Youtube (chasteté): Episode 22 – Lust and Chastity

Publiée sur YouTube par Swagnilla Ice (), une vidéo offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « chasteté ».

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La durée (00:06:28s) de la vidéo, le titre (Episode 22 – Lust and Chastity), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« Struggling with wandering eyes? This episode delves into the deadly sin of lust and explores the power of chastity as a path to freedom. Discover practical strategies for overcoming temptation and cultivating self-control.

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La chasteté a un effet profond sur le bien-être personnel et moral. Explorer les effets de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel et moral.

L’impact de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel est profond lorsqu’elle est pratiquée consciemment. Elle engendre une meilleure maîtrise de soi, une clarté mentale renforcée, et une paix intérieure découlant du respect des croyances personnelles. Cette pratique conduit à une relation plus harmonieuse entre l’homme, son corps et ses désirs. La chasteté libère l’individu des pulsions et des pressions sociales liées à la sexualité, offrant ainsi une plus grande liberté. La chasteté offre un sens accru de pureté morale, qui renforce la dignité et l’estime de soi. La chasteté a des effets notables sur le bien-être psychologique. Grâce à la chasteté, les individus augmentent leur confiance en eux et sont plus aptes à affronter les défis.

Questions Fréquemment Posées concernant la Chasteté.

La chasteté ne concerne-t-elle que les personnes religieuses ? La chasteté ne s’applique pas seulement aux personnes de foi comme les religieux. Quelle est la dissemblance entre chasteté et abstinence ? L’abstinence se réfère spécifiquement aux vœux de ne pas avoir de relations sexuelles. En revanche, la chasteté peut comprendre l’usage d’un dispositif de chasteté, tel qu’une ceinture ou une cage, et est souvent associée à un processus de perfectionnement. Quelle est la pratique de la chasteté chez les couples mariés ? Dans le mariage, la chasteté implique souvent une collaboration et une communication entre les époux sur la pratique et les objectifs. Quelle est la signification de la chasteté pour l’Église ? La chasteté est hautement valorisée par l’Église comme étant essentielle pour vivre selon les principes chrétiens. Comment la pratique de la chasteté aide-t-elle à l’épanouissement personnel ? La chasteté aide à l’épanouissement personnel en procurant une maîtrise accrue de soi, une clarté d’esprit et une tranquillité intérieure.

La chasteté : Une vertu à revaloriser pour l’homme moderne.

La chasteté est une vertu qui semble taboue dans notre monde actuel. Pour ceux qui l’appliquent, la chasteté propose une voie vers une paix intérieure renforcée, des relations plus profondes et une connexion spirituelle enrichissante. Autrefois, la chasteté était plus largement acceptée et abordée. Le sujet de la chasteté est abordé en détaildans cette page ici Cet article explore différents aspects de la chasteté, fournissant aux hommes les outils nécessaires pour comprendre et intégrer cette vertu dans leur vie quotidienne.

Cerner le concept de chasteté dans le monde actuel. Définir la chasteté avec une approche contemporaine.

Au fond, la chasteté est la capacité à gérer ses pulsions sexuelles. Ce n’est pas seulement une question d’abstinence, mais un contrôle volontaire des désirs sexuels dans un contexte moral ou spirituel. De nos jours, la chasteté n’est pas seulement une question de répression des désirs, mais d’orientation vers des objectifs plus élevés comme le respect personnel et spirituel. Pour un homme d’aujourd’hui, la chasteté n’est pas une question de renoncer au plaisir, mais de choisir comment vivre sa sexualité.

Comprendre les origines historiques et culturelles de la chasteté.

Les traditions religieuses et culturelles mettent en avant les racines profondes de la chasteté. Le christianisme associe souvent la chasteté au vœu de continence des prêtres et religieux. L’islam, les Églises catholique et orthodoxe prônent la chasteté comme une vertu essentielle, non seulement pour les religieux mais aussi pour les laïcs, en particulier avant le mariage. Dans le passé antique, la chasteté était respectée comme une méthode pour protéger l’intégrité personnelle et la pureté morale. La chasteté continue de transcender les différentes époques et cultures, se maintenant comme une vertu respectée et reconnue.

La quête spirituelle est souvent associée à la pratique de la chasteté.

