’s what I wrote to you. I happened to know your address. I just want to write a letter to you in Beijing I didn’t realize I filled in the wrong address. It has not been delivered yet The addresses filled in at that time were all fake addresses. I can’t receive it due to family reasons So it was destined to be a letter with no response. So that’s how it is I’ll look at this It’s been a long time. Nothing to see I think the letter to me is rude. Then you secretly watch Hello, Fu Siyu I am Xia Zhicha from Class 2-3 of Yuncheng Middle School. Maybe you don’t have an impression of me. Because the whole second year of high school I don’t think I’ve ever communicated with you. But in fact, I have been paying attention to you silently I admire you I heard you went back to Beijing to study. I also want to take the college entrance examination in Beijing so So can I ask you some questions? This is my phone number if you can I hope we can keep in touch September 15th Summer Solstice Tea It probably won’t take long to read a few lines of text. You won’t fall asleep. Do you still have shoes like this? Not sleepy anymore You wrote it to me. Actually, my thorns are not that long. Walk Where to go Let’s write this letter again. This time I won’t let you get lost easily You waited for me for many years Let me love you a little more every year. The 16-year-old Xia Zhicha would never have thought In his 19-year-old dream The once unattainable and unruly star in the sky You are so steadfast. She fell into his arms The thought that never forgets Waiting for an extremely clear response A dream comes true .
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10.1 Who told you to look so sad? You still don&;t understand
10.1 I am superman
10.1 yeah I&;m superman yeah
10.1 You are hugging the light flash side
10.1 We are celebrating
10.1 Baby
10.1 Ahhh
10.1 elder sister
10.1 Summer Cicada has been here for three years
10.1 Why are you still daydreaming like this, sister?
10.1 elder sister
10.1 You woke up
10.1 Come on, come on, come on
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 What&;s up?
10.1 Come on, come on, come on
10.1 I want to discuss something with you.
10.1 I&;m not Gao Yuyang from the Finance Department.
10.1 Have you been chatting for more than two months?
10.1 He asked me to meet him tonight
10.1 Can you go with me?
10.1 Me
10.1 Is it inconvenient for me to go on your date?
10.1 Well, he&;s going to bring his roommate.
10.1 Just accompany me.
10.1 What&;s this
10.1 Good
10.1 I close my eyes
10.1 Then I have to clean up.
10.1 I must take it today.
10.1 Um
10.1 We will no longer have any relationship in the future
10.1 Don&;t be unrequited love anymore
10.1 Hi
10.1 Let&;s go
10.1 Hi, this is my roommate Xia Zhicha
10.1 Haha
10.1 ah
10.1 Maohai
10.1 Gao Yu
10.1 Stop playing, Lao Feng.
10.1 Old Phoenix goes down
10.1 Go down
10.1 It was his first meeting.
10.1 Department of Finance
10.1 First time
10.1 You don&;t remember me anymore
10.1 Adverb It turns out you are the adverb.
10.1 Gao Yu, why didn&;t you tell me earlier?
10.1 Your roommate is Fu Ciyu
10.1 In my eyes, Lao Fu is just an ordinary man.
10.1 And they are all brothers
10.1 Who knew you would react so strongly?
10.1 Ordinary, do you know
10.1 Your ordinary friend
10.1 It is so famous that everyone in Kyoto University knows it.
10.1 Everyone knows
10.1 You said so, right? Zhizhi
10.1 Yes, I have heard of it.
10.1 Yeah, how could I not have heard of it?
10.1 He is the heir of the top wealthy family in Beijing.
10.1 Wandering around
10.1 I haven&;t had a girlfriend for more than a month.
10.1 And I was just a high school classmate he never remembered
10.1 Come here
10.1 Well, I will take advantage of our teacher Gao today.
10.1 Add Master Fu as a friend
10.1 Come
10.1 It feels so good.
10.1 They say you accept everyone who comes.
10.1 Now I understand it.
10.1 Why do you like me?
10.1 It&;s okay if you want to do something bad to me
10.1 Um
10.1 Forget it.
10.1 A scumbag like you
10.1 It&;s obvious that I can&;t handle it.
10.1 If you really want to find a boyfriend, you have to find our teacher Gao.
10.1 This one looks gentle
10.1 Haha, classmate, do you want to add me as a friend?
10.1 I will teach you
10.1 He really doesn&;t remember me at all.
10.1 Stop playing, let&;s have a drink together.
10.1 cheers
10.1 Squeak
10.1 Um, what are you looking at?
10.1 Um, nothing.
10.1 Mysterious
10.1 Let&;s continue playing 152020
10.1 This is too embarrassing.
10.1 Does he think I&;m beautiful?
10.1 1525
10.1 What&;s wrong, scholar?
10.1 Thanks
10.1 The adverbs don&;t seem to be as rumored.
10.1 Being mean and cold to others
10.1 Even a little careful
10.1 I need to go to the toilet
10.1 Lower limbs
10.1 Really useless
10.1 Even the other party doesn&;t even remember who you are.
10.1 Your heart can be so messed up
10.1 We agreed to forget him, forget him
10.1 Can&;t forget
10.1 Da da da
10.1 Why are you so anxious to cast a spell?
10.1 Send me a good girl
10.1 I&;m not I don&;t have
10.1 It&;s okay, I&;m kidding.
10.1 I know
10.1 If a girl like me really pursues her
10.1 Will she find it annoying?
10.1 There&;s something on my face
10.1 Have we met somewhere?
10.1 Looks familiar
10.1 Class 3, Grade 2, Yuncheng Middle School
10.1 We were classmates for a while.
10.1 Is that you?
10.1 That&;s amazing
10.1 Admitted to Kyoto University
10.1 Why did you pretend not to know me before?
10.1 My high school classmate is just so unpresentable, isn&;t he?
10.1 Um
10.1 You are so famous
10.1 So many friends
10.1 I&;m afraid you don&;t know me
10.1 I actually
10.1 Hello
10.1 Honey
10.1 Hey, squeak
10.1 Why did you come just now?
10.1 Didn&;t you just go to the toilet?
10.1 I almost thought you fell into the toilet
10.1 Aren&;t you afraid that I will be bullied by him?
10.1 Aren&;t I here?
10.1 Well, it&;s good to be back
10.1 Hey, Fu Siyu just went to the bathroom
10.1 Did you see him?
10.1 Saw it
10.1 His ex-girlfriend kept calling me.
10.1 You have to ask me where he is.
10.1 Why is his ex-girlfriend calling you?
10.1 This has nothing to do with me.
10.1 This woman is not giving up on me
10.1 He knows that I never take love seriously.
10.1 He broke up
10.1 You still have to pester me like a lunatic
10.1 Oh, yeah, I&;m telling you.
10.1 His ex-girlfriend is like a pendant all day long
10.1 You have to hang on me
10.1 Lao Fu
10.1 Ah, you&;re back.
10.1 That who
10.1 I&;ve already told him
10.1 Don&;t come to me again.
10.1 One month is one month.
10.1 It will end in one month.
10.1 Why is there a time limit for your relationship?
10.1 Hey, he is like this
10.1 Miss Ren confessed to him.
10.1 He came up and said I&;ll only talk for a month
10.1 If Miss Ren can accept it, then we can talk.
10.1 If you can&;t accept it, forget it
10.1 We are all willing
10.1 Right?
10.1 What a scumbag!
10.1 You&;ll have to be a snack later.
10.1 Don&;t date such a jerk of a boyfriend.
10.1 How come you can&;t even open the flower rope?
10.1 Come
10.1 After you finish your drink, I&;ll take you back.
10.1 Come
10.1 cheers
10.1 ah
10.1 Gao Yuyang Hug
10.1 That Lili
10.1 I&;ll buy you a glass of water.
10.1 Not drunk Not drunk Not drunk Not drunk
10.1 A blasting bead and a Kanana
10.1 The day is coming soon
10.1 I&;ll get something else later.
10.1 Bill, please
10.1 Next move
10.1 Reach out
10.1 Love will eventually end
10.1 Between fingers
10.1 Thanks
10.1 Have you returned to the dormitory?
10.1 The road is a bit congested
10.1 Send me a message when you are safely back in the dorm.
10.1 good
10.1 Hey
10.1 Zhizhi
10.1 Why do I feel like you&;re a little absent-minded today?
10.1 Is there?
10.1 Maybe I&;m a little tired.
10.1 A good student like you.
10.1 Good Girl
10.1 I rarely play this late.
10.1 Zhizhi, would you consider having a relationship?
10.1 It feels like you have one hand
10.1 You&;ve wasted your face.
10.1 I won&;t consider these things for now.
10.1 Too
10.1 The one who can really be considered handsome in our school
10.1 I can count them on one hand.
10.1 Those are really handsome
10.1 Bar
10.1 It&;s not good.
10.1 Too simple
10.1 Easy to be deceived
10.1 Just like Fu Ciyu today
10.1 Tell me seriously
10.1 When you saw it today
10.1 Do you feel the heartbeat?
10.1 No
10.1 How is it possible?
10.1 No, that&;s good.
10.1 Don&;t fall in love with Fu Ciyun
10.1 That kind of person
10.1 In the end you will only get hurt
10.1 What I know
10.1 But liking this kind of thing is never under control
10.1 Flying into the flame is like an addiction
10.1 All these years, just one look at him
10.1 There&;s no way to quit it anymore
10.1 Hey uncle
10.1 uncle
10.1 Will I have enough money after school starts?
10.1 Enough
10.1 Your parents passed away early.
10.1 We are your only relatives.
10.1 If you don&;t have enough money, tell me.
10.1 Don&;t be embarrassed
10.1 Yeah, got it.
10.1 Didn&;t Sisi just have surgery?
10.1 There are many places in the house where money is needed.
10.1 And I have a scholarship.
10.1 You can work part-time in the hospital
10.1 The money is enough.
10.1 The doctor said the operation was a success.
10.1 Really
10.1 That&;s great
10.1 Squeak, come and help me
10.1 There are too many people ordering at this time.
10.1 Oh ok
10.1 My uncle is too busy with a movie.
10.1 I have to hang up
10.1 My friend, the coffee you grind is delicious.
10.1 Hey, let’s add WeChat
10.1 Let&;s make friends
10.1 Multiple friends
10.1 Why
10.1 right
10.1 No
10.1 how
10.1 Don&;t give water to acquaintances
10.1 cannot
10.1 But I can give you more ice
10.1 Such a cold woman
10.1 oh
10.1 Your iced Americano is ready.
10.1 Fu Ziyu
10.1 Do you know that Nana has been crying for several days?
10.1 You didn&;t even say a word
10.1 Why do you say you can talk?
10.1 You say divide, then divide.
10.1 I&;ve made it very clear to her.
10.1 A month is a month
10.1 He agreed
10.1 No, you must give Nana an explanation today.
10.1 Nana likes you so much
10.1 Don&;t you have any feelings towards her at all?
10.1 No, and I don&;t have a crush on you.
10.1 So take your eyes off
10.1 Can&;t hide
10.1 Are you kidding me?
10.1 How could I possibly like a scumbag like you?
10.1 Then stay away from scum like me.
10.1 Nana always spoils you
10.1 Squeak
10.1 What are you looking at?
10.1 stop
10.1 Turn around
10.1 Treat him well
10.1 Don&;t mess with me
10.1 I can make it impossible for you to continue studying at Beijing University.
10.1 He&;s standing up for me.
10.1 I don&;t want to say the third sentence
10.1 sorry
10.1 Fu Ciyu
10.1 I hate you
10.1 No way, when you are famous, you will be surrounded by gossips
10.1 No coffee to drink
10.1 It rhymes.
10.1 Can I take leave now?
10.1 ah
10.1 I&;ll help you put on new clothes.
10.1 No need for me to go back and wash it myself
10.1 You are not afraid of catching a cold
10.1 Xiao Chen has some old clothes here.
10.1 I&;ll change his in a minute.
10.1 So when do you get off work?
10.1 Didn&;t I say that?
10.1 good
10.1 He&;s not going to wait for me.
10.1 Summer Tea, calm down.
10.1 How could he wait for you?
10.1 Do you have anything else to do?
10.1 Go back and wait for you to rest
10.1 Then I&;ll take you to buy new clothes at noon.
10.1 Oh ok
10.1 Oh my god, why did I agree to this?
10.1 Zhizhi, what&;s the relationship between that handsome guy just now and you?
10.1 Is he your boyfriend?
10.1 Without us, we are just friends
10.1 I&;ll go change my clothes first
10.1 We should be considered friends, right?
10.1 Welcome
10.1 Mr. Fu, you are here.
10.1 This one, this one, this one
10.1 No other
10.1 Give it to him to try.
10.1 OK
10.1 No, I don&;t need so much.
10.1 Try first and then
10.1 This one looks good
10.1 This is too expensive.
10.1 Or this one?
10.1 Wrap it up
10.1 I can afford this myself.
10.1 You really are
10.1 Others are just following suit
10.1 Want to get something from me
10.1 You have to settle accounts with me
10.1 Like I cheated you
10.1 Are you afraid of me?
10.1 Otherwise why don&;t you dare look into my eyes
10.1 I&;m just not used to looking people in the eye when I speak
10.1 real
10.1 Of course not
10.1 I just put the thoughts hidden deep in my heart
10.1 There&;s no place to hide in front of you
10.1 Hey, Zhizhi, you&;re back, baby.
10.1 Then I&;ll hang up first.
10.1 baby
10.1 You two are together
10.1 So fast
10.1 This is fast.
10.1 We have been chatting for more than two months.
10.1 I think it&;s slow.
10.1 Now it&;s all fast food love
10.1 Ah, that one
10.1 that
10.1 Which girl did Fu Ciyu fall in love with on the first day?
10.1 We can be together the next day
10.1 Hey, you went out to buy new clothes
10.1 You finally dress up nicely.
10.1 This brand is valuable.
10.1 Just like you are so beautiful
10.1 It&;s a pity not to dress up properly.
10.1 The clothes are dirty
10.1 I just bought one
10.1 The waiter seemed to have made a mistake.
10.1 This vest I gave you is very beautiful
10.1 The tag has been cut
10.1 Throw away the ticket
10.1 If you can&;t return it, don&;t tell me you owe me anything.
10.1 I don&;t want it anymore
10.1 Still want to withdraw
10.1 you do not know
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 Which little girl is Mr. Fu chatting with?
