Youtube (masturbate): Pouvez-vous simplement vous masturber plus pour rétrécir votre prostate?

Un film sur le thème « masturbate » présenté par DrRachael Ross

Disponible sur YouTube (), cette vidéo créée par DrRachael Ross est destinée aux passionnés du thème «masturbate ».

YouTube offre une plateforme dynamique où chacun peut découvrir et partager des contenus variés, allant des vidéos simples aux discussions approfondies.

Cette vidéo, que nous avons récemment découverte (le ), présentait déjà des informations intéressantes. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: une valeur imprécise

Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:07:17s), le titre (Can You Just Masturbate More To Shrink Your Prostate?), et les observations mentionnées par l’auteur :« Cette question m’a intrigué ainsi! Un gent se demande s’il peut rétrécir sa prostate par la masturbation. . . J’aime ces questions! =====================================. E-Function Smoothie Recipes 2.0 Une approche entièrement naturelle de BPH et ed prostate Masagers: https: // drrachaelstitute .com / externe – Accédez à la source du problème – Prenez le quiz aujourd’hui! Pour savoir comment faire le smoothie érection gratuit, regardez cette vidéo: rejoignez-vous ici et recevez des conseils de santé et bien plus encore! -For-Our-Email-list ⌚⌚ horodatage ⌚⌚ 00:00 Taille de la prostate et masturbation 04:21 Période réfractaire et dopamine 06:08 Ejaculation pour de meilleures performances, n’oubliez pas de vous abonner à notre chaîne pour un flux constant d’autonomisation Contenu qui augmentera votre style de vie. Frappez l’icône Bell pour rester à jour et rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage vers un plus de confiance en meilleure santé. Voici votre bien-être et votre succès! 🌟💚 Abonnez-vous maintenant 🙏 suivez le Dr Rachael Ross ⬇️ ✅ Facebook: ✅ Instagram: / drrachael / ✅ tiktok: #drrachaelross #Prostategrowth #ProstateHealth #refractoryperiod #sexualwellness #Menshealth ».

Regardez la vidéo qui suit immédiatement cette phrase
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Examiner les bénéfices d’une abstinence réussie

Exposer le chemin vers une santé mentale plus équilibrée

Lorsque l’on arrête, on constate souvent une énergie renouvelée, une humeur plus équilibrée et une concentration plus soutenue.

Exposer les étapes menant à un bonheur à long terme

Diminuer la dépendance permet de vivre des bénéfices durables dans la vie privée, professionnelle et sociale.

Décrire les bénéfices dans la qualité des relations interpersonnelles

Les échanges avec un partenaire deviennent plus riches, avec une relation émotionnelle et physique solidifiée.

Comprendre les motifs derrière la croissance de cette pratique

Étudier l’impact de l’isolement sur le désir

La solitude et le désir non satisfait, dans un couple ou dans la vie personnelle, sont des facteurs qui renforcent cette pratique.

Explorer l’influence de la pornographie sur les actions et attitudes

La pornographie est un facteur significatif. Elle accroît fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut altérer la perception de la sexualité.

Disserter sur les aspects psychologiques et émotionnels

Des niveaux élevés de stress, d’anxiété ou d’insatisfaction dans d’autres domaines peuvent alimenter cette pratique instinctive.

Se libérer de la masturbation : un challenge pour votre sexualité

La masturbation, considérée par beaucoup comme un moyen sain d’explorer leur sexualité, peut néanmoins poser problème lorsqu’elle devient une habitude compulsive. Ce défi touche hommes et femmes, interférant alors avec des aspects essentiels de la vie, comme la stabilité mentale, la performance professionnelle et les interactions sociales.

S’informer sur les caractéristiques et les impacts de la dépendance à la masturbation

Repérer les premiers signes d’une dépendance

Une personne dépendante à la masturbation peut se retrouver à la pratiquer de façon de plus en plus fréquente, perdant ainsi le contrôle, ce qui peut affecter négativement ses relations intimes.

Scruter les conséquences sur le plan psychologique et physique

L’addiction à la masturbation est fréquemment associée à une consommation habituelle de contenu pornographique, ce qui sollicite de manière constante le système dopaminergique, pouvant entraîner des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une perte d’énergie ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.

