no fap; J’ai fait NoFap / Rétention de sperme pendant 2 MOIS

Le thème « no fap » mis en image par Hamza

Actuellement sur YouTube, et crée par Hamza (), cette vidéo est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « no fap ».

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Lorsque nous avons consulté la vidéo (), elle avait collecté du trafic. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 28487.

Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:18:33s), le titre (I did NoFap / Semen Retention for 2 MONTHS), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« J’ai rempli ma mission pour cette chaîne. Si vous souhaitez suivre mon nouveau chemin, le voici… Ma chaîne de vlog quotidienne : Ma chaîne pour débutants : @HamzaBeginners Ma chaîne pour les gars avancés et plus âgés : Recevez des e-mails pour vous aider à améliorer votre vie : Mon produit payant Adonis École : Travaillez dur, surtout quand vous n’en avez pas envie. ».

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NoFap : un défi pour les hommes d’aujourd’hui

Observer l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

L’impact de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes a été étudié par des chercheurs, qui ont mis en évidence des effets tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, et l’addiction. Une étude de Nicole Prause s’intéresse particulièrement aux conséquences de la consommation excessive de pornographie sur le bien-être des individus.

Les motivations des pratiquants de NoFap sont diverses, mais toutes sont tournées vers l’amélioration personnelle.

La communauté NoFap se bat contre les méfaits de la pornographie, cherche à améliorer la performance érectile et à réduire l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté la pornographie.

NoFap propose de remplacer ces habitudes par des pratiques favorisant l’équilibre.

Le principe du mouvement NoFap est simple : s’abstenir de pornographie et de masturbation pour retrouver un contrôle de soi. Cette méthode aide les hommes à combattre la dépendance tout en améliorant leur bien-être.

Au cœur du mouvement NoFap, la communauté aide les hommes à se reconstruire et à surmonter leurs défis.

Évaluer le rôle des forums et des groupes de soutien dans l’accompagnement des personnes.

Les études scientifiques ont confirmé que les groupes de soutien en ligne, tels que les forums NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider à surmonter l’anxiété, la dépression et la dépendance à la masturbation. La solidarité entre les membres de la communauté joue un rôle clé dans ces résultats.

Explorer comment le soutien social et émotionnel facilite la pratique de l’abstinence.

La communauté Nofap et ses forums soutiennent activement les hommes dans leur parcours d’abstinence, en aidant à gérer l’anxiété et la dépression. Ils offrent un espace pour échanger des solutions et des stratégies contre les rechutes. Un suivi professionnel peut s’avérer indispensablec’est le cas de l’équipe de

Les plateformes d’échange NoFap sont essentielles pour ceux qui souhaitent partager leurs progrès et se soutenir mutuellement.

Les participants des forums peuvent non seulement s’entraider, mais aussi découvrir des études scientifiques liées à leur expérience de l’abstinence.

L’abstinence transforme la vie des hommes, notamment en améliorant leur énergie et humeur.

Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme sont nombreux et méritent d’être étudiés.

Grâce à l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une baisse de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une amélioration de leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent régulièrement.

Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’arrêt de la masturbation, notamment la baisse de l’anxiété et de la dépression.

L’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation provoque une anxiété considérable chez l’homme. En cessant cette consommation, de nombreux hommes constatent une réduction de la dépression et un meilleur contrôle de leurs actions.

Évaluer les bénéfices de l’abstinence pour la performance érectile.

Selon des recherches, l’abstinence masculine permet de surmonter les dysfonctions érectiles associées à la masturbation.

Réussir dans NoFap grâce à des stratégies efficaces

Des lectures et plateformes en ligne pour approfondir le mouvement.

Des études scientifiques et des recherches menées par des spécialistes tels que Nicole Prause offrent une compréhension plus profonde des effets de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation et des moyens pour y faire face.

Soutien de NoFap pour rester sur la voie de l’abstinence

L’adoption d’habitudes saines, comme l’exercice physique et la méditation, est indispensable pour garder un esprit clair et éviter les tentations.

La gestion des rechutes passe par des techniques simples et efficaces.

Les rechutes sont inévitables dans le processus NoFap, mais une étude prouve qu’elles peuvent être surmontées en se concentrant sur les objectifs et en demandant le soutien de la communauté pour éviter de se laisser décourager.

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#Jai #fait #NoFap #Rétention #sperme #pendant #MOIS

