Youtube (junketsu): L’expérience spirituelle de Gandhi : la vérité gênante sur sa chasteté

Une vidéo, partagée par History With Humour sur YouTube (depuis le ),
est destinée aux passionnés du thème «junketsu ».

La diversité des créateurs sur YouTube assure une richesse de perspectives et d’approches, rendant chaque visionnage unique et intéressant.

Au moment où nous avons pris connaissance de cette vidéo il y a peu (le ), elle attirait du trafic. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 17.

Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:10:00s), le titre (Gandhi’s Spiritual Experiment: The Awkward Truth of His Chastity), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« L’histoire n’est pas seulement des livres poussiéreux et des statues, elle est pleine de drames, de décisions délicates et d’expériences douteuses, en particulier lorsqu’il s’agit du parcours de célibat de Gandhi. Oui, l’homme qui a dit aux Britanniques de faire leurs valises et de partir a également pensé que c’était une bonne idée de tester sa pureté en dormant à côté de jeunes femmes. Spoiler : ce n’était pas exactement l’illumination spirituelle à laquelle on s’attendait. Dans cette vidéo, nous plongeons en profondeur dans le côté gênant de la vie de Gandhi, en explorant ses expériences controversées sur le célibat. Était-ce de la maîtrise de soi ou tout simplement effrayant ? Nous le décomposerons avec humour, sarcasme et suffisamment de moments qui font sourciller pour vous divertir et vous mettre légèrement mal à l’aise. L’histoire n’a jamais été aussi juteuse ou étrange. Si vous êtes prêt à rire, à apprendre et peut-être à repenser tout ce que vous savez sur vos livres d’histoire, lancez play ! N’oubliez pas d’aimer, de commenter et de vous abonner pour plus de points de vue non filtrés sur le passé qui vous feront dire : « Attendez, c’est vraiment arrivé ? #HistoryUnhinged #Gandhi #CelibacyExperiments #WeirdHistory #SpiritualAwkwardness #GandhisLife #HistoricalDrama #UnfilteredHistory #AwkwardMoments #LearnWithHumor #HistoryDecoded #UntoldStories #HistoryFacts #MessyLegends #FunWithHistory #ControversialIcons #TruthAndSarcasm #StrangeHistory #HistoryMadeFunny #IconsUnmasked #historywithhumour #historywithhumor #worldsbizzarehistory #history #facts ».

La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous
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Le Moyen Âge a souvent lié la chasteté aux valeurs morales. Le pouvoir médiéval s’appuyait sur la chasteté pour contrôler les comportements.

La religion imposait souvent des règles strictes sur la chasteté des femmes.

La valeur de la chasteté était accentuée au Moyen Âge, surtout pour les femmes. L’Église mettait l’accent sur la virginité avant le mariage et la fidélité après comme vertus importantes. Les femmes étaient vues comme les protectrices de la pureté morale et familiale, et la chasteté assurait la légitimité des héritiers.

Les chevaliers ont ajusté leurs habitudes de chasteté en fonction des exigences des croisades.

Les notions de chasteté étaient étroitement liées aux croisades, avec des chevaliers prenant des engagements d’abstinence pour purifier leur esprit et leur moral avant d’attaquer Jérusalem.

La vie monastique était marquée par des exigences strictes en matière de chasteté.

Les vœux de chasteté étaient un aspect central de la vie des bénédictins, des cisterciens et des chevaliers teutoniques, entre autres ordres médiévaux. Pour ces religieux médiévaux, la chasteté était non seulement une abstinence des plaisirs terrestres mais également une quête de l’élévation spirituelle. Les récits de la période médiévale soulignent l’importance de la chasteté dans les aspects religieux, moraux, et sociaux de la vie. Que ce soit à travers des ceintures de chasteté mythiques, des vœux solennels avant les croisades, ou des luttes personnelles contre la tentation, la chasteté représentait un concept central entouré de mysticisme et de dévotion. Les histoires médiévales montrent que la chasteté était utilisée pour contrôler, affirmer le pouvoir, et suivre un idéal spirituel dans une époque de conflit entre le corps et l’âme.

Techniques associées à la chasteté masculine contrôlée :

Les temps anciens en Grèce et à Rome.

Dans les traditions grecques et romaines, la chasteté était associée à des concepts de pureté et de vertu. Toutefois, elle n’était pas couramment imposée par des moyens physiques tels que des ceintures de chasteté. La chasteté était surtout ancrée dans des valeurs spirituelles et religieuses. Les Vestales, prêtresses vouées à Vesta, devaient demeurer vierges au risque de mourir. C’est un exemple extrême de chasteté institutionnalisée.