10.1 What little sister?
10.1 Fu Shao threw one up
10.1 After that, there was no new filial son for a long time.
10.1 Are you tired of playing?
10.1 Then why don&;t you consider me
10.1 Oh, Sister Xin
10.1 Please bear with it.
10.1 If Fu Chao has you in his heart
10.1 I&;ve been thinking about you.
10.1 Don&;t even think about it.
10.1 Brothers, don&;t take it.
10.1 I drive a little slow
10.1 The holiday park newly invested by Lao Gao and my family is open for business
10.1 Do you want to take your girlfriend out?
10.1 Bring her bestie along
10.1 Go go go
10.1 Gao Yang will ask me out tomorrow
10.1 Go to the newly developed theme park in Chengdu
10.1 Are you going?
10.1 I won&;t go.
10.1 Why should I go if you two are dating?
10.1 And they said the ticket was expensive.
10.1 It is said to be very lively
10.1 And Fu Siyu also went
10.1 I don&;t want him to be a light bulb and steal my husband
10.1 Just accompany me.
10.1 Okay, just help me.
10.1 Um
10.1 People always seem to be so greedy
10.1 To a long-lost person
10.1 I originally thought that just meeting once would be enough.
10.1 I saw it but thought
10.1 Okay, I&;ll go with you.
10.1 but
10.1 Can you help me put on some nice makeup tomorrow?
10.1 You finally let me put on your makeup
10.1 rest assured
10.1 Tomorrow is on me.
10.1 In the garden
10.1 Dig, dig, dig away
10.1 Um
10.1 Wow, I see you.
10.1 I really don&;t know how to say that my makeup skills are too good.
10.1 Is it because you are too tall or you are too good looking?
10.1 Am I good looking?
10.1 Beautiful bubbling
10.1 I, a woman, can&;t bear it anymore. Let&;s go.
10.1 Hey, why did you come so early today?
10.1 Ah, why did you come just now?
10.1 Show you this one
10.1 Today is nice, isn&;t it?
10.1 I put makeup on him
10.1 This one
10.1 Hey, what are you squeaking about?
10.1 This is just my girlfriend
10.1 You are bold
10.1 nice
10.1 He said it looks good
10.1 Master Fu
10.1 Don&;t have any bad intentions towards our jade.
10.1 I won&;t let you harm him.
10.1 Don&;t talk nonsense. The master wouldn&;t like someone like me.
10.1 I think you are wrong.
10.1 I think you are wrong.
10.1 He said I was wrong.
10.1 It&;s you
10.1 How could I harm a good girl?
10.1 Otherwise, I&;ll be beaten to death by you.
10.1 You&;re smart.
10.1 Zhizhi is my little princess
10.1 Stop yelling
10.1 How cute you are, you are a little princess
10.1 Her Royal Highness
10.1 I will protect you
10.1 It&;s almost time
10.1 Why don&;t we go in and play first?
10.1 Let&;s go
10.1 My Princess
10.1 My Princess
10.1 Go Go Go
10.1 Why
10.1 Please help me get the bag, thank you.
10.1 Wow
10.1 I want to play this
10.1 Zhizhi, let&;s play this, okay?
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 Your princess is scared.