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: jeffrey’s morning routine starts with busting a nut his nighttime routine ends with busting a nut he doesn’t understand why he’s always so tired and why he feels like he has no drive to do hard work adonis adonis lives like a monk he laughs at his impulses and cravings he knows that they don’t control him he goes through focused periods where he puts his all into his purpose ignoring the distractions of women sex and do i’ve been on nofap for about five years but i’ve always had sex during that time so it’s been fairly easy about two months ago i went fully celibate i stopped thinking about women and i dropped out of the dayton market here’s my experience but first my name is hamza i help young men go through the jeffrey to adonis transformation through self-improvements you’re clearly interested in that scroll down right now click on the subscribe and the post notification button it’s a win-win for both of us so i think like most guys i used to have a porn addiction i used to jack off three to five times a day when i was a teenager when i was about 18 years old i found nofap when i was 18 and i struggled at first like everyone else does i would always get to day three and then just start busting a nut again and i struggled like that you know for a while okay day one day two day three day seven whatever but nothing like to a great length and no fat became very normal and somewhat easy for me when i was about 19 and actually just started to have sex because i used to just view it very positively like okay this is the real thing so i’m not going to do the fake thing by myself i’m just going to save up so i get a bigger nut with these women so it became normal for me and so that’s why i’ve never truly struggled with nofap as much as the guys that i speak to have but what i have struggled with to a huge huge level the biggest distraction in my life which is women in general not just poor not just jacking off but just women and the need for intimacy and how dependent i am in my my how dependent my self-worth is on the women that are currently interested in me i was in a relationship about two two and a half months ago and it felt awesome to get this need fulfilled it felt awesome to be loved by a woman to love a woman and to partner up in this sense but i remember being in this relationship and actually thinking that if it ended for whatever reason i would fully fully considered doing the full semen retention full celibacy thing like the full monk mode because i’ve never considered that before that that is completely new to me to think you would purposely not sleep with girls like okay no fap absolutely no porn of course we’re never gonna watch porn ever again in our lives but to purposely not sleep with the girl who wants to sleep with you who you want to sleep with it was foreign to me and i started understanding the the value of that about two months ago and so i actually did this sort of declaration for myself thinking i would fully fully consider it if me and my ex broke up and we did and so i did some journaling i realized that i am not the man who can attract the woman that i want and i speak kind of harshly to the camera to you boys you know to get you into gear so i’ll speak harshly to myself i’m not good enough simple as that i am not good enough to attract the type of women that i actually want in my life when i did a calculation of where i am in life and what my current value is my sexual market value i’m about a 4.8 out of 10 and that includes having the body here’s a picture i mean that includes having the body that includes the work i’ve done over the last year i’m a 4.8 out of 10. we can say you know 10 is is unreasonable that’s if everything goes right in your life and you can maximize your potential but let’s say nine i’m about halfway to my potential half is good and obviously success compounds like this so what life is going to be like closer to a nine is is completely unrecognizable at this current point in time and so i’ve been celibate for about two months now for two months i have had no sexual intercourse with women which is the longest time since i lost my virginity when i was 19 years old i never thought i would consider something like this i’m not gonna lie but the the value of it and the benefits of it have been pretty immense and it’s shown me a different side to life where women are not the main priority so the experience is as follows after the breakup i almost straight away i did the whole thing where i was thinking you know what no dating no sex no nothing if an attractive woman was asking me for sex i’d literally say no and so i deleted all the app i didn’t even download the apps after me and my ex broke up but i literally didn’t even like plan to rebound or anything i just didn’t want to think about girls at all and you know what instantly my productivity increased here is one of the last weeks that i was with my girlfriend and i was in you know the dayton world and [ __ ] and my productivity’s trash and missing days some days i was so lazy that i didn’t even just count up the lines i counted the number of hours and on this other side is what it was like when i went into the celibacy i went into not thinking about the inner anthem my productivity is better than most people’s my focus is better than most people’s if you think that’s egotistical whatever your this channel is not for you because we we speak about facts here and that’s the truth my productivity during this moment when i first got celebrate was what’s better was significantly better than my productivity which is significantly better than most people’s productivity which was [ __ ] insane and this was deep work this wasn’t just number of hours work this is deep work the author who wrote the book deep work said that the max is about four hours i was pushing eight hour days and it was deep work it was truly truly deep work hours but then i made a mistake i was doing really well on this i was focused i was being productive i was