L’ancienne Égypte est célèbre pour son influence immense sur l’histoire.

En Égypte antique, la chasteté était un choix personnel fait par les prêtres et prêtresses. Ils considéraient que l’abstinence élevait leur pouvoir spirituel. Cependant, il n’existe aucune preuve matérielle indiquant l’usage de dispositifs physiques pour assurer la chasteté. Le contrôle de la sexualité était plutôt une question de maîtrise personnelle. Les pratiques religieuses avaient également une influence sur la régulation de la sexualité.

Les instruments pour les hommes et les femmes : La lutte contre la masturbation et les premiers systèmes de chasteté.

Au cours de l’ère victorienne, la masturbation était vue comme une menace sérieuse pour la santé physique et mentale. Les médecins ainsi que les moralistes de cette période recommandaient des mesures rigoureuses pour éviter ce qu’ils appelaient « l’auto-abus ». Cette situation a favorisé l’élaboration et l’utilisation de dispositifs de chasteté pour les deux genres. Actuellement, on observe que la chasteté est pratiquée dans différents buts, et des coachs spécialisés sont là pour soutenir cette démarche c’est le cas de ce prestataire à Paris.

Il est courant de penser que les ceintures de chasteté étaient utilisées au Moyen Âge. Cependant, la réalité historique est différente.

La ceinture de chasteté est souvent attribuée à la période médiévale. L’association entre les ceintures de chasteté et cette époque est largement mythique. On prétend que les croisés, partant en guerre, enfermaient leurs épouses dans des ceintures de chasteté. Ces ceintures étaient utilisées pour préserver la fidélité des épouses pendant l’absence de leurs maris. Cette croyance s’est ancrée dans l’imaginaire collectif par le biais de récits et d’illustrations. Il existe peu de traces historiques pour attester de l’usage des ceintures de chasteté.

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#Lexpérience #spirituelle #Gandhi #vérité #gênante #sur #chasteté