10.1 I don&;t dare to do it.
10.1 Well, forget it.
10.1 If you don&;t dare to play this time, we won&;t play.
10.1 Just playing something else
10.1 Yeah, I can really
10.1 If you can&;t stand this, then don&;t try to be tough.
10.1 Who do you look down on?
10.1 You follow me first
10.1 Why
10.1 Let&;s sit together.
10.1 Why
10.1 Together we
10.1 Everything becomes fresh
10.1 I want to lean on your shoulder
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 Too close
10.1 Oh nothing
10.1 My princess can let go of God&;s hand
10.1 Are you okay?
10.1 I
10.1 You drink some water
10.1 So exciting
10.1 I still want to play
10.1 Hey, don&;t run
10.1 Hey hey hey hey
10.1 You come back
10.1 I just like you
10.1 Do you want to see it again?
10.1 Or do you want to touch it?
10.1 You usually
10.1 Xia Zhicha, you really wronged me
10.1 Usually there are many people who want to touch it, but
10.1 I never let them succeed.
10.1 I, I, I believe it
10.1 You&;ve had so many girlfriends.
10.1 The seductive method is so obvious
10.1 How could I not have done those virtual things?
10.1 Zhizhi, there are still many fun things to do after crossing the bridge
10.1 Let&;s go together
10.1 Let&;s go
10.1 No, no, no
10.1 I was scared to death when I played the pirate ship just now
10.1 Yeah, damn
10.1 Dragon fruit fried potatoes
10.1 New Canteen Products
10.1 I won&;t eat anything that tastes bad.
10.1 But I must try it if it tastes so bad.
10.1 Do you want to go?
10.1 I don&;t really want to
10.1 ready to go
10.1 Hello, teacher.
10.1 Why
10.1 What are you
10.1 I can&;t eat it, so you eat it
10.1 They are boring.
10.1 Doing this kind of thing
10.1 I don&;t eat cheese.
10.1 Look at this
10.1 I really admire them.
10.1 Bad things are waiting
10.1 Hasn&;t it been like this in recent years?
10.1 At the beginning of the school term, several senior students went up to look for the father and son?
10.1 They are now seniors.
10.1 The most likely one is this
10.1 It&;s also our Meilan&;s name is Tongtong
10.1 This is the gentleman
10.1 Are you guilty?
10.1 It happened to be a father and son trip
10.1 And he hasn&;t made it yet.
10.1 She publicly stated that she came here because of her husband&;s gift.
10.1 To chase him
10.1 It turns out that Fu Ciyu likes this type of
10.1 But
10.1 I&;ll go get some food first.
10.1 Everyone knows that Fu Ciyu likes Mei Yan
10.1 This face figure
10.1 Kim Dae-lai
10.1 But I came to Jinda University because of Fu Ciyu.
10.1 Still looking at these?
10.1 I&;m not a demon
10.1 So you just happened to click into my gossip
10.1 Lingling was reading the gossip post just now
10.1 I followed and watched some
10.1 You&;re so interested in me.
10.1 Click it again and read it again
10.1 I&;d rather tell you myself.
10.1 Xia Zicha I have no intention of falling in love recently
10.1 Don&;t get involved with that bunch of boring people.
10.1 Very boring
10.1 Is he explaining this to me?
10.1 oh
10.1 Does that mean
10.1 My friendship with him
10.1 Can last longer
10.1 Longer
10.1 Where are Li and his people?
10.1 Zhizhibao, Gao Yuyang and I have something to discuss.
10.1 Let Fu Ziyi take you to play first.
10.1 He said he had something urgent to deal with.
10.1 Nothing will happen, right?
10.1 Want to know where he went?
10.1 I&;ll take you there after dinner.
10.1 That doesn&;t seem to be Lili.
10.1 They really aren&;t
10.1 They are
10.1 Why don&;t we go first?
10.1 Kiss me
10.1 What are you shy about?
10.1 Gao Yang is watching
10.1 Don&;t go out yet
10.1 Did you know they were here?
10.1 Have you never kissed?
10.1 Eavesdropping
10.1 Why are you so shy?
10.1 There&;s really no result.
10.1 Wow, Gao Yuyang&;s kissing skills are terrible.
10.1 Look at that mouth, it&;s like a cupping jar.
10.1 He can get the result
10.1 You talk about love so calmly
10.1 I didn&;t check my phone just now
10.1 I&;ll come find you right away
10.1 let&;s go
10.1 Wait a moment
10.1 This is all for you
10.1 Just consider it as a thank you gift for the clothes you gave me
10.1 It&;s pretty nice.
10.1 Thank you
10.1 Ha, the master kicked me out.
10.1 Come to your place for refuge
10.1 Sleep here tonight
10.1 Yeah
10.1 You don&;t wonder what I did.
10.1 Not the same old three
10.1 I&;m talking to you
10.1 This time it&;s really not me who offended your stepmother
10.1 The old man is in the police station near me.
10.1 Why did you mess with him?
10.1 I can&;t stand it
10.1 The old man and I will go to your house for tea
10.1 As soon as I walked in, he was there, not posing.
10.1 Like an old witch
10.1 And her daughter.
10.1 Follow suit
10.1 I didn&;t learn well when I was young.
10.1 Use that foot to make a ham
10.1 I couldn&;t help but say a few words
10.1 Hi, seriously.
10.1 Your dad is really
10.1 You are the only one who loves me
10.1 My son is sending you to Yuncheng again.
10.1 I&;m making trouble again so you don&;t go home
10.1 Why won&;t anyone inherit the family?
10.1 Your father is not planning to give the family business to the old witch.
10.1 The baby in the belly
10.1 Um
10.1 I then you don&;t even if they want to rob
10.1 This is my fate.
10.1 Oh, let&;s not talk about this bad thing.
10.1 Did you go to the park today?
10.1 Are you dating your girl?
10.1 The photos are out.
10.1 You see, they are quite a good match.
10.1 Where did you get this photo?
10.1 Your school forum
10.1 Who is this girl?
10.1 Could it be that
10.1 A freshman campus beauty
10.1 Hey, the photos are quite a good match.
10.1 Didn&;t you ask someone to delete this post?
10.1 He is rather thin-skinned.
10.1 When did you become so interested in a girl?
10.1 There is a situation
10.1 Don&;t say this girl is too pure.
10.1 I didn&;t plan to touch
10.1 Ha, why are you wearing such a cute bracelet?
10.1 This girl sent it
10.1 You&;re the only one who talks too much
10.1 Zhizhi
10.1 The inspection schedule is out.
10.1 Are there any students who like Teacher Yang Zhi&;s course?
10.1 I want to take you with me too
10.1 Together
10.1 Let&;s have lunch together after class.
10.1 Eat together
10.1 Just the two of us
10.1 good
10.1 It&;s going to rain.
10.1 Summer Tea
10.1 It&;s you
10.1 Why are you here?
10.1 I&;m a tutor in the community in front.
10.1 Oh, I have a house.
10.1 Which building are you in?
10.1 Building 13
10.1 Damn it. I&;m going to be late.
10.1 Just on the way
10.1 Let&;s run over there together.
10.1 It&;s raining so hard.
10.1 It&;s not convenient.
10.1 Walk
10.1 You have to go to class.
10.1 Go back to class.
10.1 I&;ll just run a few steps.
10.1 Thank you
10.1 Xiao Zhicheng
10.1 Um
10.1 See you tomorrow
10.1 Waiting for online classes
10.1 Have lunch together
10.1 When do you arrive in the classroom?
10.1 ah
10.1 The drop-off area
10.1 Liu Mingzhe
10.1 Why don&;t you call me senior?
10.1 Every time you see me you hide from me
10.1 So sad
10.1 I already told you that.
10.1 I won&;t bother you anymore.
10.1 Why don&;t you believe it?
10.1 Hahaha
10.1 Senior, I beg you
10.1 I beg you
10.1 Please let me go.
10.1 You cry
10.1 Hahaha
10.1 Hahahahahahaha
10.1 who
10.1 It turned out to be Zhizhi, a school girl.
10.1 Don&;t come over here
10.1 Come back and call the police.
10.1 Who are you afraid of when you are not in Qingdao?
10.1 Ahhh
10.1 ah
10.1 You hid from me for half a year
10.1 I didn&;t expect to meet you here today.
10.1 Do you have classes here every week?
10.1 What does it have to do with you?
10.1 How come it has nothing to do with me?
10.1 After all, I am also your pursuer.
10.1 I can&;t have a good chat today.
10.1 Then let&;s meet next time.
10.1 Good get out of class.
10.1 Haven&;t you replied to the message yet?
10.1 Do you want to make a phone call?
10.1 Forget about the workplace
10.1 Sober Up
10.1 I should be content to see him.
10.1 Stop being greedy
10.1 Feel sorry
10.1 Only if you have a fever
10.1 I may not be able to date her today.
10.1 Having a fever
10.1 Are you in the dormitory?
10.1 Is there any medicine?
10.1 I&;ll get you some medicine.
10.1 I was just at the drugstore.
10.1 I&;ve bought the medicine.
10.1 You are here
10.1 I
10.1 I just want to see if you have a fever.
10.1 Then you try it
10.1 Burn so severely
10.1 I&;ll get you some hot water.
10.1 alright
10.1 Did the teacher call my name?
10.1 without
10.1 Well, didn&;t you go home yesterday?
10.1 I drank too late yesterday
10.1 I just found a hotel to stay in.
10.1 Do you have anything to say to me?
10.1 Did you catch a cold because
10.1 I was given clothes to soak in the rain
10.1 It&;s fine
10.1 Minor cold
10.1 You can&;t smoke when you have a fever
10.1 Will you hate me?
10.1 Listen to you
10.1 Don&;t take it too far
10.1 I didn&;t expect him to actually listen to me.
10.1 Came to the hospital for an injection
10.1 Fu Nanhai
10.1 What qualifications do you have to threaten me with my mother?
10.1 Didn&;t hurt you
10.1 Do you want to go back?
10.1 I feel a little uncomfortable
10.1 Osmanthus
10.1 I have imagined many kinds of reunions with Fu Ciyu
10.1 I also imagined that there were many stories between him and me.
10.1 But I don&;t have the courage to say it
10.1 My heart is only 5 kilometers away from you
10.1 This is the closest I&;ve been to you.
10.1 Can you hear what I&;m saying?
10.1 Are you feeling better?
10.1 It hurts so much
10.1 that
10.1 I have to go back
10.1 It&;s too late. The dormitory has to be closed.
10.1 Then I&;ll take you back.
10.1 Need not
10.1 I forgot to bring something.
10.1 Fu Ciyu
10.1 See you tomorrow
10.1 I&;ve become bolder.
10.1 How can I be so stupid?
10.1 I can&;t even comfort people.
10.1 Next time, run slower.
10.1 Because we can meet again
10.1 I seem to be looking forward to it.
10.1 Every tomorrow
10.1 These are my notes from yesterday&;s class.
10.1 You work really hard.
10.1 Worthy of being a primary school bully
10.1 Hello, students
10.1 Today we will talk about the tragic theory of attention.
10.1 Why
10.1 Not good looking
10.1 You&;re cute.
10.1 Look what you two are fighting about.
10.1 What are you arguing about?
10.1 You two
10.1 What did I just say?
10.1 Please ask this male student to leave
10.1 Please answer this male student
10.1 Nietzsche&;s Theory of Tragedy
10.1 Seen mainly in Nietzsche&;s The Birth of Tragedy
10.1 Nietzsche expounded many ideas in this article.
10.1 Good answer. Sit down.
10.1 This subject
10.1 Tragedy Theory
10.1 I didn&;t even hear the question.
10.1 So what did you just ask?
10.1 I didn&;t listen either.
10.1 He finished answering
10.1 I think he&;s so handsome.
10.1 Wearing a mask can make you look handsome
10.1 What if there&;s an ugly person under the mask?
10.1 Oh, what do you know?
10.1 Look at his girlfriend, she&;s so beautiful.
10.1 How could it be ugly?
10.1 A handsome man and a beautiful woman
10.1 It&;s so sweet
10.1 It&;s so sweet
10.1 Why did the teacher stop me?
10.1 I&;m going to keep knocking.
10.1 That&;s all for today&;s class.
10.1 These two students
10.1 Stay and do the cleaning in the classroom.
10.1 Looks like we have to stay a little longer.
10.1 Then I&;ll wash the rag.
10.1 What a coincidence! We meet again.
10.1 I didn&;t expect this next one.
10.1 You little white rabbit hit your boyfriend again
10.1 No wonder you resist me so much.
10.1 Doesn&;t your boyfriend with the rolling eyes know this?
10.1 I saw that.
10.1 Live long enough
10.1 Well, if I want to punish him
10.1 Will you be sad?
10.1 Ah, will he send you to me directly?
10.1 Ah hey
10.1 You are the pretty boy boyfriend who was careless.
10.1 I tell you
10.1 He has been slept with by someone else.
10.1 Look at youth harmless
10.1 But it&;s actually a bus.
10.1 Don&;t be fooled by him.
10.1 I don&;t
10.1 You are confused and say
10.1 If not what
10.1 That goodbye
10.1 Yeah, bye.
10.1 I have to go over there and take the car
10.1 What car to ride?
10.1 Take my car
10.1 Mingzhe&;s things
10.1 You don&;t want me to believe it
10.1 You get so shy when you see other people kissing
10.1 How many can we talk about?
10.1 Will you be punished for beating him like that?
10.1 What is my name?
10.1 Fu Ciyu
10.1 Yes, my name is Fu Ciyu
10.1 Do you think there will be
10.1 What&;s up?
10.1 It is the top name in Beijing without any additional
10.1 This alone is enough for him to harmonize everything
10.1 Do you have the time to care about him?
10.1 Why not care about me first?
10.1 Ouch, my foot hurts a little
10.1 Um, are you okay?
10.1 Click Window
10.1 Across the street
10.1 Hope
10.1 Hey, squeak
10.1 Have you heard
10.1 Liu Mingzhe who has been harassing you before
10.1 I was beaten and hospitalized.
10.1 It&;s so serious
10.1 Yes, I heard that he rolled down the stairs.
10.1 Three ribs are broken.
10.1 I can&;t imagine how painful it is.
10.1 He&;s this kind of person.
10.1 Evildoers will be punished.
10.1 I guess some big shot did it.
10.1 Even Mingzhe himself doesn&;t dare to say
10.1 Hey, Zhizhi, um
10.1 Where is that handsome guy who kept coming to see you?
10.1 Why didn&;t you come today?
10.1 How are you two progressing now?
10.1 We are just friends.
10.1 I don&;t believe it
10.1 What do you say?
10.1 You have a new order, please process it in time
10.1 Yeah, come alive
10.1 I won&;t tell you yet.
10.1 Please
10.1 Packing things
10.1 Confession special effects props flowers
10.1 You must choose the two most beautiful ones.
10.1 Hey, someone comes to buy this confession flower again
10.1 Still confessing?
10.1 Um
10.1 Why don&;t you give this to that handsome guy?
10.1 Hint hint to him
10.1 Don&;t talk nonsense haha
10.1 Is it number 89?
10.1 Yes
10.1 I&;m going out to sing karaoke at night.
10.1 Come back later
10.1 Hold the door for me
10.1 There is also a fun
10.1 Little princess birthday party
10.1 The elders will also speak
10.1 Our little princess carefully prepared to go to the White House
10.1 The two looked at each other affectionately before they successfully held hands.
10.1 I&;m too clear
10.1 Well, I can only say that 70 is a good match.
10.1 This cup of coffee
10.1 It can no longer be said that they are a perfect match.
10.1 I think they are the best match among father and son and sharp girlfriend.
10.1 They weren&;t the ones who went to the park with me last time, were they?
10.1 The back looks like
10.1 I&;ll go home first
10.1 How about it? Aren&;t they a good match?
10.1 not at all
10.1 Who is that person?
10.1 So handsome, don&;t you know him?
10.1 Fu Ciyu, Mr. Fu
10.1 I go
10.1 Mr. Fu actually took the same elective as us.
10.1 How come I don&;t know anything about this class?
10.1 Really crazy handsome
10.1 Oh my god
10.1 I heard you can add WeChat?
10.1 Excuse me
10.1 I don&;t think he&;s as good as that lady last week.
10.1 Her boyfriend is handsome
10.1 Oh, that&;s right.
10.1 What about the mask guy?
10.1 Why didn&;t you come?
10.1 Oh, I really didn&;t come.
10.1 What a pity!
10.1 I also want to compare
10.1 Who has a better figure, Mask Brother or Master Fu?
10.1 Um
10.1 Classes
10.1 Can I add you on WeChat?
10.1 Go aside
10.1 The couple always wanted to change the place to sit and check
10.1 What on earth are you thinking about?
10.1 So many girls like it
10.1 Who do I bring?
10.1 Can you add me on WeChat?
10.1 I&;m sorry.
10.1 No cell phone
10.1 Is it because there are too many people?
10.1 He wants to hide from me
10.1 What&;s going on?
10.1 You&;ve been distracted all day today.
10.1 Like a broken heart
10.1 Um, no.
10.1 I&;m just too tired recently.
10.1 Where is the broken heart?
10.1 Special together
10.1 Hello, welcome
10.1 I want an iced Americano
10.1 This is Tongtong who confessed to Fu Ciyu that day
10.1 New friend given by Fu
10.1 Fu Ziyu will be off duty later
10.1 Are you really going to bring him coffee?
10.1 yes
10.1 Go meet him?
10.1 Our Tongtong personally delivers coffee to people
10.1 Fu Ziyu must not be fascinated
10.1 Yes, yes, yes, by then you must take away Fu Ziyu&;s heart.
10.1 Caught tightly.
10.1 That&;s right. Okay.
10.1 He seems to be really with Fu Ziyu
10.1 What do you want to drink?
10.1 I won&;t drink it.
10.1 Hello your coffee go go go
10.1 But it was that equally dazzling girl
10.1 Isn&;t he being protected by Fu Siyu?
10.1 Why are you still making coffee here?
10.1 What nonsense
10.1 Didn&;t he get tired of you and dumped you?
10.1 ah
10.1 Little bitch
10.1 I&;m relying on you to pull me back this time.
10.1 Didn&;t expect that?
10.1 Someone dumped you.
10.1 But it doesn&;t matter
10.1 Junior high school girl, you still have me
10.1 Let&;s go and have some fun with my brother.
10.1 It would have been nice if you had listened earlier.
10.1 Follow me to the hotel
10.1 You fuck
10.1 Why are you still hiding from me?
10.1 No, I&;m not hiding from you.
10.1 Okay, no hiding.
10.1 Avoid me in class
10.1 Pretend to sleep after class
10.1 Now you see me hiding from me
10.1 Xia Zhiqiang, are you kidding me?
10.1 Give me an explanation
10.1 Did you tell me
10.1 Stay away from you consciously
10.1 Why are you still blaming me?
10.1 Why are you still feeling wronged?
10.1 You&;re hiding from me
10.1 I didn&;t say anything.
10.1 You don&;t give me an explanation
10.1 There must be a process for confessing guilt and accepting punishment.
10.1 You have a girlfriend
10.1 Jealous
10.1 No
10.1 I just think if you have a girlfriend
10.1 You should keep your distance from other girls.
10.1 We can&;t be like before.
10.1 My girlfriend will be jealous
10.1 Because in your eyes
10.1 These are just normal interactions with the environment
10.1 You are considerate of others.
10.1 Summer Solstice Spring
10.1 so
10.1 This is why you&;ve been avoiding me this week
10.1 Right
10.1 Tongtong and I are not together
10.1 He confessed to me
10.1 I like you
10.1 Enough of being rejected by me
10.1 It was too noisy.
10.1 No one heard
10.1 I&;ve made it clear to him.
10.1 He was explaining this to me.
10.1 Hear a rumor and convict me
10.1 I feel wronged too.
10.1 sorry
10.1 Then will you hide again?
10.1 OK
10.1 I forgive you.
10.1 Take you back to the dormitory
10.1 Why are you hiding from me?
10.1 no
10.1 after
10.1 If you get a girlfriend in the future, can you tell me?
10.1 Why are you trying to distance yourself from me again?
10.1 Um
10.1 good
10.1 Because we have such a good relationship.
10.1 I will talk less about love in the future
10.1 Yes, friendship
10.1 We are just friends
10.1 Absolutely, absolutely can&;t leave
10.1 The signal you gave me
10.1 Hello, is this summer tea?
10.1 What&;s wrong with me?
10.1 It is like this
10.1 Jiang Linlin is drunk here.
10.1 I might need you to pick it up.
10.1 Drink and keep drinking
10.1 We want to send her too.
10.1 But she wants you to come
10.1 Okay, I&;ll be right there.
10.1 That should be it.
10.1 Why is there no sound?
10.1 Little beauty, come in and play
10.1 Wow
10.1 The old man is so accurate
10.1 None entered
10.1 Open up hey hey
10.1 I secretly practiced last night.
10.1 Open
10.1 Go and pay
10.1 Fu Ziyu
10.1 I&;m afraid
10.1 What are you doing? Saving people.
10.1 Save people
10.1 It seems that Lao Fu is going to fall into the hands of the girl this time.
10.1 Keep coming.
10.1 You stinky bitch, I&;ll see where you can hide
10.1 Don&;t come over here
10.1 Damn, you dare to resist
10.1 I dare to leave
10.1 I&;m going to kill you here today.
10.1 Let me show you how to be a chastity face
10.1 No no
10.1 don&;t want
10.1 Uncle Wang Uncle Wang
10.1 Someone instructed me
10.1 Let me take him upstairs to the hotel
10.1 Then
10.1 Please, let me go.
10.1 Never again
10.1 I was wrong. I won&;t do it again.
10.1 Not You
10.1 Who supports you?
10.1 Say yes
10.1 It&;s Luo Mingzhe
10.1 It&;s okay, don&;t be afraid
10.1 I cried like a little cat
10.1 I&;ll take care of the rest.
10.1 I don&;t want this tone either.
10.1 I&;ll take you to deal with him.
10.1 Oh oh oh
10.1 That Xia guy is really easy to deceive
10.1 I thought I would doubt something.
10.1 I didn&;t expect that he believed everything from a recording.
10.1 I said that this kind of simple and obedient girl is the easiest to get started with.
10.1 I don&;t know if it&;s done there.
10.1 Brother Liu will be able to do it later hahaha
10.1 Come
10.1 I wish our Brother Liu great success
10.1 Avenge the previous shame
10.1 Hahahaha I&;ll let you go tonight
10.1 You know how fucking awesome I am, hahahaha
10.1 Go to the side
10.1 Have a good chat with my sister at least
10.1 You have plenty of time at night.
10.1 You accompany me now
10.1 Is it you who is responsible for Liu Mingzhe&;s today&;s matter?
10.1 Yes, you dare to come here now that you know everything.
10.1 Then we will
10.1 Dare to hit me
10.1 You&;re so proud of yourself for killing me last time, right?
10.1 Ah, bitch
10.1 I should have found a few more people to block you.
10.1 Let you make my brother happy first
10.1 Is it moving?
10.1 You dare to hit me
10.1 Do you know whose territory this is?
10.1 Whose territory?
10.1 Say it again.
10.1 Why is it Fu Siyu?
10.1 Didn&;t he dump Xiao Zhicheng?
10.1 me me me
10.1 I didn&;t say anything
10.1 Yang Mingcheng
10.1 All you just said
10.1 I recorded all the conversations on my phone.
10.1 I will hand it over to the school right away.
10.1 Hey, Deputy
10.1 that
10.1 Because you beat me so badly last time.
10.1 This matter
10.1 Can we just pretend nothing happened?
10.1 Just finished
10.1 So unreasonable
10.1 Just come and sit there for a breath.
10.1 I&;ll give you a reward if you play well.
10.1 Thank you today
10.1 You are injured
10.1 Just a minor injury
10.1 Are you okay?
10.1 Just said this
10.1 You wait here obediently.
10.1 Ouch
10.1 If my hand is broken
10.1 You can take care of me later
10.1 oops
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 Why are you crying?