Comprendre ce qu’est la masturbation et ses différentes formes

Activité sexuelle naturelle, la masturbation est associée à des bienfaits tels que la diminution du stress. Toutefois, lorsqu’elle devient trop fréquente, elle peut engendrer des difficultés.

Établir un plan pour mettre fin à cette pratique

Mettre l’accent sur l’importance d’un réseau de soutien

  • Consulter un sexologue : Un professionnel pourra vous offrir des solutions personnalisées. (c’est le cas dece site très connu chasteté.fr)
  • Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : Partager ses objectifs avec d’autres aide à rester motivé.

Recommander des méthodes adaptées pour limiter cette activité

  • Remplacer cette habitude par d’autres occupations : Pratiquez une activité physique ou testez de nouveaux passe-temps.
  • Se fixer des objectifs précis : Engagez-vous dans des stratégies progressives ou suivez le mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence totale.
  • Définir des objectifs clairs : Suivez des actions progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage complet.

Indiquer les étapes essentielles pour éviter les rechutes

  • Bloquer l’accès à la pornographie : Activez des outils de filtrage pour limiter l’accès aux sites explicites.
  • Organiser un emploi du temps quotidien : Planifiez des tâches à accomplir pour occuper vos journées efficacement.

Pour finir

L’arrêt de la masturbation excessive nécessite une démarche patiente et persistante. Avec un plan adapté et un soutien bienveillant, il est possible de surmonter ce défi et de vivre une vie plus équilibrée, axée sur des objectifs plus épanouissants.

Pour regarder la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur ce lien :
le post original: Cliquer ici