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] welcome to history with humor the channel where history isn’t just dead it’s freaky funny and sometimes disturbingly relatable all right let’s talk about Gandhi folks you know the man who became a global symbol of peace and nonviolence but there’s more to him than just the iconic images of a Serene bespectacled man in a loin cloth Gandhi’s life was a tapestry of contradictions and complexities that make him a fascinating figure to study the tiny dude in a diaper who took down an Empire with nothing but a salt shaker and some strong opinions you got to respect that imagine the audacity and the sheer willpower it took to challenge the British Empire with such simple tools it wasn’t just about the salt it was about the principle the Defiance and the message that even the smallest actions can have Monumental impacts but like any historical figure we drag out from time to time to learn some moral lessons wasn’t perfect he was a man of his times with all the flaws and contradictions that come with it his life and actions are a reminder that even our heroes are human capable of both greatness and imperfection turns out the man who preached nonviolence had some interesting ideas about self-control his approach to self-discipline was as rigorous as it was unconventional often leaving people scratching their heads in confusion he believed that mastering one’s desires was key to achieving true freedom and peace Gandhi was big on celibacy he saw it as a way to purify the soul and strengthen the spirit for him celibacy wasn’t just about abstaining from sex it was about controlling all desires and impulses a path to spiritual enlightenment like really big on it he believed that by Conquering the most basic human urges he could achieve a higher state of being this wasn’t just a personal Quest he encouraged his followers to adopt similar practices seeing it as essential to their spiritual journey he figured if he could conquer the ultimate human urge well then resisting a British tax collector would be a piece of cake makes sense right in his mind the discipline required to abstain from physical desires would translate into the strength needed to resist political oppression well hold on to your doties because Gandhi’s methods for achieving this celibacy were shall we say unconventional he believed in testing his resolve in the most direct way possible which often led to practices that were controversial and frankly quite shocking to many we are talking sleeping in bed naked with teenage girls this was his way of proving to himself and others that he could maintain his celibacy under the most tempting circumstances it was a test of his willpower but it understandably raised a lot of eyebrows his grand niece his personal secretary you name it they were probably tucked in there at some point these were people he trusted and he believed that their presence would help him in his spiritual Quest however this practice was controversial and has been the subject of much debate and criticism now Gandhi insisted it was all very innocent just a test of his willpower he argued that it was a necessary part of his spiritual discipline a way to demonstrate his commitment to celibacy and self-control but not everyone was convinced but you got to wonder if your idea of resisting temptation involves inviting it into bed with you maybe you’re not approaching the whole spirituality thing quite right it’s a method that certainly raises questions about the boundaries of self-discipline and the lengths to which one should go to prove their spiritual resolve Gandhi’s life with all its complexities and contradictions continues to be a subject of Fascination and debate eight reminding us that even the greatest figures are not without their flaw now I’m no saint far from it I’ve had my fair share of moments where my actions didn’t quite align with my intentions we all have those moments right the times when we set out with the best of intentions but end up doing the exact opposite it’s part of Being Human but even I know that the road to celibacy doesn’t usually involve sharing a pillow with someone you’re trying not to you know have impure thoughts about imagine the awkward goodness the tension the sheer willpower it would take to keep your mind from wondering it’s like setting yourself up for failure from the get-go it’ be like me trying to give up Oreos by keeping a plate of them on my nightstand every time I glance over there they are tempting me calling my name it’s a constant Battle of willpower and let’s be honest the Oreos usually win it’s just not a recipe for Success you wouldn’t try to quit smoking by carrying a pack of cigarettes in your pocket would you the same logic applies here setting yourself up with constant temptation is a Surefire way to fail Gandhi though he was committed to this whole test yourself thing he believed in pushing his limits testing his resolve and strengthening his willpower it was all part of his journey towards self-mastery and spiritual growth he figured the hotter the fire the stronger the steel the more challenging the test the stronger his resolve would become it was a philosophy that guided many of his actions and decisions except in this case the fire was a teenage girl and the steel was well let’s just say Gandhi was lucky he was a little fell the situation was fraught with potential pitfalls and challenges that would test even the strongest of Wills the man wrote extensively about these experiments too he documented his thoughts his struggles and his triumphs in great detail it was all part of his quest for self-improvement and understanding can you imagine the diary entries the candid Reflections the humorous observations the moments of doubt and determination it must have been quite the read day 47 resisted the urge to ask for another blanket victory is mine the small victories the little moments of Triumph they all added up to a greater sense of accomplishment it’s all very bizarre and more more than a little creepy even if Gandhi himself never saw it that way to him it was all part of a grand experiment a journey towards self-discovery and Enlightenment but to the rest of us it can seem a bit odd and the people around him well they were Saints every one of them imagine being Gandhi’s follower believing wholeheartedly in his message of peace and love only to find out that your Guru is basically running a sleepover camp for young women talk about a crisis of faith some folks defended him of course they said it was all perfectly innocent that Gandhi was