10.1 I&;m teasing you
10.1 These are other people&;s shoes.
10.1 Ouch
10.1 This is okay with me.
10.1 sorry
10.1 Why do you always say sorry to me?
10.1 Treat me as an outsider
10.1 I didn&;t treat you as an outsider.
10.1 I just
10.1 Just what
10.1 I took you too seriously.
10.1 I don&;t want you to get hurt with me.
10.1 Xia Zhicha
10.1 I give words
10.1 I will never meddle in other people&;s affairs for no reason.
10.1 I saved you because you deserve it.
10.1 I&;m willing to take care of your affairs
10.1 Hello
10.1 Zhizhi, why are you calling me?
10.1 My phone ran out of battery.
10.1 My brother is fine now.
10.1 That&;s fine. When will you be back?
10.1 The dormitory will close in 5 minutes.
10.1 Are you downstairs now?
10.1 Help me drag it.
10.1 Dormitory Auntie
10.1 I&;ll be back right now
10.1 It&;s probably too late to go back now.
10.1 or
10.1 You go to my house first.
10.1 Ladies slippers
10.1 Does he often come back with girls?
10.1 No one has worn the new one.
10.1 oh
10.1 Do you often bring girls home?
10.1 How is it possible?
10.1 I never bring anyone back.
10.1 You are the first
10.1 Sit anywhere
10.1 Where have you been?
10.1 I stayed at a friend&;s house
10.1 OK
10.1 Then remember to come back tomorrow afternoon to take the exam.
10.1 By the way, where are your notes from that class?
10.1 I&;m going to read by lamplight at night
10.1 A last minute cram
10.1 You open the second drawer on my left
10.1 Then there is a folder inside.
10.1 Can&;t let Liu Yi hear it
10.1 Otherwise he will definitely misunderstand
10.1 Ah, I misheard half of it.
10.1 Why are you withdrawing?
10.1 I just said it wrong.
10.1 Am I banned from the workplace?
10.1 Yeah, sure.
10.1 Which color do you like?
10.1 So nervous
10.1 Do you want to sleep with me?
10.1 We&;ve known each other for so long.
10.1 Just a joke, my face is so red
10.1 I wanted you to relax.
10.1 I didn&;t expect to be more nervous now.
10.1 But this joke is really
10.1 Anyway, don&;t make such jokes again.
10.1 Why
10.1 No reason
10.1 Should I tell you that I have dreamed about this many times?
10.1 Okay, I&;ll go back to my room and sleep.
10.1 Call me anytime if you need anything
10.1 Good night to the theater
10.1 You did this yourself.
10.1 Yeah, otherwise what do you think?
10.1 How did I survive all these years?
10.1 one person
10.1 What are your qualifications?
10.1 Threaten me with my mom
10.1 He was born in such a prominent family.
10.1 But he doesn&;t seem happy.
10.1 I&;m almost at the school gate.
10.1 Do you want to come out and pick me up?
10.1 I&;m sorry.
10.1 I have something urgent to do and I have to leave first.
10.1 I&;ll take you there.
10.1 Ah, no, no, no
10.1 He met another boy.
10.1 sister
10.1 I miss you so much
10.1 Let me see, taller and thinner.
10.1 I&;ll take it for you.
10.1 No need, sister
10.1 The doctor said I&;m almost recovered.
10.1 My body is not as weak as before.
10.1 And my parents were relieved to let me come here alone
10.1 Good boy
10.1 Grow up and walk
10.1 Thirst?
10.1 I&;ll take you to buy some water.
10.1 Hey, good to go
10.1 Thanks
10.1 Fu Siyu
10.1 There are too many people.
10.1 Don&;t do this
10.1 What do you want to eat?
10.1 Who is the man waiting for you outside?
10.1 That&;s my brother.
10.1 Chang Mingsui
10.1 My younger brother is also from Kyoto University
10.1 Um
10.1 He took a half-year break due to illness. What happened?
10.1 Just ask
10.1 oh
10.1 Fu Ziyu
10.1 Fu Ziyu
10.1 Did you hear what I said?
10.1 I&;ve already done this, and you&;re still not going to agree to me?
10.1 OK
10.1 I spread the rumor.
10.1 But they all say you are my man
10.1 Friends, if you don&;t agree to me
10.1 How embarrassing for me.
10.1 Sister, are you in love?
10.1 What nonsense are you talking about?
10.1 I saw it all
10.1 You are so close to that guy, please tell me
10.1 What&;s your relationship?
10.1 That is to say
10.1 My interactions with Fu Siyu just now were all seen
10.1 We are just friends
10.1 friend
10.1 He did that just now because he saw that I was close to you.
10.1 Is he jealous?
10.1 No, he&;s not that kind of person.
10.1 oh
10.1 That&;s you like him.
10.1 Hey, stop talking nonsense.
10.1 I guessed it right, didn&;t I?
10.1 I tell you sister
10.1 Believe me, you two will be together sooner or later
10.1 The way that man looks at you is clearly possessive.
10.1 Tang Misui, what do you know as a little brat?
10.1 Don&;t talk nonsense
10.1 How could the master like someone like me?
10.1 Timid and sensitive
10.1 And always cause trouble for him
10.1 no problem
10.1 You just spread another rumor.
10.1 Say we broke up
10.1 You dumped me
10.1 I dumped you
10.1 You can say whatever you want.
10.1 Adverbs are not acceptable
10.1 Can&;t we just let the mistake go?
10.1 You know it&;s a mistake.
10.1 If you know, stop bothering me.
10.1 Don&;t worry, unless you are really in love
10.1 Or talking about someone prettier than me
10.1 Otherwise I won&;t give up chasing you
10.1 Stop being so conceited
10.1 There are really people prettier than you.
10.1 How did I become like this?
10.1 I don&;t know if I&;ve used it.
10.1 Liu Mingzhe was expelled from school
10.1 Looks like I&;m going to jail.
10.1 This kind of person really dare not
10.1 You are allergic
10.1 ah
10.1 without
10.1 This is what I made up.
10.1 I don&;t think it looks like
10.1 actually
10.1 This is a little bit of emotion between me and Gao Yang.
10.1 We&;re all adults.
10.1 You will know when you fall in love.
10.1 snort
10.1 snort
10.1 You are too innocent.
10.1 Oh, this
10.1 I&;ll take you to the bar tonight.
10.1 There are many handsome guys there
10.1 See the world
10.1 Don&;t be shy
10.1 Don&;t reject me
10.1 Don&;t reject us
10.1 Yeah, okay
10.1 Wait for me, I&;ll clean up.
10.1 immediately
10.1 This is a low alcohol drink so you won&;t get drunk easily.
10.1 You try it first
10.1 Um
10.1 Zeze, do you want to play with me?
10.1 Zeze
10.1 Let&;s play for a while
10.1 If you two dare to touch this fruit plate
10.1 Be careful, I&;ll call the police.
10.1 cut
10.1 Can&;t afford to click
10.1 If you can&;t afford it, don&;t come out
10.1 Are you sick?
10.1 See more of this
10.1 Later
10.1 She&;s charming to men.
10.1 They just want to steal our fruit bowl
10.1 You mustn&;t be deceived.
10.1 Did you hear that?
10.1 People like you who hang out in the early morning are the most likely to attract scumbags
10.1 Don&;t be too naive
10.1 I was accidentally kidnapped.
10.1 Don&;t worry
10.1 I won&;t
10.1 The one dancing looks like Gao Yuyang
10.1 Ah, I&;ll go check it out.
10.1 I guess you didn&;t find me.
10.1 Fang Tianyu
10.1 Brother Fu, you are too cold-blooded.
10.1 People secretly
10.1 The little princess came here especially for you today.
10.1 That&;s right
10.1 People are devoted to you
10.1 Not to mention rewards.
10.1 Kiss one kiss one
10.1 Kiss one kiss one
10.1 Kiss one kiss one
10.1 Kiss
10.1 you
10.1 I&;ll switch places with him.
10.1 I&;m not feeling well.
10.1 People Tongtong
10.1 I&;m sorry, Brother Fu, let me change your seat.
10.1 This is not very nice to the girl.
10.1 ah
10.1 Hahahaha I didn&;t say anything
10.1 Haha
10.1 Let&;s play truth or dare
10.1 This is me, a girl
10.1 I&;ll go first.
10.1 Truth or Dare
10.1 Big Adventure
10.1 The mission of the adventure is
10.1 Kiss the girl closest to you
10.1 Hahahaha
10.1 My girlfriend can&;t kiss me
10.1 Then I&;ll give up my position.
10.1 Oops, I&;m willing to admit defeat
10.1 Excuse me
10.1 My girlfriend will be angry
10.1 girlfriend
10.1 Hey, brother Fu, when did you get a new girlfriend?
10.1 How come we don&;t know?
10.1 Just talked about
10.1 Oh, forget it, forget it.
10.1 Let&;s scrap this game.
10.1 Fu Ziyu, when did you get a girlfriend?
10.1 Just talked about
10.1 Your girlfriend isn&;t here either.
10.1 A kiss is no big deal.
10.1 She doesn&;t know anyway.
10.1 The chorus is so loud
10.1 Such a little joke
10.1 I won&;t be able to play it.
10.1 Don&;t excite me
10.1 Fu Ziyu, what are you doing?
10.1 how
10.1 I went to kiss my girlfriend
10.1 You wanna see it?
10.1 What
10.1 This rich guy&;s girlfriend is also here
10.1 Where is it?
10.1 Didn&;t see
10.1 lady
10.1 I was drinking with him two days ago
10.1 I didn&;t hear him mention it.
10.1 Which of his previous ones didn&;t cause a lot of trouble?
10.1 Why is there no sound this time?
10.1 Isn&;t Tongtong that?
10.1 you
10.1 Hey, look at you
10.1 How can you humiliate others in front of others?
10.1 Let&;s do this
10.1 Oh no, no more.
10.1 Why
10.1 My little sister is alone
10.1 Add a friend
10.1 I
10.1 I am not alone
10.1 I&;m going to find my friend
10.1 That&;s perfect.
10.1 Take me too
10.1 I also want to meet a girlfriend
10.1 It&;s fun to play with more people
10.1 I&;m sorry.
10.1 Not very convenient
10.1 So
10.1 If you add me as a friend, I won&;t bother you anymore, okay?
10.1 OK
10.1 How dare you hit on my girlfriend?
10.1 Hey, Mr. Mo, she is your girlfriend.
10.1 Oh, misunderstanding, misunderstanding
10.1 I&;m leaving first
10.1 I&;m leaving first
10.1 What happened? You drank too much.
10.1 If not, drink a little.
10.1 I&;m drunk like this after just a little drink.
10.1 Come on, I&;ll take you for a ride on the terrace.
10.1 I see you seldom come to bars.
10.1 Yes, I came with Lily.
10.1 How much did you drink?
10.1 Make yourself like this
10.1 Well, I didn&;t drink much.
10.1 I just drank a little bit
10.1 I just drank a little bit
10.1 Yeah
10.1 I wonder if you dare to drink again in the future
10.1 I won&;t dare to do it again.
10.1 Come on, I&;ll help you sober up
10.1 Have you seen enough?
10.1 What does it mean?
10.1 That was Tongtong.
10.1 We lost the game of truth or dare
10.1 Brothers, I must kiss him
10.1 I don&;t want to
10.1 Said I came out to kiss my girlfriend and left
10.1 So that&;s how it is
10.1 This Tongtong didn&;t seem to believe it, so she followed me.
10.1 He just did it for others to see.
10.1 I&;m going back first
10.1 Sisi, please let me go
10.1 They all already know I have a girlfriend
10.1 They know about me
10.1 What&;s up?
10.1 Xia Zhiqiang, do you want to date me?
10.1 Let&;s try
10.1 What he said
10.1 What&;s the matter? What do you say?
10.1 I asked if you wanted to date me
10.1 Don&;t confess to me
10.1 Is this also part of the game?
10.1 I
10.1 I
10.1 But
10.1 It seems that I didn&;t perform well enough.
10.1 This is the first time someone asked me about Qixi Festival
10.1 We are all so familiar with each other
10.1 That&;ll take longer.
10.1 How about three people?
10.1 It turns out it&;s just a game
10.1 Is it possible to be friends?
10.1 May I
10.1 Drink this tea
10.1 Don&;t be careless
10.1 Maybe it is useful to have it for a short time.
10.1 Just think of it as knitting for your own bravery
10.1 You go to the toilet
10.1 Did you meet some extremely handsome guy who confessed his love to you?
10.1 Why did you take so long?
10.1 I
10.1 I just feel it&;s too stuffy in there.
10.1 Get some fresh air
10.1 It&;s OK as long as it&;s not cold enough
10.1 Would you like anything else to drink?
10.1 No, no, no
10.1 It&;s getting late.
10.1 Let&;s go back to the dormitory early.
10.1 Yeah, go.
10.1 Song Dynasty Words
10.1 Hey, Lao Fu, you&;re here for a romantic encounter
10.1 Can we not make our relationship public?
10.1 Do it quietly
10.1 I&;m satisfied after 3 months.
10.1 good
10.1 I promise you
10.1 Affair
10.1 Of course it was a romantic encounter
10.1 Okay then I won&;t bother you anymore
10.1 Next time when Lao Gao is free, let&;s have dinner together.
10.1 Gone first
10.1 good
10.1 Fu Ge
10.1 I came back from kissing my girlfriend.
10.1 Hahaha