smashing some work and everything i did a lot like i’ve i’ve made about ten thousand dollars not ten thousand probably a little bit less than that but i’ve made like let’s say seven thousand maybe a bit more than that over the last two weeks or so because of the work that i did during this first period of celibacy i went away like i i i can’t tell if i consciously made the mistake or i can’t tell if it just kind of you know happened or something but i got more of a desire for women again so for the first you know few weeks of celibacy there was no desire for women i was just focused on the business enjoying the goals and the process and everything and then just slowly and surely like the thoughts came into my mind of wanting the partnership and wanting to love and missing my ex and everything and i invited my ex onto a podcast we spoke it was a very good conversation and that just opened up the feelings again it opened up my interest in women again we didn’t get back together near the end of the video i believe in the podcast you can see the top we’re like flirting at the end we’re literally just talking as if we’re like partners again so we didn’t get back together i slept on it and then just sent her a text the next morning saying like now we’re not going to meet over anything but then since that point we spoke fairly often just casual text saying like i’m thinking of you i’m doing this and it reminds me of you i love you and [ __ ] and this was comforting to do but it was just not helpful in the slightest well it was helpful in a certain sense that it reframed my mind to be more positive of her and her to me but it hasn’t been helpful to move on at all and it opened up that thing of like having women in my life and the desires come back and and so to put it short and to put it blunt out of these two months of celibacy the first month was voluntary the first month was okay i’m being celibate i don’t want to date anymore and honestly for the second month i’ve become a [ __ ] insult obviously i’m not like the internet weirdos and stuff but like if the term of insulin means involuntarily celibate which means that you’d want to have sex but you just can’t have sex right now because you know you’re not getting girls or anything that’s exactly what’s happened to me so i’ve got the humility to admit that where for the past month or so i’ve had this constant desire this constant obsession in my mind to connect with women that i i truly truly want a partner again i opened this this life back up i downloaded the apps again on tinder and bumble and [ __ ] and started using instagram a lot more to message girls and it’s like i can conclude it already where it’s just not really worth it like there’s one main girl that i’m talking to right now who’s a very sweet girl and i went on a date with her and the date was fantastic honestly one of like one of the best probably the best like first day i’ve ever been on as close as i got to someone but i can’t escape the feeling that this is like the instant gratification and that the real you know the hardcore way that hamza should be doing it is obviously the dopamine detox i can’t tell if that’s ego as well but i can’t escape the mindset that dating at this age like i’m 24. dating at this age at this low value so you’re probably just like me let’s let’s be honest you’re about my age you’re low value probably a little bit lower value than me if you are taking advice from me i’m a 4.8 out of 10 bro i thought we’re not doing autistic and looks maxing temperature i’m just saying that i’ve done the calculations of my money my status my looks my game and everything that can come into just you know you if you have to quantify your value that you bring to a woman it’s about 4.8 out of 10. it’s good enough to attract women it’s good enough to like sleep with them and to get them to be my girlfriend and stuff but it’s not good enough to to settle at this point to spend so much time and mental energy in the dayton world at this point a mindset that i’ve had recently is that speaking to girls and dating girls and sleeping with them is kind of like enjoying the fruits of your labor and you should enjoy the fruits of your labor because that’s the whole point of your labor but if you enjoy the fruit of your labor too early the fruits aren’t even ripe yet and if you do it too much you haven’t even planted the seeds for your future self to enjoy that’s why i’ve somewhat opened it back up because i was feeling like a huge sense of loneliness but not in the social sense like i’ve got more friends than i’ve ever had before i’ve got more social interaction than i’ve ever had in my entire life and this was be before i even started opening up my real life social life again and that’s something i’ve just been doing recently i’ve been like booking to go to see friends and stuff but just because of how many people i speak to on a daily basis it feels like i’m socially connected to a very very high level and to a good quality level but the one thing that’s been lacking has been women who give me like a sense of intimacy that’s where i’m at i can’t exactly like i can give you some advice and i will do now but i’m not the professional i’m not at the the golden point of you know i can tell you that i mean just i’m just reporting what i’ve experienced so far and i’d say that to put it bluntly the first month was celibacy it was completely focused on the work and the second month was in cell in cell it was just like wanting to date but just not really doing it being on the apps for kind of dead conversations meeting one girl and booking some other things in with some girls you know to like meet them here and there and just kind of not it’s probably not in cell then to be honest because i’m kind of like the girls are interested in me but i’m just maybe i’m not yeah that actually that makes me sound better as well so we’ll go with that one i’m not actually an answer i can’t tell if my mindset of wanting to to just drop out of the dating market to not think about women to