#Pouvezvous #simplement #vous #masturber #pour #rétrécir #votre #prostate

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: it makes sense that people would think that if you were going to you know bust four or five times a day that this might help reduce prostate size so once your prostate is enlarged like that going ahead and and and having these explosions five and six and 10 times a day is not going to improve prostate size right now there is studies that suggest that it may decrease the risk of developing a cancer later in life in that area but what constant masturbation is actually going to do for you is it’s going to actually interfere with erectile function particularly if you’re over the age of 50 um and what we find in gentlemen that are uh exploding a few times a day it particularly if you think about it in terms of a refractory period once you explode how long is it going to take for you to get stiff again so you can explode again and expl doing that too much will in fact interfere with your ability to get and keep an erection now taking it one step further the thought process behind potentially busting a bunch of times throughout the day and that helping your prostate get smaller it is absolutely not true you will not see any reduction in size from just busting a bunch of times and I want you to think about this logistically right your ejaculate and your sperm is not stored within the prostate now the prostate does cons con um contribute fluid to the mix of things that actually comes out when you do ejaculate but it’s not stored there so what you’re thinking about by terms in terms of if I just keep busting busting busting surely it’ll shrink because maybe it’s swollen because it’s just got a bunch stuck in there it it it sounds logical but it just is not the case ma uh masturbating too much or ejaculating more and more and more is not going to impact the size of an already enlarged prostate but what could potentially impact the size of an already enlarged prostate is when you’re actually massaging the prostate by either getting behind it or under it and helping reduce some of the inflammation that way but by busting a bunch of times although it logically makes sense it will not impact the size of your prostate at all as a matter of fact if you if you have an enlarged prostate and you’re masturbating often you’re running the risk of just weakening your erections a little bit because all of that uh busting is actually interfering with your ability to get hard quicker again because here’s the thing I get asked this question at least once a week doc how do we improve our refractory period after I finish how can I very quickly go again right so that that period between when you finish and when you’re able to go again is called a refractory period and the interesting thing about a refractory period is one of the reasons we think the refractory period exists is because that once you you have that explosion your passion hormone of dopamine actually plummets so when it’s decreasing and it kind of plummets right after that explosion what we have then is your body needs to kind of get excited in the brain again right so what what we’re basically saying then too is if you’re with a partner and you and your partner are having great sex and all of a sudden you explode now your brain has to get excited again about that same partner immediately right and if you’ve ever played video games or you know anything that you’ve had to conquer you know the brain actually after you’ve conquered it or got or solved the puzzle if it’s a word if it’s a puzzle or what have you the brain just naturally is like a little bored afterwards right and that little bit of boron as soon as you go is really kind of what kind of keeps you from having an an a an erection right back after you’ve exploded so of course there’s some other physiological reasons too but dopamine is a big part of that so when you’re thinking about how can I decrease my refractory period how can I and then get hard again and then again you know you really the best bet especially as you age is to enjoy and delay that explosion until you are done for the day until you are done for a few days actually right so if you’re on vacation so to speak you taking your girl or your guy on a trip and you guys get there and instantly I think the first thing that happens when we get to to the Caribbean or somewhere hot or on vacation period is you’re like okay let’s get into it let’s do it you know and so what happens is if you do it day one right and you go all the way now what you’ve done is created a situation for yourself where now your body has to figure out how to overcome this natural refractory period that God has built there and put there and sometimes it’s harder than you would think and so if you’re doing it and doing it back to back to back when you first get there what you’ll find is by day five you’re just kind of like damn what’s going on what’s Happening so then you’re running to the drugstore getting some gas station pills or or some some French version of iagra you know trying to prop things up when what you could or should have done is just saved that explosion until day two and what it happens if you save it is now you’re getting them on demand you know you’re waking up with one your body’s like come on like can we get one and you’re like hold on hold on let’s let’s wait it out because when you wait it out you perform better so if you’re into pleasing your partner if you’re into you know kind of you want everyone to get back from the trip and be like damn he put it down then what you really have to do is try to delay it and hold on to it for as long as possible because once it goes you just don’t know um in under these new circumstances how quickly you’re going to be able to go again and then if you go and go and go four and five times within the first couple days like you did when you’re 20 now you’ve depleted the dopamine and it’s really hard to get excited again now you’ve got a you got a damn near uh you know bring a third person in to get excited you know like you gotta gota just do all types of things in order to get this excitement going so got to turn on a movie you got to do something because you’re like come on come on come on come on I want to perform so if you want to perform form day after day after day then what you want to do is delay it and hold it as long as you can so that you can stay woke for the performance if that makes any sense yes good great questions awesome .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.04 it makes sense that people would think that if 
you were going to you know bust four or five  
0.04 times a day that this might help reduce prostate 
size so once your prostate is enlarged like that  
0.04 going ahead and and and having these explosions 
five and six and 10 times a day is not going to  
0.04 improve prostate size right now there is studies 
that suggest that it may decrease the risk of  
0.04 developing a cancer later in life in that area but 