10.1 Rich, you don&;t know
10.1 The Tongtong from before came over with clattering footsteps.
10.1 I took a bag and went out.
10.1 That expression is so fierce
10.1 What is he?
10.1 What does it have to do with me?
10.1 Fu Ge
10.1 Uh, this is
10.1 Is my sister-in-law still here?
10.1 Can you give it to me?
10.1 Let the brothers see
10.1 Then
10.1 He is thin-skinned
10.1 Brother Fu is afraid that we will scare him into drinking too much.
10.1 Don&;t worry, Brother Fu
10.1 We two brothers will definitely be gentle and kind.
10.1 It definitely won&;t scare him.
10.1 Um
10.1 Are you all at the bar or something?
10.1 Pure gold little white rabbit
10.1 Hahaha, open your eyes, brothers.
10.1 I really want to see it
10.1 WTF
10.1 Quick, quick, quick
10.1 View Moments
10.1 Officially announced Fugo
10.1 WTF
10.1 Really?
10.1 Why
10.1 Then our rich brother is in trouble.
10.1 Hahaha
10.1 I rely on
10.1 Summer&;s Departure
10.1 He found a girlfriend again.
10.1 This is the first time he shared his girlfriend on WeChat Moments
10.1 How did he take out my photo?
10.1 Will I be recognized?
10.1 but
10.1 Why do I always feel that Fu Ciyu&;s new girlfriend&;s back
10.1 Looks so familiar
10.1 I&;ll call my brother and ask
10.1 How did you post that photo?
10.1 Hello
10.1 Have you returned to the dormitory?
10.1 Already returned
10.1 That beard, um
10.1 I don&;t want to make it public
10.1 I know this isn&;t public.
10.1 But someone just questioned me
10.1 It&;s a lie that I have a girlfriend
10.1 How can I prove that I have a boyfriend if I don&;t post something?
10.1 Xia Zhizhang, you know you can be my girlfriend
10.1 Need something more done?
10.1 have no idea
10.1 Holding hands, of course.
10.1 Hug and kiss
10.1 what else
10.1 Guess what
10.1 better version of me never waiting
10.1 cause i know that you&;ll always make it
10.1 What I want to say is that I still feel at ease being spoiled by you
10.1 What are you thinking about?
10.1 Nothing
10.1 Just want to remind Xia Zhicha
10.1 You have a boyfriend now
10.1 But I don&;t know what you said.
10.1 I&;ll teach you starting from tomorrow&;s date.
10.1 Eat first
10.1 OK, where to eat?
10.1 Fu Siyu
10.1 You look at my left hand
10.1 What did you call me?
10.1 Fu Siyu
10.1 Should be called boyfriend
10.1 Or a more intimate name
10.1 I don&;t want to leave
10.1 Boy friend
10.1 Don&;t ask where this is.
10.1 What if you are kidnapped?
10.1 alright
10.1 I won&;t lie, you&;re so cute
10.1 How can I bear to sell you?
10.1 Grandma Han
10.1 Oh, little rain, little rain
10.1 You came so early today.
10.1 It just so happens that your Grandpa Yu is preparing the dishes.
10.1 This is Grandma Han
10.1 Grandma, this is my girlfriend Xia Zhicha
10.1 My girlfriend&;s grandma is so beautiful
10.1 Such a cute little girl and
10.1 We have a little rain
10.1 Deserve it, hahaha
10.1 Old
10.1 Old
10.1 Hey
10.1 Come here
10.1 Don&;t wash the vegetables yet.
10.1 Xiaoyu brought his girlfriend here
10.1 Good good good
10.1 Girl
10.1 It&;s your Grandpa Yu.
10.1 Grandpa Yu, hahaha
10.1 Grandpa, this is my girlfriend.
10.1 Her name is Xia Zhicha
10.1 Want to drink tea
10.1 oops
10.1 He is Xiaoyu&;s girlfriend, hahahaha
10.1 The brat finally decided to bring his girlfriend home
10.1 Hahaha good
10.1 Come on, let&;s eat.
10.1 Have a meal
10.1 Drink tea again
10.1 Wow
10.1 It smells so good
10.1 Hey, come on, come on
10.1 Eat eat eat eat eat
10.1 You are lucky.
10.1 Grandpa is the chef king of Beijing
10.1 What about after retirement?
10.1 Only one table per day
10.1 Many dignitaries can&;t even get enough to eat
10.1 Grandpa and grandma
10.1 Girl, please don&;t be so shy.
10.1 Actually
10.1 It&;s not as weird as this brat said.
10.1 Look at you kid
10.1 Looking for a fight
10.1 I know I&;m wrong
10.1 Fu Ciyu is at odds with his biological father
10.1 It&;s more like a family with them.
10.1 Girl, are you feeling uncomfortable?
10.1 No
10.1 Hey, your tea
10.1 Ha ha
10.1 Zhizhi
10.1 What kind of person do you think Xiaoyu is?
10.1 They can&;t hear it over there.
10.1 Do you think he has a bad temper?
10.1 Difficult to get along with
10.1 No grandma
10.1 I think my aunt is a very good person
10.1 Yeah, what a good kid.
10.1 In fact, Xiaoyu has had a very hard time these years.
10.1 After his mother died
10.1 His father left him alone in Cloud City
10.1 What a sunny child I was.
10.1 But after coming back
10.1 Became another person
10.1 Don&;t look at him, there are always some girls around him
10.1 But he never messes around.
10.1 You are the first girl he brought back.
10.1 It turns out that from that time on
10.1 Is he already that unhappy?
10.1 Zhizhi, you said so much.
10.1 Actually, Grandma Han just hopes that you
10.1 Can you accompany him on this journey?
10.1 Don&;t worry, Grandma Han
10.1 I will always be with Ayu
10.1 But my relationship with Fu Ciyu
10.1 The relationship was only 3 months
10.1 Good Kids
10.1 Good Kids
10.1 What did Grandma An talk to you about?
10.1 There&;s nothing about you
10.1 Um, did you say something bad about me?
10.1 No
10.1 fine
10.1 Anyway, those things in my family are not a secret.
10.1 Although many people say that Fu Ciyu is very bad
10.1 A merciless person
10.1 But he didn&;t talk about treatment
10.1 That&;s enough
10.1 What are you thinking about?
10.1 Walk so slowly
10.1 What
10.1 Hello hello
10.1 Can you please leave me your contact information?
10.1 This is your sister, right?
10.1 Looks so cute
10.1 I am his girlfriend
10.1 It doesn&;t look like it.
10.1 My sister looks so small
10.1 Why are you attracted to my girlfriend?
10.1 She is my go
10.1 Good
10.1 I just learned how to claim sovereignty.
10.1 My girlfriend is jealous
10.1 I don&;t understand what you are saying
10.1 I don&;t understand what you are saying
10.1 Then I will swear more sovereignty in the future
10.1 I want more trouble
10.1 Ah, where are you from?
10.1 So cute
10.1 You catch him more often when you go to the toilet
10.1 Such a cute puppy
10.1 But why only half?
10.1 So cute
10.1 How could he be left alone?
10.1 This way they can be together, like?
10.1 How did you come here?
10.1 I just saw a divorce.
10.1 But it seems not to be him
10.1 I thought you were stealing me by bringing me here.
10.1 Kiss me
10.1 Too early
10.1 We&;ve only been dating for one day
10.1 It&;s too early anyway.
10.1 OK
10.1 Lower limb tea
10.1 There&;s something wrong with you
10.1 Tell me seriously
10.1 Are you secretly dating behind my back?
10.1 How do you know huh?
10.1 Look at you, a young girl in love
10.1 I didn&;t know it yet.
10.1 Blast you
10.1 I didn&;t expect that I guessed it right.
10.1 Which handsome boy is this?
10.1 I don&;t know
10.1 Let me guess
10.1 It&;s not from our class.
10.1 Oh, I&;m going to wash up first.
10.1 You haven&;t told me yet, right?
10.1 Sooner or later I&;ll know
10.1 Is it that obvious?
10.1 I&;m here. I have to go up.
10.1 Don&;t hold me before leaving
10.1 I seem to have started to get used to Fu Siyu
10.1 A feeling of getting closer
10.1 See you tomorrow baby
10.1 That&;s right
10.1 The day after tomorrow there will be a basketball game between our school and our school
10.1 Gao Yuyang is going to play
10.1 I have to go. Do you want to go with me?
10.1 Okay, I&;ll go with you.
10.1 Lao Gao, I will take Zhi Zhibao with me tomorrow
10.1 Cheer for you
10.1 Can&;t think about it anymore
10.1 But he called me baby
10.1 Borrow it for a moment
10.1 Why are there so many people?
10.1 These women are like they have never seen a handsome guy
10.1 Fu Ciyu
10.1 Oh, yes, a team member twisted his ankle yesterday.
10.1 Then find someone to replace
10.1 I didn&;t expect Fu Ciyu to agree.
10.1 Now, as soon as they heard the news, they all came
10.1 this time
10.1 80% of the girls here come here to see her
10.1 So that&;s it
10.1 Wang Yiyang is so handsome
10.1 Wow
10.1 Wang Yiyang is so handsome
10.1 ah
10.1 Oh, Wang Yiyang, Wang Yiyang
10.1 I will be the first one to deliver water to Zhang Yao later.
10.1 Hey, normal
10.1 It was like this before
10.1 Who is Fu Siyu?
10.1 I just don&;t know how to say no
10.1 Every time I see someone I like, I just take their water.
10.1 It is said that
10.1 Some girls were taken away from their water
10.1 Just pretend to be my girlfriend
10.1 Actually, Fu Siyu
10.1 I don&;t even know who that person is.
10.1 I&;m leaving first
10.1 Saw a few goblins
10.1 I can&;t get close to our old Taoist priest anymore.
10.1 Zhang Yuyang
10.1 Then he can take anyone else&;s
10.1 Hand
10.1 Hiding from me again?
10.1 Or did you deliberately invite me here?
10.1 Want to date me
10.1 You are a hooligan
10.1 This is rogue
10.1 If I do something more outrageous in the future
10.1 The baby just can&;t stand it
10.1 Or I can&;t do it.
10.1 I think there were too many people just now
10.1 Excuse me
10.1 Okay, I&;ll try harder from now on.
10.1 Make yourself more capable
10.1 Come
10.1 Bao Mei
10.1 Just left
10.1 Must still be waiting for me
10.1 Too many people brought me water just now
10.1 I don&;t have any medicine. I&;m dying of thirst.
10.1 Am I cute?
10.1 cute
10.1 and yours
10.1 That&;s right.
10.1 I&;ll take you home.
10.1 Sir, come here quickly
10.1 Something happened at the factory
10.1 OK, I know.
10.1 Why don&;t you go and do your thing first?
10.1 Post it
10.1 ah
10.1 What what what
10.1 It&;s a puppy.
10.1 Then I&;ll go first
10.1 ah
10.1 Um, what&;s wrong?
10.1 Tied hands
10.1 Why did you suddenly want to knit a scarf?
10.1 Why
10.1 Isn&;t it popular to knit scarves for boyfriends recently?
10.1 I wanted to knit one for Gao Yang.
10.1 I want him to wear it every day so he can feel a sense of accomplishment.
10.1 Hey, do you want to knit one for your loved one?
10.1 I bought a multi-line
10.1 If you want to weave, take it from me.
10.1 Would Fu Ciyu like this kind of thing?
10.1 What color do you like?
10.1 What happened to black?
10.1 No random questions
10.1 Hmm Lili
10.1 Then I&;ll just take two.
10.1 Take it
10.1 Um
10.1 Lao Fu
10.1 What are you looking at?
10.1 Smirk here
10.1 Why
10.1 If a girl suddenly asks
10.1 What color do you prefer
10.1 What does it mean?
10.1 I&;m not you. You won&;t really become love-brained, right?
10.1 I think this is good.
10.1 Why
10.1 If a woman asked me this
10.1 I&;ll tell her I&;m doing porn
10.1 Porn
10.1 Oh, no, no
10.1 Don&;t really say that.
10.1 I&;m not stupid.
10.1 I know he&;s preparing a gift for me.
10.1 You know you asked me to show off
10.1 Oh yeah
10.1 Lao Fu
10.1 I don&;t think the old man can hold out for a few days.
10.1 Your dad is worried about the swelling in your stepmother&;s belly.
10.1 Now I go to the hospital every day
10.1 I want the old man to change his will.
10.1 Although I know the inheritance is yours
10.1 But I know
10.1 I&;ll go to the hospital to see the old man when I have time.
10.1 I don&;t know if he will like it.
10.1 Baby
10.1 Hey, Ayu
10.1 Where are you?
10.1 Oh, I&;m in the hospital.
10.1 You are sick
10.1 How can I take care of my grandpa without him?
10.1 Miss me yeah
10.1 I miss you, Ayu
10.1 It&;s snowing. Can I come and see you?
10.1 His family is sick.
10.1 I&;m going to find him now
10.1 Is he in a bad mood?
10.1 I really want to see you.
10.1 Um
10.1 When the first snow
10.1 You should stay with the people you like.
10.1 What happened to Ayuan?
10.1 Today&;s adverbs look so tiring.
10.1 He&;s afraid that I&;ll worry.
10.1 I think you don&;t seem very happy.
10.1 No
10.1 It&;s a bit tiring to take care of people in the hospital
10.1 No unhappiness
10.1 Ayu lowered his head.
10.1 Last time I asked you what color you liked
10.1 I want to give you this.