completely focus on my purpose for for some years i can’t tell if that’s like too extreme or if that’s exactly what i should be doing i really can’t tell anymore because i was probably happiest when i did this and it was happy and like a very quality way where there was no kind of detriment to it whereas the happiness i’ve gotten from love led to a huge detriment and a huge heartbreak and then practically if i’m looking at it with like a stone cold heart it makes sense to to not be dating at least seriously right now so at the moment i’m like halfway where i’m still kind of celibate but i can’t even tell you if that’s because i want to be celebrate or because i’m an cell who wants to have sex but he’s just not having sex because girls don’t have sex with them i think it’s about half half i think that most guys are about here where they they would interact with women if women were more women were interested in them especially like high quality women but they also see the value in just not being distracted by women at this age too and so i’m about the middle and i’ve experienced both sides and honestly like it’s like the first month of my celibacy was much better i was much happier but the one experience that i’ve had in this second month just recently when i went on this first date with this girl like that was it was a very very fulfilling moment to connect with a woman like that but it’s also led to like distraction like mental distractions but now i’m obsessing about this girl like i’m literally cuddling my pillow about this new girl now and um um i’m excited to meet her again and like that sounds healthy to me but it also i i don’t even know man i don’t even know bro i’m just [ __ ] i hate [ __ ] bro at least you wish i was gay honestly if anyone’s gay and they want to hit me up bro let’s do it he’s gotta buy something that’s the one thing i’m sure about is i’ve got a popping bicep they made all right i should go into the semen retention um literally no no jacking off no nothing no sex for two months i’ve busted a couple of nuts at nighttime but i don’t think that counts as like a wet treat or anything in terms of that honestly i’d love to say you know semen retention like this what everyone’s saying online but honestly i think it’s been more of a distraction than it needed to be because no fap’s fantastic no pawn is absolutely vital we’re all on no pawn you don’t get to watch pawn anymore but semen retention which is you you literally just don’t nuts i i can’t really see it being like like i’ve experienced it now and i i think it’s potentially more extreme and strict than it than it should be because it’s i think it’s led to more distraction having for two months not purposely bust a nut i’m more distracted now than i was two months ago when i was having sex five ten times a week because now it’s like it’s like there’s something like missing like i think as as a man with testosterone it’s like i think you need that sense of intimacy and the biggest intimacy the biggest sense of like sense of worth that we get you know we shouldn’t get it from other people but i think that’s [ __ ] i think we we automatically do get our sense of worth from other people and the biggest person that we get it from is going to be our woman like the woman we’ve chose to connect with and the biggest sense of intermitting from that is having sex with them i think restricting myself from that honestly like my productivity like sam will will say this but my productivity over the last few weeks has been pretty trash so whilst i’ve still been celebrating still been on steam retention it’s been low now of course we could say this is because although you’ve been celibate although you’ve been seen on semen retention you’ve been doing it in an incel way where you have wanted to do this stuff you’ve wanted to meet girls you’ve been you’ve met a girl you’ve been booking dates in and stuff and that could potentially be it so you can probably sense that i’m not completely certain of what i’m doing right now either and so i don’t know which way i’m going to go from here i will be reading some of the comments every now and then on this video so if anyone’s got some like advice for me i’ll take some advice from you and we’ll go from there but at least from right now i’m not using dating apps i hate interacting with women on technology because i find that it’s like you’re talking to a shell of a person if you’re messaging them and yeah it’s just like i find maybe it’s my my participant pool or something but like if they’re into you they’re good at texting but in general because of this god level abundance they have when they’ve got 50 times more matches than you do it’s like you’re talking to a shell of a person like a [ __ ] robot who doesn’t have time to reply and so that coupled with the fact that i think dating apps are just bad for your testosterone and your mental clarity your mental health because you’re you know you’re swiping all these [ __ ] and 48 of them essentially have have rejected you have shown that they’re not interested in you because you haven’t matched with them which must hit your self-esteem like honestly if you’re going on these apps and you’re seeing 100 girls every day and you’re not matching with them it shows like 100 girls have essentially rejected you or at least not found you interesting enough so i don’t want to be on these apps and so the way that i’m kind of interacting right now is that i’m literally speaking to one girl and apart from that i’m focusing instead on improving my social life and that’s my big goal right now i think i’ve improved so many areas of my life what i want is my in real life social circle to be built up again and so i’m gonna do that i’m gonna be the initiator i’m gonna start meeting old friends up again and start like branching out when i go out for these social events that’s when i’m gonna like if there’s a woman who i’m attracted to i’m gonna go speak to her because that to me is is like the most beautiful most authentic most exciting and challenging