Le thème « masturbate » par TRS Clips
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Nous retranscrivons ici la durée (00:07:06s), le titre (Is Masturbation Healthy? Bryan Johnson Reveals Secret To Better Erections), et les commentaires fournis par l’auteur :
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Comprendre les motifs derrière la croissance de cette pratique
Explorer les influences psychologiques et émotionnelles
Le manque de satisfaction, le stress ou l’anxiété dans d’autres sphères peuvent rendre cette pratique instinctive plus fréquente.
Analyser la relation entre la solitude et le désir
L’isolement et un désir non satisfait dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle sont des éléments clés dans l’engagement dans cette pratique.
Étudier les effets de la pornographie sur le comportement
La pornographie constitue un facteur important. Elle alimente souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la compréhension de la sexualité.
Appréhender les enjeux liés à la dépendance à la masturbation
Décrire la masturbation et les méthodes les plus répandues
La masturbation est une activité sexuelle qui, dans des limites raisonnables, contribue à réduire le stress et à améliorer la connaissance de soi. Cependant, une pratique fréquente peut être source de difficultés.
Reconnaître les symptômes d’une dépendance
Une personne dépendante à la masturbation peut se retrouver à la pratiquer de façon de plus en plus fréquente, perdant ainsi le contrôle, ce qui peut affecter négativement ses relations intimes.
Analyser les effets sur la santé psychologique et physique
L’addiction à la masturbation est fréquemment associée à une consommation fréquente de contenu pornographique, ce qui sollicite de manière constante le système dopaminergique, pouvant entraîner des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une perte d’énergie ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.
Masturbation et sexualité : relever le défi du changement
Arrêter la masturbation peut être un parcours semé d’embûches pour beaucoup. Ce comportement, bien qu’il soit une manière naturelle et saine d’explorer la sexualité, peut s’avérer problématique lorsqu’il vire à l’addiction, compromettant ainsi la qualité des relations personnelles, la productivité au travail et le bien-être mental.
Concevoir un parcours pour se libérer de cette pratique
Proposer des étapes à suivre pour prévenir les rechutes
- Établir une routine quotidienne : Organisez vos journées avec des tâches et activités prévues.
- Éviter l’accès à la pornographie : Installez des outils de filtrage pour bloquer l’accès aux contenus explicites.
Valoriser le soutien des proches dans ce processus
- Prendre rendez-vous avec un sexologue : Il est capable de fournir des conseils sur mesure. (en particulierwww.chastete.fr)
- S’engager dans des groupes de soutien : L’interaction avec d’autres vous aide à maintenir votre motivation.
Présenter des solutions pour réduire de manière efficace cette pratique
- Repérer les éléments déclencheurs : Notez ce qui vous incite à avoir envie.
- Créer des objectifs bien définis : Suivez un plan progressif ou le mouvement « nofap » pour rester abstinent.
- Définir des objectifs clairs : Suivez des actions progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage complet.
Étudier les résultats positifs d’un sevrage réussi
Raconter le cheminement vers une santé mentale renforcée
Lorsque l’on arrête, on constate souvent une énergie renouvelée, une humeur plus équilibrée et une concentration plus soutenue.
Exposer les améliorations dans la communication avec autrui
Les relations de couple gagnent en intensité, avec une meilleure connexion émotionnelle et physique.
Démontrer les étapes nécessaires pour un bonheur durable
La diminution de la dépendance entraîne des bénéfices durables dans tous les domaines de la vie.
Pour finir
Renoncer à la masturbation excessive est un processus qui nécessite du temps et de la persévérance. Grâce à un plan structuré et au soutien adéquat, il est possible de franchir ce défi et de profiter d’une existence plus équilibrée, axée sur des objectifs plus enrichissants.