La chasteté est considérée comme une pratique spirituelle importante. De nombreuses religions, y compris le christianisme, considèrent la chasteté comme une voie vers la sanctification. La régulation des désirs sexuels permet de renforcer son bien-être intérieur. La chasteté devient une forme d’offrande personnelle et un respect envers Dieu. Dans ce contexte, la chasteté est vue comme un choix pour élever l’âme plutôt qu’une simple privation. Les perspectives religieuses sur la chasteté sont diverses et variées. La chasteté est considérée comme une vertu essentielle pour les prêtres dans la tradition catholique. La chasteté est une valeur importante dans l’islam, avec des directives rigoureuses sur la sexualité. Dans l’hindouisme et le bouddhisme, la chasteté est un moyen pour les ascètes d’atteindre l’illumination. La chasteté transcende les religions, unissant les individus dans une recherche commune.

Vivre la chasteté au quotidien.

Pour les hommes qui désirent pratiquer la chasteté, plusieurs stratégies sont envisageables. Pour saisir ses motivations et valeurs, il est crucial de commencer par une introspection. Il peut être nécessaire d’éviter les situations qui pourraient susciter des désirs non maîtrisés, comme la consommation de médias sexuels. Un mentor ou un groupe de soutien partageant les mêmes valeurs peut être crucial pour rester engagé. La chasteté peut être un défi dans une société où la sexualité est omniprésente. La pression sociale et les tentations fréquentes sont des défis majeurs. Maintenir une discipline personnelle rigoureuse est crucial pour surmonter ces obstacles. Il est fondamental de ne pas se décourager après un échec, mais de repartir avec une motivation renforcée. La chasteté représente un chemin à suivre avec patience et persévérance, et non un état de perfection. Pour conclure, la chasteté peut enrichir la vie d’une personne en offrant une plus grande liberté, une maîtrise de soi accrue et un profond épanouissement spirituel. Bien qu’elle puisse sembler restrictive dans un monde où la sexualité est souvent plus valorisée que la spiritualité, la chasteté offre une voie vers une vie plus authentique, fidèle à ses valeurs et sa foi.

Observer les effets de la chasteté sur les interactions sociales et les relations familiales.

La chasteté a également des effets positifs sur les relations interpersonnelles. Une cage de chasteté permet à un homme de raviver ses capacités de séduction et de modifier son comportement avec ses partenaires. Durant l’acte, les capacités physiques et sexuelles de l’individu deviennent plus puissantes puisqu’elles sont sollicitées moins souvent. La chasteté peut être pratiquée de façon discrète, sans que le secret ne soit dévoilé aux partenaires. Dans le cadre du mariage, la chasteté peut approfondir les liens conjugaux en soutenant un amour plus authentique, non centré sur le plaisir charnel.