way to meet a woman is to literally just see her and go up and speak to her like that that puts me in a flow state like if we see the graph of flow sam throw that out for me please the graph of the flow states it needs to be something which has a high level of challenge and a high level of reward and that puts us into flow dating apps are like all the way near the bottom with this low reward low challenge and that’s why we feel so like apathetic when we used it and after we feel so bored using them i just don’t want to experience that like i think i’m like completely done with dating apps from now i can’t tell if i’m like fully celibate maybe right now i’m probably like an insult because i probably would sleep with a woman right now yeah i would so right now i’m more of an incel which i didn’t think i’d ever say before but yeah that i think but to be honest if we use at least the definition i’m using i think then potentially like almost every single man then is an insult every single man would like to have sex if he’s just currently not really having sex with that at least yeah he’s just not let’s be honest and so right now i’m an insult so yeah yeah i’m gonna wrap that up do the hard work especially when you don’t feel like it don’t sleep with a girl even when you feel like it i don’t know .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.16 jeffrey&;s morning routine starts with
0.16 busting a nut his nighttime routine ends
0.16 with
0.16 busting a nut he doesn&;t understand why
0.16 he&;s always so tired and why he feels
0.16 like he has no drive to do hard work
0.16 adonis adonis lives like a monk
0.16 he laughs at his impulses and cravings
0.16 he knows that they don&;t control him
0.16 he goes through focused periods where he
0.16 puts his all into his purpose
0.16 ignoring the distractions of women sex
0.16 and
0.16 do
0.16 i&;ve been on nofap for about five years
0.16 but i&;ve always had sex during that time
0.16 so it&;s been fairly easy
0.16 about two months ago i went fully
0.16 celibate i stopped thinking about women
0.16 and i dropped out of the dayton market
0.16 here&;s my experience but first my name
0.16 is hamza
0.16 i help young men go through the jeffrey
0.16 to adonis transformation through
0.16 self-improvements
0.16 you&;re clearly interested in that scroll
0.16 down right now click on the subscribe
0.16 and the post notification button
0.16 it&;s a win-win for both of us so i think
0.16 like most guys i used to have a porn
0.16 addiction i used to jack off
0.16 three to five times a day when i was a
0.16 teenager when i was about 18 years old i
0.16 found nofap when i was
0.16 18 and i struggled at first like
0.16 everyone else does
0.16 i would always get to day three and then
0.16 just start busting a nut again
0.16 and i struggled like that you know for a
0.16 while okay day one day two day three day
0.16 seven whatever
0.16 but nothing like to a great length and
0.16 no fat became very normal and somewhat
0.16 easy for me
0.16 when i was about 19 and actually just
0.16 started to have sex because i used to
0.16 just view it very positively like okay
0.16 this is the real thing so i&;m not going
0.16 to do the fake thing
0.16 by myself i&;m just going to save up so i
0.16 get a bigger nut with these women
0.16 so it became normal for me and so that&;s
0.16 why i&;ve never truly struggled with
0.16 nofap as much as
0.16 the guys that i speak to have but what i
0.16 have struggled with
0.16 to a huge huge level
0.16 the biggest distraction in my life which
0.16 is
0.16 women in general not just poor not just
0.16 jacking off but just
0.16 women and the need for intimacy
0.16 and how dependent i am in my my how
0.16 dependent my self-worth
0.16 is on the women that are currently
0.16 interested in me i was in a relationship
0.16 about
0.16 two two and a half months ago and
0.16 it felt awesome to get this need
0.16 fulfilled it felt awesome to be
0.16 loved by a woman to love a woman and to
0.16 partner up in this sense
0.16 but i remember being in this
0.16 relationship and actually thinking that
0.16 if it
0.16 ended for whatever reason i would fully
0.16 fully considered doing the
0.16 full semen retention full celibacy thing
0.16 like the full monk mode because i&;ve
0.16 never considered that before
0.16 that that is completely new to me to
0.16 think
0.16 you would purposely not sleep with girls
0.16 like okay no fap
0.16 absolutely no porn of course we&;re never
0.16 gonna watch porn ever again in our lives
0.16 but to purposely not sleep with the girl
0.16 who wants to sleep with you who you want
0.16 to sleep with
0.16 it was foreign to me and i started
0.16 understanding
0.16 the the value of that about two months
0.16 ago and so i actually did
0.16 this sort of declaration for myself
0.16 thinking i would fully fully consider it
0.16 if me and my ex
0.16 broke up and we did and so i did some
0.16 journaling i realized that i
0.16 am not the man who can attract
0.16 the woman that i want and i speak kind
0.16 of harshly to the camera to you boys you
0.16 know to get you into gear so i&;ll speak
0.16 harshly to myself
0.16 i&;m not good enough simple as that i am
0.16 not good enough
0.16 to attract the type of women that i
0.16 actually want in my life when i did a
0.16 calculation of where i am in life and
0.16 what my current value is my sexual
0.16 market value
0.16 i&;m about a 4.8 out of 10 and that
0.16 includes having the body here&;s a
0.16 picture i mean that includes having the
0.16 body
0.16 that includes the work i&;ve done over
0.16 the last year i&;m a 4.8 out of 10. we
0.16 can say you know 10 is is
0.16 unreasonable that&;s if everything goes
0.16 right in your life and you can maximize
0.16 your potential but let&;s say nine
0.16 i&;m about halfway to my potential half
0.16 is good and obviously success compounds
0.16 like this
0.16 so what life is going to be like closer
0.16 to a nine is is completely
0.16 unrecognizable at this current point in
0.16 time and so
0.16 i&;ve been celibate for about two months