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la source: Cliquer ici
#masturbation #estelle #saine #Bryan #Johnson #révèle #secret #dune #meilleure #érection
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: your talks often begin with uh speaking about erections and testosterone yeah is semen retention and you’re familiar with the whole nofap movement and all that right is that something you have experimented with uh and and or how do you look at sexuality as a chapter within the larger chapter that we call Longevity yeah we looked at seon retention and if I remember correctly there was a short increase a short spike of testosterone like day or three or four yes and then it came back to renormalization but there was no long-term benefit so I think that’s the case we just dipped our toe into the topic uh basically we did enough research to say it doesn’t seem like there’s anything here that we can see uh maybe interesting short-term data but like nothing meaningful so just didn’t make our cut for for the research okay is sexuality of factor this being measured any any aspect of sexuality yeah I mean so like the you know I mentioned before that we reduced my thymus age by seven years right that is that’s probably one of our biggest accomplishments gotcha no one cares right no one no one knows what the thymus is no one cares if your thymus is old or young right the only thing you care about so what people care about is boners right so I was basically like we were as a team we were having this conversation one day so it was all by accident I was doing this therapy and I was sitting on this device electromagnetic stimulation so like I use it on my abdomen to build muscles and and I did this and I started having every time I’d wake up I was erect so I I spoke to my team I was like you guys what is going on like why am I having so many nighttime erections and so we started poking around the literature we’re like actually nighttime erections like a really important Health marker it’s not just like some funny topic it’s not something we just like laugh at it actually is a really important uh biomarker because um men who have who do not have nighttime erections are 70% more likely to die prematurely it predicts death and so uh so I said on my team like okay then what would it take for me to have the most measured penis in the world what is what do we do like how do you measure a penis and so then I did this whole battery of tests like I did ultrasound on the penis looked at blood flow I did um even things like I did um urination speed like how fast can you go to the bathroom so you actually see a graph of like your Max urination speed I did um uh we did yeah all sorts of measurements and then we found this one device that did uh nighttime erections and so on average um a 20-year-old male should have between three and five episodes erection episodes per night and have around um 145 yeah like 145 minutes of of erections and uh that’s healthy but then by the time you’re 75 that reduces to about 50 50 minutes so dramatically declines with age and so I measured my Baseline and I was something like um 130 minutes something like that but it was like roughly where my age was at and then we did two therapies uh so we we then went out and we said okay is there scientific evidence that we can look at that increases penis health and we found two uh one was Focus Shockwave therapy so it’s a technology used for when people for example tear an ACL or you know a knee and they’re rebuilding that joint uh then we also got Botox so I had those two therapies uh Focus shock wave therapy and Botox and it increased my nighttime erections to the length of Titanic the movie 3 hours and 8 minutes and so my nighttime erections are better than the average 18-year-old and so it’s basically like what that did is you know it’s a funny topic right it’s like controversial it’s sensitive but what it did is it actually explained my entire Endeavor in one example go you can measure the age of a certain biological function you can use scientific evidence to change that like either reverse the age or you know slow down the speed of aging and it did it on with a topic people understand boners and so it’s just really effective to convey that science and data are really helpful and that also this goes into like deep psyche you know like what does it mean to be a man what does it mean to be fertile what does it mean to take care of your health and what does it mean when you’re not taking care of your health like when you’re not sleeping well your nighttime erections will vanish so it kind of goes back to it shows that like manliness is Health right masculinity is health and you can’t