above such base desires others well they weren’t so sure but who were they to question the Mahatma he was fighting for their freedom after all it’s a pickle no doubt about it and that’s the thing about history isn’t it it’s messy complicated and full of people who were both brilliant and deeply flawed Gandhi for all his talk of nonviolence and self-control was no different now imagine if gandhy tried pulling this little experiment to today can you picture the Twitter storm the think pieces the inevitable late night comedy monologues I’m looking at you colar one tweet about testing his celibacy with a young woman in Gandhi would be canceled faster than you can say saaga he’d be trending on Twitter with a hashtag that would make your grandma blush rightfully so I might add the man was a product of his time no doubt but some things well they’re just not okay no matter what century it is sleeping naked with teenage girls under the guise of spiritual growth definitely falls into that category so where does this leave us with Gandhi the father of India the champion of nonviolence the guy who liked to sleep naked with young women to test his willpower it’s a lot to unpack even for a seasoned comedian like myself on the one hand you have the incredible achievements of the man he led a nation to Freedom inspired Millions with his message of peace and basically invented the concept of passive resistance he was without a doubt one of the most infuential figures of the 20th century but then there’s the other side of Gandhi the side that makes you scratch your head and say wait what the side that makes you question whether we should be putting these historical figures on pedestals at all the point is folks history is rarely black and white it’s a complex tapestry woven with threads of various Shades and Hues it’s full of gray areas contradictions and people who were both extraordinary and deeply flawed Gandhi was no different he was a man of immense influence and vision yet he had his own set of imper affections and controversies he was a great man yes but he was also a man of his time with all the baggage that comes with that his beliefs and actions were shaped by the era he lived in and like all of us he carried the weight of his experiences and the societal Norms of his day so next time you see a statue of Gandhi or hear someone praising his name remember the whole story these imperfections don’t necessarily detract from their greatness but rather add a layer of authenticity to their story and that’s the show everybody we hope you’ve enjoyed this journey through the complexities of history and the multifaceted nature of its figures remember to tip your waitresses try the ve and don’t sleep naked with teenagers no matter how spiritually enlightened you think you are if you enjoyed this little romp through history don’t forget to like comment and subscribe to history with humor see you next time and keep it classy or at least ancient .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0 [Music]
0 welcome to history with humor the
0 channel where history isn&;t just dead
0 it&;s freaky funny and sometimes
0 disturbingly relatable all right let&;s
0 talk about Gandhi folks you know the man
0 who became a global symbol of peace and
0 nonviolence but there&;s more to him than
0 just the iconic images of a Serene
0 bespectacled man in a loin cloth
0 Gandhi&;s life was a tapestry of
0 contradictions and complexities that
0 make him a fascinating figure to study
0 the tiny dude in a diaper who took down
0 an Empire with nothing but a salt shaker
0 and some strong opinions you got to
0 respect that imagine the audacity and
0 the sheer willpower it took to challenge
0 the British Empire with such simple
0 tools it wasn&;t just about the salt it
0 was about the principle the Defiance and
0 the message that even the smallest
0 actions can have Monumental impacts but
0 like any historical figure we drag out
0 from time to time to learn some moral
0 lessons wasn&;t perfect he was a man of
0 his times with all the flaws and
0 contradictions that come with it his
0 life and actions are a reminder that
0 even our heroes are human capable of
0 both greatness and imperfection turns
0 out the man who preached nonviolence had
0 some interesting ideas about
0 self-control his approach to
0 self-discipline was as rigorous as it
0 was unconventional often leaving people
0 scratching their heads in confusion he
0 believed that mastering one&;s desires
0 was key to achieving true freedom and
0 peace Gandhi was big on celibacy he saw
0 it as a way to purify the soul and
0 strengthen the spirit for him celibacy
0 wasn&;t just about abstaining from sex it
0 was about controlling all desires and
0 impulses a path to spiritual
0 enlightenment like really big on it he
0 believed that by Conquering the most
0 basic human urges he could achieve a
0 higher state of being this wasn&;t just a
0 personal Quest he encouraged his
0 followers to adopt similar practices
0 seeing it as essential to their
0 spiritual journey he figured if he could
0 conquer the ultimate human urge well
0 then resisting a British tax collector
0 would be a piece of cake makes sense
0 right in his mind the discipline
0 required to abstain from physical
0 desires would translate into the
0 strength needed to resist political
0 oppression well hold on to your doties
0 because Gandhi&;s methods for achieving
0 this celibacy were shall we say
0 unconventional he believed in testing
0 his resolve in the most direct way
0 possible which often led to practices
0 that were controversial and frankly
0 quite shocking to many we are talking
0 sleeping in bed naked with teenage girls
0 this was his way of proving to himself
0 and others that he could maintain his
0 celibacy under the most tempting
0 circumstances it was a test of his
0 willpower but it understandably raised a
0 lot of eyebrows his grand niece his
0 personal secretary you name it they were
0 probably tucked in there at some point
0 these were people he trusted and he
0 believed that their presence would help
0 him in his spiritual Quest however this
0 practice was controversial and has been
0 the subject of much debate and criticism
0 now Gandhi insisted it was all very
0 innocent just a test of his willpower he
0 argued that it was a necessary part of
0 his spiritual discipline a way to
0 demonstrate his commitment to celibacy
0 and self-control but not everyone was
0 convinced but you got to wonder if your
0 idea of resisting temptation involves
0 inviting it into bed with you maybe
0 you&;re not approaching the whole