10.1 This is what I knitted for Ayu.
10.1 Maybe not as good looking as those big brands
10.1 But it&;s warm
10.1 Then I&;ll go first
10.1 You need to take care of your body
10.1 Let me be you
10.1 The next time we meet
10.1 Can I kiss you on the mouth?
10.1 Just teasing you
10.1 I won&;t be in school during this period.
10.1 Remember to think of me, baby
10.1 What can
10.1 Tongtong, are you still here?
10.1 Because Su Zimin is feeling uncomfortable
10.1 Don&;t be sad
10.1 You also know that he is a playboy.
10.1 Still accepting everyone
10.1 Maybe I got tired of that girl after a while.
10.1 That&;s right
10.1 And he hasn&;t revealed it yet.
10.1 Who is that woman?
10.1 I think it&;s either too ugly to be presented.
10.1 Or they&;ve already broken up.
10.1 It&;s still pinned in the Moments
10.1 If you don&;t have any points, then you can&;t show it off.
10.1 Ah Cheng is an ugly guy
10.1 Who knows?
10.1 Even Fu Qiyu himself dislikes it.
10.1 Yes, our little princess Zhu Yu is here.
10.1 Which new girlfriend can compare to her?
10.1 Anyway, I haven&;t seen it in our school.
10.1 Who are you
10.1 Hello, I am sent by the calligraphy club.
10.1 The performance arrangement this time
10.1 Your dance studio is dancing in front
10.1 The calligraphy club is writing in the back
10.1 Why do I feel like I&;ve seen you somewhere?
10.1 I work part-time at the coffee shop at the school gate
10.1 Maybe he looks familiar.
10.1 The table is there
10.1 I&;m going to practice.
10.1 Don&;t bother me
10.1 What happened to the calligraphy club?
10.1 It doesn&;t mean you need a background board.
10.1 Find someone this good looking to steal the spotlight
10.1 talk
10.1 In the final analysis
10.1 Our Tongtong is still the most beautiful
10.1 I will definitely put pressure on her when the time comes.
10.1 No problem
10.1 That&;s right.
10.1 I&;m going to put on makeup.
10.1 Wait until I finish applying it before you do it.
10.1 Zhizhi, when is your turn?
10.1 I brought a camera today to record it for you.
10.1 A beautiful straight shot
10.1 not yet
10.1 Waiting for the makeup artist to put on my makeup
10.1 Xia Zhichen: We are short of makeup artists.
10.1 I can&;t draw it for you.
10.1 Draw it yourself
10.1 But I didn&;t bring any makeup.
10.1 What can we do?
10.1 It&;s just a word anyway
10.1 It doesn&;t matter whether you draw or not, the one writing at the back
10.1 and you
10.1 I am coming
10.1 Luckily I brought my makeup with me.
10.1 Otherwise, I don&;t know if I can make it in time if I go back.
10.1 I praised Tongtong for her beauty before.
10.1 I didn&;t expect that he was so annoying behind my back.
10.1 I&;ll come down and do your hair.
10.1 Do you want a lighter makeup or a stage one?
10.1 I think
10.1 It&;s better to be more gorgeous on stage
10.1 With your personality, I would definitely choose something light.
10.1 Lili, come as you like this time
10.1 snort
10.1 under
10.1 Please enjoy the performances by the calligraphy club and the dance club
10.1 Ink
10.1 Oh my god
10.1 Who is the girl writing behind Tongtong?
10.1 Does anyone know her name?
10.1 I go to our school
10.1 When did such a pretty girl appear?
10.1 Who knows?
10.1 I feel like the girl behind
10.1 The pretty ones all overwhelmed Tongtong.
10.1 This is the beauty of our school.
10.1 Li Yu
10.1 You are the most beautiful
10.1 Li Xin
10.1 Li Zhibao
10.1 Chen Zhibao, you are awesome
10.1 Did you hear
10.1 The audience is all praising you
10.1 That Broken Tongtong
10.1 The sound of cigarette teeth backfired and it really made me laugh to death
10.1 I just took a lot of beautiful photos for you
10.1 What do you think?
10.1 Auntie, she&;s still busy.
10.1 So anxious
10.1 No costume changes were made.
10.1 Have you opened it and read it?
10.1 I only read the note you gave me.
10.1 Open it and see
10.1 I know
10.1 oh
10.1 why are you laughing
10.1 No
10.1 I am very happy
10.1 I&;m very happy that you prepared this gift for me with so much care.
10.1 Then you take it with you.
10.1 Help me bring
10.1 It doesn&;t seem to be suitable
10.1 Your head is a bit big
10.1 Ayu
10.1 Have you finished your work?
10.1 Almost done
10.1 Then you still
10.1 My baby
10.1 I&;m sure for today&;s show
10.1 Come see
10.1 He watched my show.
10.1 Then I&;ll send you a message
10.1 Haven&;t you had time to watch it yet?
10.1 That&;s why I didn&;t reply
10.1 Because I want to tell you in person
10.1 My baby is the cutest little bunny
10.1 Maybe it&;s a little bear
10.1 I eat rabbit.
10.1 A Yuan
10.1 Um
10.1 Rival
10.1 We agreed to kiss each other on the lips next time we meet
10.1 Wenyuan
10.1 I can&;t breathe.
10.1 You don&;t think I&;ve been in love a lot.
10.1 I&;ve kissed a lot of women, so you think I&;m a scumbag.
10.1 This is also my first kiss
10.1 Mom, you&;re not going back tomorrow.
10.1 How should I say thank you for the compliment?
10.1 Just kissed once
10.1 Feeling more proficient
10.1 It all seems like a dream
10.1 Be more genuine
10.1 sister
10.1 My mother is the most skillful one. Let me bring it to you.
10.1 Sister, won&;t you come back with me during the holidays?
10.1 I found a company for internship
10.1 I&;ll go back when the company has a holiday.
10.1 Okay, then come back early.
10.1 Otherwise, my parents would definitely complain to death.
10.1 Don&;t worry, I&;ll call them when I get home tonight.
10.1 Oh, okay.
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 Well
10.1 Wasn&;t your last performance a hit?
10.1 Then my roommate asked me
10.1 He asked if he could get to know you.
10.1 Help me to refuse.
10.1 I guessed that
10.1 I&;ve already rejected it for you.
10.1 I treat her as my roommate
10.1 She also wants to be my brother-in-law
10.1 No door
10.1 Besides, even if you want to, I won&;t.
10.1 Sister, I&;m going to class.
10.1 Go ahead, bye.
10.1 Our baby is so popular.
10.1 How do you get down
10.1 Come down and have a look
10.1 Lest someone else take it away
10.1 You just heard it.
10.1 Um
10.1 Know
10.1 I rejected them all.
10.1 Finished
10.1 I was suddenly informed that I cannot stay in school during the winter vacation.
10.1 I can only find a house in advance
10.1 Otherwise sit down
10.1 It&;s not good to leave your house
10.1 What are you thinking about?
10.1 I&;ll give you a house to live in.
10.1 I&;ll live somewhere else
10.1 You have to remember to clean up
10.1 How come you are here?
10.1 Miss Tian is back!
10.1 What to do
10.1 I want a relative
10.1 so far away
10.1 Tie me up
10.1 So that everyone knows that I have a lover.
10.1 That&;s my brother.
10.1 Oh, it&;s you.
10.1 Well, I&;m a bit busy now.
10.1 I&;ll take you up first.
10.1 Good walk
10.1 Are you Summer Tea?
10.1 I know you two.
10.1 Well, he is the new intern today.
10.1 Then you take him with you.
10.1 I&;m leaving first
10.1 Hey, ok sister
10.1 Leave it to me
10.1 My name is Liu Haojun
10.1 I am your brother
10.1 Changming&;s roommate
10.1 The one who asked for your WeChat before
10.1 It&;s you
10.1 I was a little impulsive at the time
10.1 Sorry to bother you
10.1 But now that we are colleagues
10.1 Otherwise, let&;s get to know each other
10.1 Yo
10.1 You are the school beauty that Jin Dagang made famous, right?
10.1 This is Mr. Zhao.
10.1 Hello Mr. Zhao
10.1 Since you are a new colleague
10.1 I&;ll be the one to receive you.
10.1 What should you do?
10.1 Oh well
10.1 Hey Xiaoxia
10.1 Today is my first day at work
10.1 How do you feel?
10.1 Very good, very good
10.1 Lao Fu
10.1 You really understand me
10.1 You know I didn&;t drive today.
10.1 Okay, I&;ll tell you.
10.1 That&;s the campus beauty from Kyoto University.
10.1 Xiaoxia, we are leaving first.
10.1 Let&;s go
10.1 Get off and take a taxi
10.1 Why
10.1 What do you mean?
10.1 You&;re not here to pick me up.
10.1 Are you going to pick up her wife?
10.1 Get on board
10.1 Ah, sister-in-law, please
10.1 Ah, it&;s over, it&;s over.
10.1 Xia Zhixia is actually Fu Ziyu
10.1 The Hiding Girlfriend
10.1 Then I asked him for his contact information before, that would be the end of it.
10.1 Hey
10.1 Brother Tiger, I was just talking nonsense before
10.1 You know
10.1 Whenever I see a pretty girl, I think
10.1 I have to say two words.
10.1 I didn&;t mean it.
10.1 Sister-in-law, I&;m sorry.
10.1 You go
10.1 Is there anyone?
10.1 Master, I think about it.
10.1 I still need to call you alone.
10.1 I really have no interest in my sister-in-law.
10.1 Know
10.1 That requires me to say no to that team in advance.
10.1 Need not
10.1 You&;re not going to make it public yet?
10.1 Doesn&;t he want to make it public?
10.1 Oh, I have something else to remind you.
10.1 The company has a new member
10.1 An intern with my sister-in-law
10.1 I heard it seems to be from Jin University
10.1 It seems that I have some interest in my sister-in-law.
10.1 Oh, I listened to their conversation.
10.1 It seems that he is your brother&;s roommate.
10.1 Finished
10.1 Almost done
10.1 Did you stay to work overtime too?
10.1 yes
10.1 Not really
10.1 I think you feel a bit lonely staying alone.
10.1 Thinking of being with you
10.1 Is there anything you don&;t understand?
10.1 I will teach you
10.1 Go to the bar with me
10.1 You don&;t pick up your sister-in-law from get off work.
10.1 So I am jealous.
10.1 Go drink to drown your sorrows
10.1 Xia, where do you live?
10.1 I&;ll send you off. No need.
10.1 Too much trouble for you
10.1 Xia Xuemei
10.1 Don&;t be polite to me.
10.1 I&;ll take you back
10.1 I&;m sorry, Senior.
10.1 I have to pick up my boyfriend now
10.1 Why
10.1 I&;m here, where are you?
10.1 I drank too much
10.1 I&;m outside
10.1 On the roadside downstairs
10.1 Oh ok, I&;ll be there soon
10.1 good
10.1 Fu Ciyu has always been a good drinker
10.1 Why did you suddenly drink so much this time?
10.1 Are you okay?
10.1 Ah, never mind
10.1 I&;ll get in the car now.
10.1 Hey, slow down.
10.1 Be careful
10.1 sit
10.1 Ouch
10.1 hot
10.1 Very hot
10.1 Oh, I can&;t take it off.
10.1 Open your eyes
10.1 You put on your clothes and I&;ll open my eyes
10.1 Open your eyes first
10.1 I didn&;t wear those clothes.
10.1 Have you ever eaten it?
10.1 Then I&;ll take this off too.
10.1 Why
10.1 I&;m telling you, a drunk
10.1 Oh, baby.
10.1 Did you get a call from your boyfriend?
10.1 Is it safe to get home now?
10.1 Tell him I&;ll pick you up right away.
10.1 you
10.1 You didn&;t drink?
10.1 Why are you pretending to be drunk?
10.1 Can&;t you see?
10.1 I&;m seducing you
10.1 so
10.1 Is the baby hooked?
10.1 It seems that there is no
10.1 I&;m going to take a shower
10.1 This is the treasure
10.1 Please help me find which of these two looks better.
10.1 Ah, what&;s going on?
10.1 It&;s jewelry.
10.1 The red one looks good on you.
10.1 Okay, I&;ll keep this.
10.1 Well, is this the house you rented in Beijing?
10.1 It seems pretty good
10.1 Why is your mouth swollen?
10.1 Um
10.1 Was it kissed?
10.1 And he must have just been kissed.
10.1 It&;s so late
10.1 You man don&;t
10.1 Will it still be at your house?
10.1 Or are we living together now?
10.1 I didn&;t
10.1 That&;s good. I was really scared just now.
10.1 I&;m afraid
10.1 Your cousin is unreliable.
10.1 It&;s only been a while
10.1 I&;ll trick you into living together
10.1 Baby, pass me my bath towel.
10.1 ah
10.1 What&;s the meaning
10.1 The dog man is still in your house.
10.1 What step have you reached?
10.1 Who is this dog man?
10.1 Explain to me clearly about your lower limbs
10.1 Nothing
10.1 Don&;t worry
10.1 Just a kiss
10.1 If that damn yellow-haired guy dares to bully you
10.1 He must be killed with a knife
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 That student again.