skip on health and still be manually masculine right now women also have nighttime erections so they’re just harder to measure but they too have the same episodes so it’s males and females so it was really successful in explaining the entire topic and also I think kind of an encouragement like it’s something your friends can be like you have boners man like like like you’re you’re vaping a lot you’re not sleeping well uh you’re eating junk food is anything going on down there right so it’s kind of like this easy conversational topic of you can now talk about it in a way where it encourages healthy practices it’s bro to Bro longevity talk right I like hey bro like how your boners yeah tell me yeah um I see a lot of I see a lot of libido related problems with guys my age yes it’s it’s a big deal I mean like it’s like it I’m so happy we did this because I always wonder like are we going too far you know like like it just seems like it’s a really important topic no one’s talking about it and it’s like it’s it’s pretty scary for a man do you think masturbating is good for health uh I know we the data we’ve looked at um the there is benefit for ejaculation right for for having orgasms um uh as it relates to prostate health and other things so I think yeah being sexually active is generally a healthy thing as you’re doing all this longevity stuff and I’m talking about the whole body yeah do you feel your libido going up as well mhm you do yeah like when I was building my companies in that 14 year like I had no sex drive it was gone I wasn’t sleeping well I was overweight I was eating Foods just like sex was the last thing in the entire world I was interested in gotcha he if you enjoyed this clip from the show we’ve uploaded a ton of other Clips related to a ton of other topics so explore the channel because there’s something for everyone [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
2.639 your talks often begin with uh speaking
2.639 about erections and testosterone yeah is
2.639 semen retention and you&;re familiar with
2.639 the whole nofap movement and all that
2.639 right is that something you have
2.639 experimented with uh and and or how do
2.639 you look at sexuality as a chapter
2.639 within the larger chapter that we call
2.639 Longevity yeah we looked at seon
2.639 retention and if I remember correctly
2.639 there was a short increase a short spike
2.639 of testosterone like day or three or
2.639 four yes and then it came back to
2.639 renormalization but there was no
2.639 long-term benefit so I think that&;s the
2.639 case we just dipped our toe into the
2.639 topic uh basically we did enough
2.639 research to say it doesn&;t seem like
2.639 there&;s anything here that we can see uh
2.639 maybe interesting short-term data but
2.639 like nothing meaningful so just didn&;t
2.639 make our cut for for the research okay
2.639 is sexuality of factor this being
2.639 measured any any aspect of sexuality
2.639 yeah I mean so like the
2.639 you know I mentioned before that we
2.639 reduced my thymus age by seven years
2.639 right that is that&;s probably one of our
2.639 biggest accomplishments gotcha no one
2.639 cares right no one no one knows what the
2.639 thymus is no one cares if your thymus is
2.639 old or young right the only thing you
2.639 care about so what people care about is
2.639 boners right so I was basically like we
2.639 were as a team we were having this
2.639 conversation one day so it was all by
2.639 accident I was doing this therapy and I
2.639 was sitting on this device
2.639 electromagnetic stimulation so like I
2.639 use it on my abdomen to build muscles
2.639 and and I did this and I started having
2.639 every time I&;d wake up I was erect so I
2.639 I spoke to my team I was like you guys
2.639 what is going on like why am I having so
2.639 many nighttime erections and so we
2.639 started poking around the literature
2.639 we&;re like actually nighttime erections
2.639 like a really important Health marker
2.639 it&;s not just like some funny topic it&;s
2.639 not something we just like laugh at it
2.639 actually is a really important uh
2.639 biomarker because um men who have who do
2.639 not have nighttime erections are 70%
2.639 more likely to die prematurely it
2.639 predicts death and so uh so I said on my
2.639 team like okay then what would it take
2.639 for me to have the most measured penis
2.639 in the
2.639 world what is what do we do like how do
2.639 you measure a penis and so then I did
2.639 this whole battery of tests like I did
2.639 ultrasound on the penis looked at blood
2.639 flow I did um even things like I did um
2.639 urination speed like how fast can you go
2.639 to the bathroom so you actually see a