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#Episode #Lust #Chastity

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: welcome to another episode of a few moments with God I’m your host Silla ice AKA Nathan penel this is the 22nd episode currently I’m doing a miniseries about the deadly sins and their counterparts and the virtues last time examined that greedy monster called Envy it’s opposing virtue of kindness this episode I’m examine a deadly Stone many have problems with in this day and age lust did you know that over 90% of men have to struggling with this sin during some po point in their lives according to a recent survey it’s really no surprise with all the sexualized images and videos that bombard our senses every day but don’t fear I also be examining how we can overcome it by practicing the virtue of Chastity before I dive into what the church in the Bible teaches about these things let’s go to Heavenly Father with a word of prayer shall we dearly heavenly father as I am mark on recording this episode I humbly ask for your blessings guide my voice that may be heard may be clear and reach all those who listen more importantly I pray that my words may not just be heard but also Inspire listeners to put them into practice may this episode be a source of guidance inspiration for all who tune in in Jesus name amen name the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen what is lust and how can it affect our lives according to the Catholic answers encyclopedia lust is an unhealthy craving for sexual pleasure outside the mer merital bed this CRA can be visual physical or even through our thoughts and Fantasies remember God created sex is a beautiful expression of Love within marriage when we give into lust we not only go against God’s plan M can lead us down a path of objectifying others ignoring red flags and ultimately causing pain as someone who struggled with lust myself I know the danger is firsthand longer we let it control us the deeper the consequences can become but there is hope through prayer seeking guidance from the church and relying on God’s grace can overcome lust and live according to his teachings the Bible has lost to say about the importance of living a pure and holy life the Old Testament there are severe consequences for sexual immorality however it’s important to remember that God’s love for us is boundless just just like any other sin he offers forgiveness when we repent with sincere Hearts St Paul reminds us in First Corinthians that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit bought with a precious price we’re called to glorify God in everything we do according including our thoughts and desires Bible emphasize the importance of self-control adventured by St Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians but embrace the virtue of Chastity we can live according to God’s teachings and avoid the pitfalls of lust Chastity is a beautiful gift from God a way to live a holy life and protect ourselves from the dangers of lust it’s about controlling our sexual desires and thoughts also about expressing love and Intimacy in a way that honors God for singles Chasity means keeping your heart focused on the Lord it means avoiding situations that lead to Temptation selling boundaries in relationships using your sexuality in a way that build you up not tears you down prayer and confession are powerful tools to help you stand on the path of holiness for married couples Chastity translates Fidelity and respect within the marriage vows marital intimacy expressed with love commitment can be a beautiful way to strengthen your bond however all married couples are called to be responsible stewards of life one important aspect of Chastity for everyone is avoiding pornography a priest once said it’s like poison of the Soul it corrupt our thoughts Str relationships and ultimately distance us from God but remember if you’re struggling with pornography addiction There’s Hope hope May resources are available to help you overcome it talk to your priest a trust a religious advisor or a therapist it won’t be easy but God’s help you can break free and experience the joy of living that Chast life the Bible reminds us of living a Chast life more of importance of living a Chast life excuse me story of King David in basba reminds us of the consequences of giving into lust and sexual immorality however the Bible has positive examples as well remember Joseph whose unwavering faith in God enabled him to refuse the Temptation and subductive attempts of Piper’s wife Joseph later become the governor of Egypt for his faithfulness we also looked to Jesus who according to the letter to the Hebrews was tempted in every way yet was was was without sin because of this he now intercede for us with our heavenly father grant us the strength we need to live a chaste life for him every day in our exploration of in Chastity we’ve seen the consequences of succumbing to Temptation exemplify the King David story conversely Joseph and Jesus stand his inment to the strength and peace founded in living a virtuous life thankfully we don’t have to navigate this journey alone the church like a hospital for the wounded Spirit offers a path of to healing and Holiness their educational programs support groups and guidance from clergy members who can provide understanding and encouragement just as Joseph ly found strength in his faith remember the doors of the church are always open for those seeking soless and sense of belonging on this journey just as Jesus offered guidance and hope to his followers thank you once again for listening to another episode of this podcast I appreciate every single person who listens to it as we discuss today navigating desire could be a challenge thankfully the Church offers a path to living a virtuous life overcoming Temptation next time we’ll exploring the sin of eating too much food gluttony and it’s opposing virtue of temperance if you’d like to provide feedback or suggest a topic for a future episode please post in the comments on Silla ice or on YouTube you can also contact me via Twitter via @ Silla ice you’re able to support the show financially and want to do so please consider becoming a member at Silla ice my community website or via Kofi links to both are in the show notes until next time may God bless you all .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