10.1 No, no
10.1 Shi Jianglin
10.1 Brother Fu, it&;s not your birthday in a few days.
10.1 Brothers are thinking
10.1 Do you want me to hold a birthday party for you in the factory?
10.1 No
10.1 Do you have any other plans for your birthday?
10.1 Yes
10.1 So is there anything you want?
10.1 I want you
10.1 Take me somewhere
10.1 You are here for you
10.1 So you brought me to the bar.
10.1 yes
10.1 Wait for me
10.1 My heartache
10.1 Next Steps
10.1 This song is dedicated to someone very important
10.1 Please tell me if this handsome guy sings well or not.
10.1 How&;s the singing?
10.1 It sounds really good
10.1 Well, I guess everyone must be very tired singing along.
10.1 What&;s next?
10.1 Let&;s play a little game
10.1 The name of this game is Destiny
10.1 You can see
10.1 The host now has a flower in his hand
10.1 Right? Then the host will throw it down.
10.1 Who received it?
10.1 You have to talk to an audience member next to you
10.1 Complete a kiss interaction
10.1 Be prepared
10.1 The Game
10.1 Okay, I want one too.
10.1 I don&;t think it&;s appropriate.
10.1 one
10.1 Good, it&;s our handsome guy
10.1 Get this sentence
10.1 Let me see the one next to me.
10.1 yes
10.1 The young lady next to her doesn&;t seem to show her face much.
10.1 Maybe a little shy
10.1 Should we change someone?
10.1 sat at the mountain
10.1 thought i go to get around
10.1 Wow
10.1 It&;s so sweet
10.1 Even if you don&;t show your face, you still have to claim your sovereignty
10.1 This feels so good.
10.1 It&;s really a waste.
10.1 Okay, so what&;s next?
10.1 Or let&;s invite our lead singer
10.1 Let me bring you another beautiful song.
10.1 Ayu
10.1 Today is your birthday
10.1 You are the protagonist
10.1 So I want
10.1 At the moment when everyone is bustling
10.1 Wish you happiness
10.1 Always happy
10.1 Ouch
10.1 Take my employees to the bar in Haicheng on weekends
10.1 Lao Fu, you are so romantic.
10.1 Who did you hear that from?
10.1 Miss Xue searched
10.1 Mr. Fu actively coaxed people to recruit people.
10.1 Oh my god, I&;m so angry
10.1 Ah, but don&;t worry.
10.1 My sister-in-law didn&;t show her face
10.1 yes
10.1 Our three-month deadline is coming up.
10.1 What&;s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?
10.1 fine
10.1 It&;s too windy outside
10.1 Let&;s get in the car first
10.1 These days go by so fast.
10.1 So happy that I almost forgot
10.1 The three-month deadline has an end.
10.1 Should I tell my father and son in advance?
10.1 We can part ways in peace
10.1 You didn&;t close the door when you left.
10.1 I remember turning it off
10.1 Isn&;t he like our brother?
10.1 I&;m not your brother
10.1 My mom and I have been waiting for you here for so long.
10.1 Oh, it turns out to be
10.1 He went out with those questionable women again.
10.1 ah
10.1 Lin Zhinan, please say one more sentence
10.1 You want to do it
10.1 I tell you
10.1 The baby in my belly is also from the Fu family
10.1 What are you talking about? It&;s still unclear who the Fu family belongs to.
10.1 Don&;t even think about telling Fu Nanhai
10.1 I won&;t let him succeed in his plans.
10.1 roll
10.1 I feel a little uncomfortable
10.1 Can I hold you?
10.1 Aunt
10.1 You want a hug
10.1 just
10.1 Are you scared?
10.1 you
10.1 My little rabbit has become brave.
10.1 How long until I return home for the New Year?
10.1 Three more days
10.1 I bought the airport 028
10.1 I won&;t be able to take you to the airport then.
10.1 How about I help you pack your luggage?
10.1 It&;s over between us.
10.1 This gives you the biggest
10.1 Pray in the temple
10.1 Very smart
10.1 After the New Year, we may never see each other again.
10.1 I want to share this luck with you
10.1 I hope you will be luckier in the future.
10.1 A little smoother
10.1 This is the only thing I can do for you
10.1 Cheers
10.1 Happy New Year!
10.1 Happy New Year
10.1 Then please eat more.
10.1 Too thin
10.1 Eat my sister, eat mine.
10.1 The one at my dad&;s is too greasy.
10.1 Eat too much and lose hair, you little bastard
10.1 Hahaha
10.1 Our news yesterday
10.1 Mr. Fu Huaiqing, the head of the Fu family, passed away due to illness
10.1 Funeral tonight
10.1 Celebrities from all walks of life attended the event
10.1 Fu Siyu&;s grandfather passed away
10.1 I&;ll make a phone call first.
10.1 Someone is setting off fireworks outside
10.1 Very nice
10.1 Show me tomorrow night
10.1 good
10.1 So boring
10.1 It&;s better to watch the fireworks outside the window than to watch this
10.1 You&;re a boring brat, aren&;t you?
10.1 Come and learn how to make dumplings from your mom
10.1 Sister, come with us.
10.1 Okay, let me wash my hands first and come right back
10.1 Why
10.1 What are you doing
10.1 Prepare to make dumplings with my family
10.1 Didn&;t you say you wanted to watch the fireworks yesterday?
10.1 I&;ll take a picture for you
10.1 I mean watch it with me.
10.1 Well, the fireworks outside are about to stop.
10.1 There will be more later.
10.1 Baby, look outside.
10.1 Why don&;t you wear a coat?
10.1 How come you are here?
10.1 I miss you
10.1 Just drive over here.
10.1 drive
10.1 It is more than 2,000 kilometers away from Beijing.
10.1 Baby looking up
10.1 Didn&;t you get enough rest?
10.1 I&;m not sleepy
10.1 No, you have to take a rest.
10.1 I&;ve been driving for a day.
10.1 There is a hotel next to our house
10.1 I&;ll take you to rest.
10.1 Where are you going, sister?
10.1 Uncle and aunt, please sit down
10.1 How heavy is the rain this year?
10.1 Where do you study?
10.1 I am 22 years old
10.1 Yes, I study at Qingdao University.
10.1 She is in the same school as our Zhizhi.
10.1 Oh, that&;s so convenient.
10.1 sister
10.1 I&;ll just say it
10.1 You two will be together sooner or later
10.1 Auntie, you have so much hair.
10.1 Uncle too
10.1 Hahaha
10.1 Last time I saw you at school
10.1 shy
10.1 Auntie, you have so much hair.
10.1 Uncle too
10.1 Hahaha
10.1 The last time I saw it at school
10.1 Didn&;t talk much
10.1 I am more socially phobic
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 I think it&;s getting late.
10.1 You drove all day to come here.
10.1 How about I take her to find a hotel first?
10.1 Oh, my sister is the one who cares about others.
10.1 The house is small.
10.1 Ah, I won&;t keep you.
10.1 But I will come back for dinner tomorrow
10.1 OK
10.1 Then I will come back another day to taste the cooking of uncle and aunt
10.1 Walk well
10.1 If only time could stop here
10.1 Answering the phone
10.1 What does it have to do with you where I go?
10.1 Don&;t worry
10.1 If it was me
10.1 That bastard is no longer in your wife&;s belly.
10.1 No pain
10.1 The last time you were injured
10.1 I&;ll say it hurts.
10.1 Hotel arrived
10.1 Go back soon
10.1 never mind
10.1 You stay with me.
10.1 Want to hear a story?
10.1 Can I listen?
10.1 You are my girlfriend
10.1 What can&;t you listen to?
10.1 My father is the only heir to the top tycoon in Beijing
10.1 My mother and he are a perfect match
10.1 It can be regarded as respectful to each other.
10.1 Until my father met his first love again
10.1 The woman named Lin Yanyi
10.1 Later, my mother became depressed and ill
10.1 Died of illness
10.1 Before death
10.1 My father was in another woman&;s bed
10.1 You saw it last time.
10.1 The woman named Lin Yanyi
10.1 Entering the house with my daughter
10.1 The old man had made a will.
10.1 The Rich Family Belongs to Me
10.1 Until Lin Yanyi came to the door
10.1 I just found out
10.1 Before the old man&;s death
10.1 Delegation
10.1 Lin Yan is pregnant
10.1 Also has inheritance rights
10.1 It turns out that he has had such a hard time these years.
10.1 Fu Nanhai called me just now
10.1 He said something happened to Lin Yanyi
10.1 She said the child was almost lost.
10.1 He asked me if I did it.
10.1 How stupid if I really did it.
10.1 I already started
10.1 I have 800 ways to make him die.
10.1 Leave no trace
10.1 Are you scared?
10.1 No
10.1 Ayu, are you sad?
10.1 A little bit
10.1 Before this incident
10.1 I always feel that no matter how messy the house is,
10.1 The old man will always stand by me
10.1 After all, at home
10.1 He is the only person who is nice to me.
10.1 Now there is a feeling
10.1 Betrayed by others
10.1 A Yue
10.1 Want a hug
10.1 Um
10.1 I will always be in the wild
10.1 Turn over
10.1 Happy New Year, baby
10.1 hello
10.1 Outside
10.1 Yeah, I&;m setting off fireworks outside.
10.1 Are you alone?
10.1 Who is next to you?
10.1 Um
10.1 With my family members.
10.1 Really? Let me say hello to my uncle and aunt.
10.1 Not very convenient
10.1 The person next to you is not Fu Siyu, right?
10.1 I really do.
10.1 Don&;t tell me
10.1 The yellow-haired brother who kidnapped you during this period
10.1 It must be Fu Ciyu
10.1 Yellow Haired Brother
10.1 Talk about me?
10.1 It&;s your friend&;s.
10.1 My code name is Huangmaoge
10.1 He didn&;t know you were Fu Ciyu before
10.1 I felt something was wrong when I saw you two before
10.1 I didn&;t expect it to be true
10.1 Fu Siyu
10.1 The mysterious girlfriend who was widely rumored
10.1 It&;s you
10.1 I just said that last time I video chatted with you
10.1 Why did that person&;s voice sound so familiar?
10.1 No, Fu Siyu has come to Yuncheng to play with you.
10.1 I want too
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 Jiang Lili said she was coming to Yuncheng