0.16 now
0.16 for two months i have had no sexual
0.16 intercourse with women which is
0.16 the longest time since i lost my
0.16 virginity when i was 19 years old
0.16 i never thought i would consider
0.16 something like this i&;m not gonna lie
0.16 but the
0.16 the value of it and the benefits of it
0.16 have been pretty immense and it&;s shown
0.16 me a different side to life
0.16 where women are not the main priority
0.16 so the experience is as follows after
0.16 the breakup i
0.16 almost straight away i did the whole
0.16 thing where i was thinking you know what
0.16 no dating no sex no nothing if an
0.16 attractive woman was asking me for sex
0.16 i&;d literally say no
0.16 and so i deleted all the app i didn&;t
0.16 even download the apps after me and my
0.16 ex broke up but i literally didn&;t even
0.16 like
0.16 plan to rebound or anything i just
0.16 didn&;t want to think about girls at all
0.16 and you know what instantly my
0.16 productivity increased here is one of
0.16 the last weeks that i was
0.16 with my girlfriend and i was in you know
0.16 the dayton world and [ __ ]
0.16 and my productivity&;s trash and missing
0.16 days some days i was so lazy that i
0.16 didn&;t even just
0.16 count up the lines i counted the number
0.16 of hours and on this other side
0.16 is what it was like when i went into the
0.16 celibacy i went into
0.16 not thinking about the inner anthem my
0.16 productivity
0.16 is better than most people&;s my focus is
0.16 better than most people&;s
0.16 if you think that&;s egotistical whatever
0.16 your this channel is not for you because
0.16 we we speak about facts here and
0.16 that&;s the truth my productivity during
0.16 this moment when i first got celebrate
0.16 was
0.16 what&;s better was significantly better
0.16 than my productivity which is
0.16 significantly better than most people&;s
0.16 productivity which was [ __ ] insane
0.16 and this was deep work this wasn&;t just
0.16 number of hours work this is deep
0.16 work the author who wrote the book deep
0.16 work said that the max is about four
0.16 hours i was pushing eight hour days and
0.16 it was deep work it was truly truly deep
0.16 work hours
0.16 but then i made a mistake i was doing
0.16 really well on this i was focused i was
0.16 being productive i was smashing some
0.16 work and everything i did a lot like
0.16 i&;ve i&;ve made about ten thousand
0.16 dollars
0.16 not ten thousand probably a little bit
0.16 less than that but i&;ve made like let&;s
0.16 say seven thousand maybe a bit more than
0.16 that
0.16 over the last two weeks or so because of
0.16 the work that i did
0.16 during this first period of celibacy i
0.16 went
0.16 away like i i i can&;t tell if i
0.16 consciously made the mistake or i can&;t
0.16 tell if it just kind of you know
0.16 happened or something but
0.16 i got more of a desire for women again
0.16 so for the first you know few weeks of
0.16 celibacy there was no desire for women i
0.16 was just focused on the business
0.16 enjoying the goals and the process and
0.16 everything
0.16 and then just slowly and surely like the
0.16 thoughts came into my mind of wanting
0.16 the partnership and wanting to love and
0.16 missing my ex and everything
0.16 and i invited my ex onto a podcast we
0.16 spoke it was
0.16 a very good conversation and that just
0.16 opened up
0.16 the feelings again it opened up my
0.16 interest in women again we didn&;t get
0.16 back together
0.16 near the end of the video i believe in
0.16 the podcast you can see the top
0.16 we&;re like flirting at the end we&;re
0.16 literally just talking as if we&;re like
0.16 partners again so we didn&;t get back
0.16 together i slept on it and then just
0.16 sent her a text the next morning saying
0.16 like now
0.16 we&;re not going to meet over anything
0.16 but then since that point we spoke
0.16 fairly often just casual text saying
0.16 like i&;m thinking of you i&;m doing this
0.16 and
0.16 it reminds me of you i love you and [ __ ]
0.16 and
0.16 this was comforting to do but it was
0.16 just
0.16 not helpful in the slightest well it was
0.16 helpful in a certain sense that it
0.16 reframed my mind to be more positive of
0.16 her and her to me
0.16 but it hasn&;t been helpful to move on at
0.16 all and
0.16 it opened up that thing of like having
0.16 women
0.16 in my life and the desires come back and
0.16 and so
0.16 to put it short and to put it blunt out
0.16 of these two months of celibacy the
0.16 first month was voluntary the first
0.16 month was
0.16 okay i&;m being celibate i don&;t want to
0.16 date anymore and honestly for the second
0.16 month i&;ve become a [ __ ] insult
0.16 obviously i&;m not like the internet
0.16 weirdos and stuff but like if the term
0.16 of insulin means involuntarily celibate
0.16 which means that you&;d want to have sex
0.16 but you just can&;t have sex right now
0.16 because
0.16 you know you&;re not getting girls or
0.16 anything that&;s exactly what&;s happened
0.16 to me so i&;ve got the humility to admit
0.16 that where
0.16 for the past month or so i&;ve had this
0.16 constant desire
0.16 this constant obsession in my mind to
0.16 connect with women
0.16 that i i truly truly want
0.16 a partner again i opened
0.16 this this life back up i downloaded the
0.16 apps again on tinder and bumble and [ __ ]
0.16 and started using instagram a lot more
0.16 to message girls
0.16 and it&;s like i can conclude it already
0.16 where
0.16 it&;s just not really worth it
0.16 like there&;s one main girl that i&;m
0.16 talking to right now who&;s a very sweet
0.16 girl and i went on a date with her
0.16 and the date was fantastic honestly one
0.16 of like one of the best
0.16 probably the best like first day i&;ve
0.16 ever been on as close as i got to
0.16 someone but
0.16 i can&;t escape the feeling that this is
0.16 like the instant gratification and that
0.16 the real you know the hardcore way that
0.16 hamza should be doing it is obviously
0.16 the dopamine detox
0.16 i can&;t tell if that&;s ego as well but i
0.16 can&;t escape the mindset that