1 welcome to another episode of a few
1 moments with God I&;m your host Silla ice
1 AKA Nathan penel this is the 22nd
1 episode currently I&;m doing a miniseries
1 about the deadly sins and their
1 counterparts and the virtues last time
1 examined that greedy monster called Envy
1 it&;s opposing virtue of
1 kindness this episode I&;m examine a
1 deadly Stone many have problems with in
1 this day and age
1 lust did you know that over 90% of men
1 have to struggling with this sin during
1 some po point in their lives according
1 to a recent
1 survey it&;s really no surprise with all
1 the sexualized images and videos that
1 bombard our senses every day but don&;t
1 fear I also be examining how we can
1 overcome it by practicing the virtue of
1 Chastity before I dive into what the
1 church in the Bible teaches about these
1 things let&;s go to Heavenly Father with
1 a word of prayer shall
1 we dearly heavenly father as I am mark
1 on recording this episode I humbly ask
1 for your blessings guide my voice that
1 may be heard may be clear and reach all
1 those who listen more importantly I pray
1 that my words may not just be heard but
1 also Inspire listeners to put them into
1 practice may this episode be a source of
1 guidance inspiration for all who tune in
1 in Jesus name amen name the Father the
1 Son and the Holy Spirit
1 amen what is lust and how can it affect
1 our lives
1 according to the Catholic answers
1 encyclopedia lust is an unhealthy
1 craving for sexual pleasure outside the
1 mer merital bed this CRA can be visual
1 physical or even through our thoughts
1 and Fantasies remember God created sex
1 is a beautiful expression of Love within
1 marriage when we give into lust we not
1 only go against God&;s plan M can lead us
1 down a path of objectifying others
1 ignoring red flags and ultimately
1 causing pain as someone who struggled
1 with lust myself I know the danger is
1 firsthand longer we let it control us
1 the deeper the consequences can become
1 but there is hope through prayer seeking
1 guidance from the church and relying on
1 God&;s grace can overcome lust and live
1 according to his
1 teachings the Bible has lost to say
1 about the importance of living a pure
1 and holy life the Old Testament there
1 are severe consequences for sexual
1 immorality however it&;s important to
1 remember that God&;s love for us is
1 boundless just just like any other sin
1 he offers forgiveness when we repent
1 with sincere Hearts St Paul reminds us
1 in First Corinthians that our bodies are
1 temples of the Holy Spirit bought with a
1 precious price we&;re called to glorify
1 God in everything we do according
1 including our thoughts and desires Bible
1 emphasize the importance of self-control
1 adventured by St Paul in his letter to
1 the
1 Thessalonians but embrace the virtue of
1 Chastity we can live according to God&;s
1 teachings and avoid the pitfalls of lust
1 Chastity is a beautiful gift from God a
1 way to live a holy life and protect
1 ourselves from the dangers of lust it&;s
1 about controlling our sexual desires and
1 thoughts also about expressing love and
1 Intimacy in a way that honors God for
1 singles Chasity means keeping your heart
1 focused on the Lord it means avoiding
1 situations that lead to Temptation
1 selling boundaries in relationships
1 using your sexuality in a way that build
1 you up not tears you down prayer and
1 confession are powerful tools to help
1 you stand on the path of holiness
1 for married couples Chastity translates
1 Fidelity and respect within the marriage
1 vows marital intimacy expressed with
1 love commitment can be a beautiful way
1 to strengthen your bond however all
1 married couples are called to be
1 responsible stewards of life one
1 important aspect of Chastity for
1 everyone is avoiding pornography a
1 priest once said it&;s like poison of the
1 Soul it corrupt our thoughts Str
1 relationships and ultimately distance us
1 from God but remember if you&;re
1 struggling with pornography addiction
1 There&;s Hope hope May resources are
1 available to help you overcome it talk
1 to your priest a trust a religious
1 advisor or a therapist it won&;t be easy
1 but God&;s help you can break free and
1 experience the joy of living that Chast
1 life the Bible reminds us of living a
1 Chast life more of importance of living
1 a Chast life excuse me story of King
1 David in basba reminds us of the
1 consequences of giving into lust and
1 sexual
1 immorality however the Bible has
1 positive examples as well remember
1 Joseph whose unwavering faith in God
1 enabled him to refuse the Temptation and
1 subductive attempts of Piper&;s wife
1 Joseph later become the governor of
1 Egypt for his faithfulness we also
1 looked to Jesus who according to the
1 letter to the Hebrews was tempted in
1 every way yet was was was without sin
1 because of this he now intercede for us
1 with our heavenly father grant us the
1 strength we need to live a chaste life
1 for him every
1 day in our exploration of in Chastity
1 we&;ve seen the consequences of
1 succumbing to Temptation exemplify the
1 King David story conversely Joseph and
1 Jesus stand his inment to the strength
1 and peace founded in living a virtuous
1 life thankfully we don&;t have to
1 navigate this journey alone the church
1 like a hospital for the wounded Spirit
1 offers a path of to healing and Holiness
1 their educational programs support
1 groups and guidance from clergy members
1 who can provide understanding and
1 encouragement just as Joseph ly found
1 strength in his faith remember the doors
1 of the church are always open for those
1 seeking soless and sense of belonging on
1 this journey just as Jesus offered
1 guidance and hope to his
1 followers thank you once again for
1 listening to another episode of this
1 podcast I appreciate every single person
1 who listens to it as we discuss today
1 navigating desire could be a challenge
1 thankfully the Church offers a path to
1 living a virtuous life overcoming
1 Temptation next time we&;ll exploring the
1 sin of eating too much food gluttony
1 and it&;s opposing virtue of temperance
1 if you&;d like to provide feedback or
1 suggest a topic for a future episode
1 please post in the comments on Silla ice
1 or on YouTube you can also contact me
1 via Twitter via @ Silla ice you&;re able
1 to support the show financially and want
1 to do so please consider becoming a
1 member at Silla ice my community website
1 or via Kofi links to both are in the
1 show notes until next time may God bless
1 you all

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Catégorisé comme Men Chastity

Par Joseph GARCIA

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