10.1 She wants to see you
10.1 See, isn&;t this good?
10.1 But she knows our relationship.
10.1 He said you have too many dark histories.
10.1 He wants to check you out.
10.1 Looks like I have to perform well.
10.1 But the three-month deadline is coming soon.
10.1 So the problem you&;ve been worrying about is this
10.1 I actually
10.1 Do you understand now?
10.1 What does this mean?
10.1 I regret it
10.1 Besides, I didn&;t intend to talk about only three
10.1 Wasn&;t our agreement before that okay?
10.1 Why
10.1 I can&;t bear to part with it
10.1 I feel like I&;m addicted to you now
10.1 He is reluctant
10.1 What are you addicted to?
10.1 To me, it&;s still those intimate things
10.1 Will he get tired of it later?
10.1 What&;s wrong
10.1 Not willing yet
10.1 I do
10.1 Fu Zei
10.1 I really like you
10.1 Happy New Year to Zhizunbao
10.1 Do you miss me?
10.1 You definitely don&;t think about me when you&;re with your boyfriend.
10.1 It&;s gone
10.1 Master Fu
10.1 Are you ready for the judgment of your mother&;s family?
10.1 These few days, I really haven&;t
10.1 It turns out that Fu Siyu is the one who is in love.
10.1 Hey, what is this place?
10.1 This is my high school
10.1 This is the back door class
10.1 All locked
10.1 Does your school allow outsiders to enter?
10.1 Can you take me for a visit?
10.1 I think it&;s OK.
10.1 Hello, uncle
10.1 Can we go take a look at the school?
10.1 Sorry, little girl.
10.1 Our school
10.1 Outsiders are not allowed to enter
10.1 But I am a former graduate.
10.1 Can you be flexible?
10.1 Uncle Huang, can we go in and take a look?
10.1 Xiaofu, you are back in the clouds.
10.1 Hey, go in, go in.
10.1 I didn&;t recognize it just now
10.1 It turns out that you are the top student in their class.
10.1 That&;s not right. How come you two are from the same school?
10.1 Aren&;t you from Beijing?
10.1 He transferred to our class in his sophomore year.
10.1 One year of independence
10.1 You two are still in the same class.
10.1 So how come when we first met
10.1 You two don&;t act like you know each other.
10.1 I thought he didn&;t remember me
10.1 Indeed, I didn&;t recognize it.
10.1 No way, it&;s our Zhizhi&;s face
10.1 How could I not remember?
10.1 You can tell from that, little girl.
10.1 No way, the pearl is covered in dust
10.1 Pearl covered in dust
10.1 Xia Zhizhi, if you had learned how to dress up earlier
10.1 Fu Siyi has been pestering you for a long time and fell in love with you at first sight
10.1 How could I possibly make it to this point?
10.1 That won&;t work.
10.1 If my little girl wants to take the entrance exam to Beijing University, I won&;t
10.1 Let&;s go.
10.1 We went in for a walk.
10.1 Xiaofu, I have a letter here.
10.1 This is when I first went to school.
10.1 Sent to you by a little girl
10.1 Oh, that&;s right.
10.1 Xiao Fu, I have a letter for you here.
10.1 This is when you first started school.
10.1 Sent to you by a little girl
10.1 A letter from a girl to you
10.1 Could it be a love letter? Hehe
10.1 Maybe
10.1 I&;ll help you find it
10.1 Our Zhizhi is jealous
10.1 Did you find it?
10.1 No
10.1 Zhizhi, did you write that letter?
10.1 I saw you today
10.1 The letter is in my pocket.
10.1 so
10.1 Did you start liking Fu Ci Yu from that time?
10.1 Well I
10.1 I&;ve had a crush on him for a long time
10.1 No wonder Zhizhi, you are so brave
10.1 Brave
10.1 Who didn&;t have a crush on someone in high school?
10.1 But I don&;t even remember what they look like.
10.1 It must be very hard for you to have a crush on someone like you.
10.1 No contact for so many years
10.1 Can still hold on to the end
10.1 What you wish for is what you deserve
10.1 In fact, during this period of time
10.1 Whether it&;s his performance or your performance
10.1 It makes me feel like nothing can stop me.
10.1 I was just afraid that he would bully you.
10.1 He didn&;t do this to his previous girlfriend.
10.1 Of course not.
10.1 I heard Gao Yuyang say this before.
10.1 He never did this to his previous girlfriend.
10.1 How come?
10.1 Why are there so many goddesses?
10.1 Want to date him?
10.1 It&;s all about money and looks.
10.1 Oh, by the way, the father and son fish themselves also know about it.
10.1 So he never let those girls get close to him
10.1 Um
10.1 Congratulations
10.1 You&;re the only one who&;s really had his food over the years.
10.1 Hey, so how is the relationship between you two?
10.1 No, just kissed once.
10.1 I don&;t believe it, tell me.
10.1 Really? Tell me now.
10.1 I don&;t believe it. I&;m going to sleep.
10.1 You&;re not allowed to sleep
10.1 Shenzhen People
10.1 Hey Ayu
10.1 My ID card is missing.
10.1 Is it on your coffee table?
10.1 Please help me take a look
10.1 Do you need me to deliver it?
10.1 Are you convenient?
10.1 Of course it&;s convenient
10.1 Don&;t you want to make us public?
10.1 Or did you finally figure it out?
10.1 Would you like to give me some rice?
10.1 Um
10.1 I&;m going there now
10.1 Baby, I&;m here
10.1 Okay, I&;ll be down right away.
10.1 Why
10.1 Why is Fu Ciyu&;s girlfriend in our building?
10.1 Then we must see
10.1 What does that ugly guy look like?
10.1 The forums are talking about it
10.1 A lot of people are watching
10.1 Who knows?
10.1 I got a new one.
10.1 The ugly one was thrown away
10.1 That&;s why I dare to show it out
10.1 No matter what, I won&;t give up
10.1 Near this
10.1 Why is it him?
10.1 What to wear to be unlucky
10.1 Tongtong, do you want to take a look?
10.1 What do the father and his girlfriend look like?
10.1 Let&;s see, let&;s stop talking.
10.1 Otherwise, nothing will be done.
10.1 I&;m going to be bullied again.
10.1 Give me your hand, baby
10.1 What about my reward?
10.1 It&;s him
10.1 I lost.
10.1 Where is Fu Siyu?
10.1 Ayu is not here
10.1 It&;s called Summer Tea, right?
10.1 You are the girlfriend my brother met at school
10.1 ah
10.1 The last time I saw you
10.1 I thought it was some questionable woman.
10.1 I&;m sorry.
10.1 Tell me, what method did you use to hook up with my brother?
10.1 Relying on purity?
10.1 What are you wearing?
10.1 It seems my brother doesn&;t care much about you.
10.1 Really? Yes.
10.1 Otherwise
10.1 You don&;t think my brother will be sincere to anyone, do you?
10.1 If that&;s what you said.
10.1 You don&;t have to talk to me in person.
10.1 What is your purpose?
10.1 There&;s no purpose.
10.1 Just seeing you are pitiful
10.1 I want to give you a few words of advice.
10.1 It&;s not too late to leave my brother now.
10.1 If you just want to say this
10.1 Too
10.1 People like you
10.1 I guess I don&;t know anything yet.
10.1 I&;m afraid you don&;t know that my brother is getting engaged.
10.1 The engagement happened a few days ago.
10.1 My brother didn&;t tell you.
10.1 My dad made a condition
10.1 As long as my brother agrees to get engaged to the person he arranged
10.1 The inheritance right of the Fu family will belong to him.
10.1 But unfortunately he agreed
10.1 After all, the Fu family&;s business and a woman
10.1 Which is more important?
10.1 Everyone can tell
10.1 Then I&;ll wait for him to tell you in person.
10.1 Personally
10.1 Do you think he will tell you?
10.1 I can take you home and raise you
10.1 It means he is still interested in you.
10.1 Do you think he will let go?
10.1 Rich Family
10.1 It&;s more than enough to support a woman at home.
10.1 But I want someone with a personality like Miss Xia
10.1 Should not be willing to do
10.1 A third party who interferes with other people&;s families
10.1 I don&;t understand what you are saying
10.1 Miss Lin, I have to go to class.
10.1 stop
10.1 You don&;t believe it, right?
10.1 You can try
10.1 Can we prevent Fu Ciyuan from going back home tonight?
10.1 This is impossible
10.1 Hey Ayu
10.1 Can you go home today?
10.1 So anxious
10.1 Why does my baby miss me?
10.1 But not today.
10.1 I have something to do at the old house.
10.1 I&;ll come back to accompany you tomorrow
10.1 Is he really getting engaged?
10.1 He really got engaged.
10.1 Summer Tea
10.1 It&;s time to wake up from the dream
10.1 Now you believe it, right?
10.1 Let&;s break up
10.1 Come in
10.1 elder sister
10.1 Need service?
10.1 Ah, not needed for now
10.1 You guys go out first.
10.1 I can&;t afford
10.1 When I have money
10.1 I&;ll call them all over to play with you.
10.1 There are more handsome guys in reality
10.1 You know it&;s superficial
10.1 He is a piece of shit.
10.1 Hello
10.1 Get out of the workplace
10.1 Xia Zhichang, you are pretty good.
10.1 He ran away without saying a word.
10.1 Turn around and laugh with others
10.1 I didn&;t tell you that I broke up
10.1 reason
10.1 Not gentle
10.1 But I don&;t want you anymore
10.1 I don&;t want to be hidden.
10.1 Become a third party who cannot see the light
10.1 So I don&;t want it anymore
10.1 I won&;t let you leave me, little scout.
10.1 Why are you crying?
10.1 good
10.1 Don&;t cry, don&;t cry
10.1 Stop crying
10.1 You gotta tell me what happened.
10.1 Aren&;t you engaged to someone else?
10.1 Who did you hear that from?
10.1 Lin Zhinan
10.1 He took me to your engagement party.
10.1 Why don&;t you ask me?
10.1 You didn&;t tell me
10.1 Whether it is an engagement party or accompanying someone else
10.1 They will only tell me
10.1 I didn&;t agree to get engaged.
10.1 That engagement party was someone else&;s.
10.1 I am only attending as a guest
10.1 As for Miss Gu
10.1 It was the girl Fu Nanhai forced to be my companion.
10.1 I haven&;t even touched his hand.
10.1 At most, just clinking glasses
10.1 So I misunderstood him?
10.1 But if
10.1 You are not divorced
10.1 Then you reply home
10.1 You see, the grievance plan has not yet passed.
10.1 I&;m worried again.
10.1 Okay, even if I agree.
10.1 On the surface, it seems to have given me a boost.
10.1 Actually
10.1 It&;s just that group of people want to get married
10.1 To strengthen my control
10.1 So that&;s how it is
10.1 Of course there is another reason
10.1 I can&;t bear to see you suffer
10.1 I can&;t bear to let you go
10.1 Am I that important?
10.1 Xia Zhichang, you are such a fool
10.1 Put your hand here
10.1 You feel my heartbeat
10.1 I almost took out my heart and showed it to you
10.1 Do you still think you are unimportant?
10.1 Since he likes me so much, I think in his eyes
10.1 Even if you have some feelings for me
10.1 But it&;s not that important.
10.1 But
10.1 Your previous girlfriends always broke up with you.
10.1 No need for any reason
10.1 Even the two of us together
10.1 All because of a bet
10.1 You didn&;t even really say you loved me
10.1 I&;m afraid I&;ll be like them.
10.1 I got tired of you quickly
10.1 Throw it away soberly and resolutely
10.1 But you don&;t feel safe
10.1 yes
10.1 I&;m telling you seriously now
10.1 I pay words
10.1 I only love you
10.1 should
10.1 Xiaozhi, why are you so love-brained?
10.1 Your scumbag coaxed you a few words and you reconciled
10.1 Lili, I misunderstood him.
10.1 I believed the rumors and
10.1 Okay, okay.
10.1 You two, follow me now.
10.1 I don&;t want to see you two showing affection
10.1 Hey, brother, you got off work so early.
10.1 Go pick up my girlfriend
10.1 Why
10.1 No, I&;ve heard people say it everywhere recently.
10.1 Aren&;t you planning to date that Gu Yue from the Gu family?
10.1 Are you getting engaged?
10.1 Who did you hear that from?
10.1 Isn&;t this spreading in the circle?
10.1 Your dad really likes Gu Jia.
10.1 You&;re going to be engaged soon.
10.1 You&;re getting engaged to them.
10.1 Maybe the Fu family is in your pocket.
10.1 impossible
10.1 What is impossible
10.1 Let me marry someone else
10.1 impossible
10.1 If
10.1 If you are engaged
10.1 You&;re not serious about Xia Zhicha, are you?
10.1 Not only serious but
10.1 Then what about the people in your co-pilot?
10.1 What do you plan to explain?
10.1 Bye bye
10.1 Ms. Xia Zicheng
10.1 Could I take a moment of your time?
10.1 Next section please
10.1 Is this the place where Ayu lived since childhood?
10.1 Please walk faster in the next section
10.1 You are the girl that Fu Ciyu likes
10.1 Pretty. I thought you were a smart person.
10.1 So I asked Lanlan to remind her to leave Fu Ciyu
10.1 But I didn&;t expect you just looked honest.
10.1 No wonder Fu Ziyu likes you.
10.1 Gentle and bookish
10.1 Like his mother
10.1 Ayu doesn&;t want you to mention his mother
10.1 Who are you?
10.1 You, little girl, are quite protective of her.
10.1 snort
10.1 What a pity, even if you like her
10.1 She won&;t marry you.
10.1 Do you know why?
10.1 Because he dared to do so
10.1 You have to leave the Fu family
10.1 Penniless
10.1 Who would still want to be with him at that time?
10.1 Brother, don&;t bother Dad.
10.1 I do
10.1 But I think you shouldn&;t ask this question.
10.1 Instead, you should ask
10.1 You remember
10.1 How dare you talk to your elders like this?
10.1 Aunt
10.1 Who let you touch him?
10.1 Who let you touch him?
10.1 Xia Zhicha, why are you here?
10.1 Well, you have my brother&;s support.
10.1 You vixen, just don&;t disappear.
10.1 How dare you mess with my family?
10.1 Are you so anxious for me to settle accounts with you?
10.1 elder brother
10.1 You are an outsider
10.1 Fu Zeyu
10.1 How dare you ask your sister to apologize to a stranger?
10.1 You don&;t want to enter this house.
10.1 OK
10.1 sorry
10.1 How do you get someone to apologize to you in school?
10.1 Apologize
10.1 sorry
10.1 Fu Zi said, kneel down.
10.1 Do you have to force me to kick you out of the house?
10.1 Please
10.1 It just so happens that I have a little Barbie who is the vice president.
10.1 What&;s in that USB drive?
10.1 Why is your father so afraid of that USB drive?
10.1 It contains the stupid things my father did.
10.1 The article on the USB disk is unique to the old man.
10.1 Can&;t be fake
10.1 He can recognize it at a glance
10.1 How did you find this USB drive?
10.1 In my room in the old house
10.1 This is probably the last escape route the old man left for me.
10.1 Anyway, no one will bother us anymore.
10.1 Come on, I&;ll take you to see someone.
10.1 mom
10.1 I brought your daughter-in-law to see you.
10.1 Why didn&;t you tell me you were here to see your aunt?
10.1 Don&;t be afraid, my mom is very easygoing.
10.1 And I especially like looking at beautiful women
10.1 She will be very happy
10.1 Hello, Auntie
10.1 I am Summer Tea
10.1 I will definitely bring flowers next time I see you.
10.1 Let&;s go forward.
10.1 Um
10.1 Maybe next time I&;ll call her mom.
10.1 What does it mean?
10.1 Summer Tea
10.1 Are you willing to be Fu Ciyu&;s wife?
10.1 Baby, are you willing?
10.1 We are only sophomores
10.1 Is it too fast?
10.1 Not early
10.1 I can&;t wait
10.1 I want to have a home of my own.
10.1 no
10.1 Why not?
10.1 You promised me to marry you.
10.1 We are doing this legally.
10.1 Anyway, isn&;t it okay?
10.1 I&;m going to take a shower.
10.1 Hello, sister
10.1 Will you come back at night?
10.1 If I come back, I won&;t be so fussy.
10.1 Not going back
10.1 good
10.1 Brother-in-law
10.1 Where&;s my sister?
10.1 He is taking a bath
10.1 Uh, sorry.
10.1 Excuse me
10.1 Did someone just call me?
10.1 Your brother just called and asked if you were coming back.
10.1 I&;ve already told him
10.1 You don&;t go back
10.1 Doesn&;t he know about us?
10.1 We&;re already engaged.
10.1 You&;re planning on buying so much wine.
10.1 Come and turn around
10.1 What is that period?
10.1 Good, your hidden seat does not ask
10.1 Whose birthday is it?
10.1 The day I fell in love with you
10.1 When did you start to like me
10.1 Second year of high school
10.1 Do you remember when we went back to school during the Chinese New Year?
10.1 The security guard said there is a letter for you
10.1 Actually, I lied to you
10.1 I secretly hid this letter because
10.1 That&;s what I wrote to you.
10.1 I happened to know your address.
10.1 I just want to write a letter to you in Beijing
10.1 I didn&;t realize I filled in the wrong address.
10.1 It has not been delivered yet
10.1 The addresses filled in at that time were all fake addresses.
10.1 I can&;t receive it due to family reasons
10.1 So it was destined to be a letter with no response.
10.1 So that&;s how it is
10.1 I&;ll look at this
10.1 It&;s been a long time.
10.1 Nothing to see
10.1 I think the letter to me is rude.
10.1 Then you secretly watch
10.1 Hello, Fu Siyu
10.1 I am Xia Zhicha from Class 2-3 of Yuncheng Middle School.
10.1 Maybe you don&;t have an impression of me.
10.1 Because the whole second year of high school
10.1 I don&;t think I&;ve ever communicated with you.
10.1 But in fact, I have been paying attention to you silently
10.1 I admire you
10.1 I heard you went back to Beijing to study.
10.1 I also want to take the college entrance examination in Beijing
10.1 so
10.1 So can I ask you some questions?
10.1 This is my phone number
10.1 if you can
10.1 I hope we can keep in touch
10.1 September 15th Summer Solstice Tea
10.1 It probably won&;t take long to read a few lines of text.
10.1 You won&;t fall asleep.
10.1 Do you still have shoes like this?
10.1 Not sleepy anymore
10.1 You wrote it to me.
10.1 Actually, my thorns are not that long.
10.1 Walk
10.1 Where to go
10.1 Let&;s write this letter again.
10.1 This time I won&;t let you get lost easily
10.1 You waited for me for many years
10.1 Let me love you a little more every year.
10.1 The 16-year-old Xia Zhicha would never have thought
10.1 In his 19-year-old dream
10.1 The once unattainable and unruly star in the sky
10.1 You are so steadfast.
10.1 She fell into his arms
10.1 The thought that never forgets
10.1 Waiting for an extremely clear response
10.1 A dream comes true
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