0.16 dating at this age like i&;m 24. dating
0.16 at this age at this low value
0.16 so you&;re probably just like me let&;s
0.16 let&;s be honest you&;re about my age
0.16 you&;re low value probably a little bit
0.16 lower
0.16 value than me if you are taking advice
0.16 from me i&;m a 4.8 out of 10 bro
0.16 i thought we&;re not doing autistic and
0.16 looks maxing temperature i&;m just saying
0.16 that
0.16 i&;ve done the calculations of my money
0.16 my status my looks my game and
0.16 everything that can come into just you
0.16 know you if you have to quantify
0.16 your value that you bring to a woman
0.16 it&;s about 4.8 out of 10. it&;s good
0.16 enough to attract women
0.16 it&;s good enough to like sleep with them
0.16 and to get them to be my girlfriend and
0.16 stuff but it&;s not
0.16 good enough to to settle at this point
0.16 to spend so much time and mental
0.16 energy in the dayton world at this point
0.16 a mindset that i&;ve had recently is that
0.16 speaking to girls and dating girls and
0.16 sleeping with them is kind of like
0.16 enjoying the fruits of your labor
0.16 and you should enjoy the fruits of your
0.16 labor because that&;s the whole point of
0.16 your labor but
0.16 if you enjoy the fruit of your labor too
0.16 early the fruits aren&;t even ripe yet
0.16 and if you do it too much you haven&;t
0.16 even planted the seeds for your future
0.16 self to enjoy that&;s why i&;ve somewhat
0.16 opened it back up because
0.16 i was feeling like a huge sense of
0.16 loneliness
0.16 but not in the social sense like i&;ve
0.16 got
0.16 more friends than i&;ve ever had before
0.16 i&;ve got more social interaction than
0.16 i&;ve ever had in my entire life and this
0.16 was be
0.16 before i even started opening up my real
0.16 life social
0.16 life again and that&;s something i&;ve
0.16 just been doing recently i&;ve been like
0.16 booking
0.16 to go to see friends and stuff but just
0.16 because of
0.16 how many people i speak to on a daily
0.16 basis it feels like i&;m socially
0.16 connected
0.16 to a very very high level and to a good
0.16 quality level but the one thing that&;s
0.16 been
0.16 lacking has been women who give me like
0.16 a sense of intimacy
0.16 that&;s where i&;m at i can&;t exactly like
0.16 i can give you some advice and i will do
0.16 now but
0.16 i&;m not the professional i&;m not at the
0.16 the golden point of you know i can tell
0.16 you that
0.16 i mean just i&;m just reporting what i&;ve
0.16 experienced so far and i&;d say that to
0.16 put it bluntly the first month was
0.16 celibacy it was completely focused on
0.16 the work and the second month
0.16 was in cell in cell it was just like
0.16 wanting to date but just not really
0.16 doing it
0.16 being on the apps for kind of dead
0.16 conversations meeting one girl
0.16 and booking some other things in with
0.16 some girls you know to like meet them
0.16 here and there and just kind of not
0.16 it&;s probably not in cell then to be
0.16 honest because i&;m kind of like
0.16 the girls are interested in me but i&;m
0.16 just maybe i&;m not
0.16 yeah that actually that makes me sound
0.16 better as well so we&;ll go with that one
0.16 i&;m not actually an answer
0.16 i can&;t tell if my mindset of wanting to
0.16 to just
0.16 drop out of the dating market to not
0.16 think about women to completely focus on
0.16 my purpose for
0.16 for some years i can&;t tell if that&;s
0.16 like
0.16 too extreme or if that&;s exactly what i
0.16 should be doing
0.16 i really can&;t tell anymore because i
0.16 was probably happiest
0.16 when i did this and it was happy and
0.16 like a very quality way where there was
0.16 no kind of detriment to it
0.16 whereas the happiness i&;ve gotten from
0.16 love led to a huge detriment and a huge
0.16 heartbreak
0.16 and then practically if i&;m looking at
0.16 it with like a stone cold heart it makes
0.16 sense to to not
0.16 be dating at least seriously right now
0.16 so at the moment
0.16 i&;m like halfway where i&;m still kind of
0.16 celibate but i can&;t even tell you if
0.16 that&;s because
0.16 i want to be celebrate or because i&;m an
0.16 cell who wants to have sex but he&;s just
0.16 not having sex because girls don&;t have
0.16 sex with them i think it&;s about half
0.16 half i think that most guys are about
0.16 here where
0.16 they they would interact with women if
0.16 women were
0.16 more women were interested in them
0.16 especially like high quality women but
0.16 they also see the value in just not
0.16 being distracted by women at this age
0.16 too and so i&;m about the middle and i&;ve
0.16 experienced both sides
0.16 and honestly like it&;s like the first
0.16 month of my celibacy was much better i
0.16 was much happier but
0.16 the one experience that i&;ve had in this
0.16 second month just recently when i went
0.16 on this first date with this girl
0.16 like that was it was a very very
0.16 fulfilling
0.16 moment to connect with a woman like that
0.16 but it&;s also led to like distraction
0.16 like mental distractions but now i&;m
0.16 obsessing about this girl
0.16 like i&;m literally cuddling my pillow
0.16 about this new girl now and um
0.16 um i&;m excited to meet her again and
0.16 like that sounds healthy to me but it
0.16 also i
0.16 i don&;t even know man i don&;t even know
0.16 bro i&;m just [ __ ]
0.16 i hate [ __ ] bro at least you wish i
0.16 was gay honestly if anyone&;s
0.16 gay and they want to hit me up bro let&;s
0.16 do it he&;s gotta buy something
0.16 that&;s the one thing i&;m sure about is
0.16 i&;ve got a popping bicep they made all
0.16 right i should go into the semen
0.16 retention um
0.16 literally no no jacking off no nothing
0.16 no sex for two months
0.16 i&;ve busted a couple of nuts at
0.16 nighttime but i don&;t think that counts
0.16 as like a wet treat or anything in terms
0.16 of that honestly i&;d love to say you
0.16 know semen retention
0.16 like this what everyone&;s saying online
0.16 but honestly i think it&;s been more of a
0.16 distraction than it needed to be