0 spirituality thing quite right it&;s a
0 method that certainly raises questions
0 about the boundaries of self-discipline
0 and the lengths to which one should go
0 to prove their spiritual resolve
0 Gandhi&;s life with all its complexities
0 and contradictions continues to be a
0 subject of Fascination and debate eight
0 reminding us that even the greatest
0 figures are not without their flaw now
0 I&;m no saint far from it I&;ve had my
0 fair share of moments where my actions
0 didn&;t quite align with my intentions we
0 all have those moments right the times
0 when we set out with the best of
0 intentions but end up doing the exact
0 opposite it&;s part of Being Human but
0 even I know that the road to celibacy
0 doesn&;t usually involve sharing a pillow
0 with someone you&;re trying not to you
0 know have impure thoughts about imagine
0 the awkward goodness the tension the
0 sheer willpower it would take to keep
0 your mind from wondering it&;s like
0 setting yourself up for failure from the
0 get-go it&; be like me trying to give up
0 Oreos by keeping a plate of them on my
0 nightstand every time I glance over
0 there they are tempting me calling my
0 name it&;s a constant Battle of willpower
0 and let&;s be honest the Oreos usually
0 win it&;s just not a recipe for Success
0 you wouldn&;t try to quit smoking by
0 carrying a pack of cigarettes in your
0 pocket would you the same logic applies
0 here setting yourself up with constant
0 temptation is a Surefire way to fail
0 Gandhi though he was committed to this
0 whole test yourself thing he believed in
0 pushing his limits testing his resolve
0 and strengthening his
0 willpower it was all part of his journey
0 towards self-mastery and spiritual
0 growth he figured the hotter the fire
0 the stronger the steel the more
0 challenging the test the stronger his
0 resolve would become it was a philosophy
0 that guided many of his actions and
0 decisions except in this case the fire
0 was a teenage girl and the steel was
0 well let&;s just say Gandhi was lucky he
0 was a little fell the situation was
0 fraught with potential pitfalls and
0 challenges that would test even the
0 strongest of Wills the man wrote
0 extensively about these experiments too
0 he documented his thoughts his struggles
0 and his triumphs in great detail it was
0 all part of his quest for
0 self-improvement and understanding can
0 you imagine the diary entries the candid
0 Reflections the humorous observations
0 the moments of doubt and determination
0 it must have been quite the read day
0 47 resisted the urge to ask for another
0 blanket victory is mine the small
0 victories the little moments of Triumph
0 they all added up to a greater sense of
0 accomplishment it&;s all very bizarre and
0 more more than a little creepy even if
0 Gandhi himself never saw it that way to
0 him it was all part of a grand
0 experiment a journey towards
0 self-discovery and Enlightenment but to
0 the rest of us it can seem a bit odd and
0 the people around him well they were
0 Saints every one of them imagine being
0 Gandhi&;s follower believing
0 wholeheartedly in his message of peace
0 and love only to find out that your Guru
0 is basically running a sleepover camp
0 for young women talk about a crisis of
0 faith some folks defended him of course
0 they said it was all perfectly innocent
0 that Gandhi was above such base desires
0 others well they weren&;t so sure but who
0 were they to question the Mahatma he was
0 fighting for their freedom after all
0 it&;s a pickle no doubt about it and
0 that&;s the thing about history isn&;t it
0 it&;s messy complicated and full of
0 people who were both brilliant and
0 deeply flawed Gandhi for all his talk of
0 nonviolence and self-control was no
0 different now imagine if gandhy tried
0 pulling this little experiment to today
0 can you picture the Twitter storm the
0 think pieces the inevitable late night
0 comedy monologues I&;m looking at you
0 colar one tweet about testing his
0 celibacy with a young woman in Gandhi
0 would be canceled faster than you can
0 say saaga he&;d be trending on Twitter
0 with a hashtag that would make your
0 grandma blush rightfully so I might add
0 the man was a product of his time no
0 doubt but some things well they&;re just
0 not okay no matter what century it is
0 sleeping naked with teenage girls under
0 the guise of spiritual growth definitely
0 falls into that category so where does
0 this leave us with Gandhi the father of
0 India the champion of nonviolence the
0 guy who liked to sleep naked with young
0 women to test his willpower it&;s a lot
0 to unpack even for a seasoned comedian
0 like myself on the one hand you have the
0 incredible achievements of the man he
0 led a nation to Freedom inspired
0 Millions with his message of peace and
0 basically invented the concept of
0 passive resistance he was without a
0 doubt one of the most infuential figures
0 of the 20th century but then there&;s the
0 other side of Gandhi the side that makes
0 you scratch your head and say wait what
0 the side that makes you question whether
0 we should be putting these historical
0 figures on pedestals at all the point is
0 folks history is rarely black and white
0 it&;s a complex tapestry woven with
0 threads of various Shades and Hues it&;s
0 full of gray areas contradictions and
0 people who were both extraordinary and
0 deeply flawed Gandhi was no different he
0 was a man of immense influence and
0 vision yet he had his own set of imper
0 affections and controversies he was a
0 great man yes but he was also a man of
0 his time with all the baggage that comes
0 with that his beliefs and actions were
0 shaped by the era he lived in and like
0 all of us he carried the weight of his
0 experiences and the societal Norms of
0 his day so next time you see a statue of
0 Gandhi or hear someone praising his name
0 remember the whole story these
0 imperfections don&;t necessarily detract
0 from their greatness but rather add a
0 layer of authenticity to their story and
0 that&;s the show everybody we hope you&;ve
0 enjoyed this journey through the
0 complexities of history and the
0 multifaceted nature of its figures
0 remember to tip your waitresses try the
0 ve and don&;t sleep naked with teenagers
0 no matter how spiritually enlightened
0 you think you are if you enjoyed this
0 little romp through history don&;t forget
0 to like comment and subscribe to history
0 with humor see you next time and keep it
0 classy or at least ancient

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Par Joseph GARCIA

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