2.639 graph of like your Max urination speed I
2.639 did um uh we did yeah all sorts of
2.639 measurements and then we found this one
2.639 device that did uh nighttime erections
2.639 and so on average um a 20-year-old male
2.639 should have between three and five
2.639 episodes erection episodes per night and
2.639 have around
2.639 um
2.639 145 yeah like 145 minutes of of
2.639 erections and uh that&;s healthy but then
2.639 by the time you&;re 75 that reduces to
2.639 about 50 50 minutes so dramatically
2.639 declines with age and so I measured my
2.639 Baseline and I was something like
2.639 um 130 minutes something like that but
2.639 it was like roughly where my age was at
2.639 and then we did two therapies uh so we
2.639 we then went out and we said okay is
2.639 there scientific evidence that we can
2.639 look at that increases penis health and
2.639 we found two uh one was Focus Shockwave
2.639 therapy so it&;s a technology used for
2.639 when people for example tear an ACL or
2.639 you know a knee and they&;re rebuilding
2.639 that joint uh then we also got Botox so
2.639 I had those two therapies uh Focus shock
2.639 wave therapy and Botox and it increased
2.639 my nighttime erections to the length of
2.639 Titanic the movie 3 hours and 8 minutes
2.639 and so my nighttime erections are better
2.639 than the average
2.639 18-year-old and so it&;s basically like
2.639 what that did is you know it&;s a funny
2.639 topic right it&;s like controversial it&;s
2.639 sensitive but what it did is it actually
2.639 explained my entire Endeavor in one
2.639 example go you can measure the age of a
2.639 certain biological function you can use
2.639 scientific evidence to change that like
2.639 either reverse the age or you know slow
2.639 down the speed of aging and it did it on
2.639 with a topic people understand
2.639 boners and so it&;s just really effective
2.639 to convey that science and data are
2.639 really helpful and that also this goes
2.639 into like deep psyche you know like what
2.639 does it mean to be a man
2.639 what does it mean to be fertile what
2.639 does it mean to take care of your health
2.639 and what does it mean when you&;re not
2.639 taking care of your health like when
2.639 you&;re not sleeping well your nighttime
2.639 erections will vanish so it kind of goes
2.639 back to it shows that like
2.639 manliness is Health right masculinity is
2.639 health and you can&;t skip on health and
2.639 still be manually masculine right now
2.639 women also have nighttime erections so
2.639 they&;re just harder to measure but they
2.639 too have the same episodes so it&;s males
2.639 and females so it was really successful
2.639 in explaining the entire topic and also
2.639 I think kind of an encouragement like
2.639 it&;s something your friends can be like
2.639 you have boners man like like like
2.639 you&;re you&;re vaping a lot you&;re not
2.639 sleeping well uh you&;re eating junk food
2.639 is anything going on down there right so
2.639 it&;s kind of like this easy
2.639 conversational topic of you can now talk
2.639 about it in a way where it encourages
2.639 healthy practices it&;s bro to Bro
2.639 longevity talk right I like hey bro like
2.639 how your boners yeah tell me yeah
2.639 um I see a lot of I see a lot of libido
2.639 related problems with guys my age yes
2.639 it&;s it&;s a big deal I mean like it&;s
2.639 like it I&;m so happy we did this because
2.639 I always wonder like are we going too
2.639 far you know like like it just seems
2.639 like it&;s a really important topic no
2.639 one&;s talking about it and it&;s like
2.639 it&;s it&;s pretty scary for a man do you
2.639 think masturbating is good for
2.639 health uh I know we the data we&;ve
2.639 looked at um the
2.639 there is benefit for ejaculation right
2.639 for for having orgasms um uh as it
2.639 relates to prostate health and other
2.639 things so I think yeah being sexually
2.639 active is generally a healthy thing as
2.639 you&;re doing all this longevity stuff
2.639 and I&;m talking about the whole body
2.639 yeah do you feel your libido going up as
2.639 well mhm you do yeah like when I was
2.639 building my companies in that 14 year
2.639 like I had no sex drive it was gone I
2.639 wasn&;t sleeping well I was overweight I
2.639 was eating Foods just like sex was the
2.639 last thing in the entire world I was
2.639 interested in gotcha he if you enjoyed
2.639 this clip from the show we&;ve uploaded a
2.639 ton of other Clips related to a ton of
2.639 other topics so explore the channel
2.639 because there&;s something for everyone
2.639 [Music]
2.639 [Applause]
2.639 oh
2.639 [Music]
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