0.16 because no fap&;s fantastic no pawn is
0.16 absolutely vital
0.16 we&;re all on no pawn you don&;t get to
0.16 watch pawn anymore
0.16 but semen retention which is
0.16 you you literally just don&;t nuts i i
0.16 can&;t really see
0.16 it being like like i&;ve experienced it
0.16 now
0.16 and i i think it&;s potentially more
0.16 extreme and strict than it than it
0.16 should be
0.16 because it&;s i think it&;s led to more
0.16 distraction having for two months not
0.16 purposely bust a nut
0.16 i&;m more distracted now than i was two
0.16 months ago when i was
0.16 having sex five ten times a week because
0.16 now it&;s like it&;s like there&;s
0.16 something like missing
0.16 like i think as as a man with
0.16 testosterone
0.16 it&;s like i think you need that sense of
0.16 intimacy and
0.16 the biggest intimacy the biggest sense
0.16 of like sense of worth that we get you
0.16 know we shouldn&;t get it from other
0.16 people but
0.16 i think that&;s [ __ ] i think we we
0.16 automatically do get our sense of worth
0.16 from other people
0.16 and the biggest person that we get it
0.16 from is going to be our woman
0.16 like the woman we&;ve chose to connect
0.16 with and the biggest sense of
0.16 intermitting from that is having sex
0.16 with them i think
0.16 restricting myself from that honestly
0.16 like my productivity like sam will
0.16 will say this but my productivity over
0.16 the last few weeks has been
0.16 pretty trash so whilst i&;ve still been
0.16 celebrating still been on steam
0.16 retention
0.16 it&;s been low now of course we could say
0.16 this is because although you&;ve been
0.16 celibate
0.16 although you&;ve been seen on semen
0.16 retention you&;ve been doing it in an
0.16 incel way where
0.16 you have wanted to do this stuff you&;ve
0.16 wanted to meet girls you&;ve been
0.16 you&;ve met a girl you&;ve been booking
0.16 dates in and stuff
0.16 and that could potentially be it so you
0.16 can probably sense that i&;m not
0.16 completely
0.16 certain of what i&;m doing right now
0.16 either and so
0.16 i don&;t know which way i&;m going to go
0.16 from here i will be reading some of the
0.16 comments every now and then on this
0.16 video so if anyone&;s got some like
0.16 advice for me i&;ll take some
0.16 advice from you and we&;ll go from there
0.16 but at least from right now
0.16 i&;m not using dating apps i hate
0.16 interacting with women
0.16 on technology because i find that it&;s
0.16 like you&;re talking to a shell of a
0.16 person if you&;re messaging them
0.16 and yeah it&;s just like i find
0.16 maybe it&;s my my participant pool or
0.16 something but like if they&;re into you
0.16 they&;re good at texting
0.16 but in general because of this god level
0.16 abundance they have when they&;ve got
0.16 50 times more matches than you do it&;s
0.16 like you&;re talking to a shell of a
0.16 person like a [ __ ] robot who doesn&;t
0.16 have time to reply
0.16 and so that coupled with the fact that i
0.16 think dating apps are just bad for your
0.16 testosterone
0.16 and your mental clarity your mental
0.16 health because you&;re
0.16 you know you&;re swiping all these
0.16 [ __ ] and 48 of them
0.16 essentially have have rejected you have
0.16 shown that they&;re not interested in you
0.16 because you haven&;t matched with them
0.16 which must hit your self-esteem
0.16 like honestly if you&;re going on these
0.16 apps and you&;re seeing 100 girls every
0.16 day
0.16 and you&;re not matching with them it
0.16 shows like 100 girls have essentially
0.16 rejected you or at least not found you
0.16 interesting enough
0.16 so i don&;t want to be on these apps and
0.16 so the way that i&;m kind of interacting
0.16 right now is that
0.16 i&;m literally speaking to one girl and
0.16 apart from that i&;m focusing instead
0.16 on improving my social life and that&;s
0.16 my big goal right now i think i&;ve
0.16 improved
0.16 so many areas of my life what i want is
0.16 my in real life
0.16 social circle to be built up again and
0.16 so i&;m gonna do that i&;m gonna be the
0.16 initiator
0.16 i&;m gonna start meeting old friends up
0.16 again and start like branching out
0.16 when i go out for these social events
0.16 that&;s when i&;m gonna
0.16 like if there&;s a woman who i&;m
0.16 attracted to i&;m gonna go speak to her
0.16 because that
0.16 to me is is like the most beautiful most
0.16 authentic
0.16 most exciting and challenging way to
0.16 meet a woman is to literally just see
0.16 her
0.16 and go up and speak to her like that
0.16 that puts me in a flow state
0.16 like if we see the graph of flow sam
0.16 throw that out for me please the graph
0.16 of the flow states it needs to be
0.16 something which has a high level of
0.16 challenge and a high level of reward
0.16 and that puts us into flow dating apps
0.16 are like all the way near the
0.16 bottom with this low reward low
0.16 challenge and that&;s why we feel so like
0.16 apathetic when we used it and after we
0.16 feel so bored using them i just don&;t
0.16 want to experience that
0.16 like i think i&;m like completely done
0.16 with dating apps from now i can&;t tell
0.16 if i&;m like fully celibate maybe right
0.16 now i&;m probably like an insult because
0.16 i probably
0.16 would sleep with a woman right now yeah
0.16 i would
0.16 so right now i&;m more of an incel which
0.16 i didn&;t think i&;d ever say before but
0.16 yeah that i think but to be honest if we
0.16 use
0.16 at least the definition i&;m using i
0.16 think then potentially like
0.16 almost every single man then is an
0.16 insult every single man would like to
0.16 have sex if he&;s just currently not
0.16 really having sex with that at least
0.16 yeah he&;s just not let&;s be honest and
0.16 so right now i&;m an insult so yeah
0.16 yeah i&;m gonna wrap that up do the hard
0.16 work especially when you don&;t feel like
0.16 it
0.16 don&;t sleep with a girl even when you
0.16 feel like it
0.16 i don&;t know

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Par Joseph GARCIA

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