what constant masturbation is actually going to do  
0.04 for you is it&;s going to actually interfere with 
erectile function particularly if you&;re over the  
0.04 age of 50 um and what we find in gentlemen that 
are uh exploding a few times a day it particularly  
0.04 if you think about it in terms of a refractory 
period once you explode how long is it going to  
0.04 take for you to get stiff again so you can explode 
again and expl doing that too much will in fact  
0.04 interfere with your ability to get and keep 
an erection now taking it one step further the  
0.04 thought process behind potentially busting a bunch 
of times throughout the day and that helping your  
0.04 prostate get smaller it is absolutely not true 
you will not see any reduction in size from just  
0.04 busting a bunch of times and I want you to think 
about this logistically right your ejaculate and  
0.04 your sperm is not stored within the prostate 
now the prostate does cons con um contribute  
0.04 fluid to the mix of things that actually comes 
out when you do ejaculate but it&;s not stored  
0.04 there so what you&;re thinking about by terms in 
terms of if I just keep busting busting busting  
0.04 surely it&;ll shrink because maybe it&;s swollen 
because it&;s just got a bunch stuck in there it  
0.04 it it sounds logical but it just is not the case 
ma uh masturbating too much or ejaculating more  
0.04 and more and more is not going to impact the size 
of an already enlarged prostate but what could  
0.04 potentially impact the size of an already enlarged 
prostate is when you&;re actually massaging the  
0.04 prostate by either getting behind it or under it 
and helping reduce some of the inflammation that  
0.04 way but by busting a bunch of times although it 
logically makes sense it will not impact the size  
0.04 of your prostate at all as a matter of fact if 
you if you have an enlarged prostate and you&;re  
0.04 masturbating often you&;re running the risk of just 
weakening your erections a little bit because all  
0.04 of that uh busting is actually interfering with 
your ability to get hard quicker again because  
0.04 here&;s the thing I get asked this question at 
least once a week doc how do we improve our  
0.04 refractory period after I finish how can I very 
quickly go again right so that that period between  
0.04 when you finish and when you&;re able to go again 
is called a refractory period and the interesting  
0.04 thing about a refractory period is one of the 
reasons we think the refractory period exists  
0.04 is because that once you you have that explosion 
your passion hormone of dopamine actually plummets  
0.04 so when it&;s decreasing and it kind of plummets 
right after that explosion what we have then is  
0.04 your body needs to kind of get excited in the 
brain again right so what what we&;re basically  
0.04 saying then too is if you&;re with a partner and 
you and your partner are having great sex and all  
0.04 of a sudden you explode now your brain has to get 
excited again about that same partner immediately  
0.04 right and if you&;ve ever played video games or 
you know anything that you&;ve had to conquer you  
0.04 know the brain actually after you&;ve conquered 
it or got or solved the puzzle if it&;s a word  
0.04 if it&;s a puzzle or what have you the brain just 
naturally is like a little bored afterwards right  
0.04 and that little bit of boron as soon as you 
go is really kind of what kind of keeps you  
0.04 from having an an a an erection right back after 
you&;ve exploded so of course there&;s some other  
0.04 physiological reasons too but dopamine is a big 
part of that so when you&;re thinking about how  
0.04 can I decrease my refractory period how can I and 
then get hard again and then again you know you  
0.04 really the best bet especially as you age is to 
enjoy and delay that explosion until you are done  
0.04 for the day until you are done for a few days 
actually right so if you&;re on vacation so to  
0.04 speak you taking your girl or your guy on a trip 
and you guys get there and instantly I think the  
0.04 first thing that happens when we get to to the 
Caribbean or somewhere hot or on vacation period  
0.04 is you&;re like okay let&;s get into it let&;s do it 
you know and so what happens is if you do it day  
0.04 one right and you go all the way now what you&;ve 
done is created a situation for yourself where now  
0.04 your body has to figure out how to overcome this 
natural refractory period that God has built there  
0.04 and put there and sometimes it&;s harder than you 
would think and so if you&;re doing it and doing  
0.04 it back to back to back when you first get there 
what you&;ll find is by day five you&;re just kind  
0.04 of like damn what&;s going on what&;s Happening so 
then you&;re running to the drugstore getting some  
0.04 gas station pills or or some some French version 
of iagra you know trying to prop things up when  
0.04 what you could or should have done is just saved 
that explosion until day two and what it happens  
0.04 if you save it is now you&;re getting them on 
demand you know you&;re waking up with one your  
0.04 body&;s like come on like can we get one and 
you&;re like hold on hold on let&;s let&;s wait  
0.04 it out because when you wait it out you perform 
better so if you&;re into pleasing your partner if  
0.04 you&;re into you know kind of you want everyone 
to get back from the trip and be like damn he  
0.04 put it down then what you really have to do is 
try to delay it and hold on to it for as long as  
0.04 possible because once it goes you just don&;t know 
um in under these new circumstances how quickly  
0.04 you&;re going to be able to go again and then if 
you go and go and go four and five times within  
0.04 the first couple days like you did when you&;re 
20 now you&;ve depleted the dopamine and it&;s  
0.04 really hard to get excited again now you&;ve got 
a you got a damn near uh you know bring a third  
0.04 person in to get excited you know like you gotta 
gota just do all types of things in order to get  
0.04 this excitement going so got to turn on a movie 
you got to do something because you&;re like come  
0.04 on come on come on come on I want to perform 
so if you want to perform form day after day  
0.04 after day then what you want to do is delay it 
and hold it as long as you can so that you can  
0.04 stay woke for the performance if that makes 
any sense yes good great questions awesome

L’article original est réédité du mieux possible. Il est possible d’envoyer un message aux coordonnées fournies sur le site web dans l’objectif d’indiquer des précisions sur ce texte qui traite du thème « men chastity ». vous propose ce post traitant du sujet « men chastity ». Le site est fait pour publier diverses publications autour de la thématique men chastity développées sur le net. En consultant plusieurs fois nos pages de blog vous serez informé des prochaines annonces.

Par Joseph GARCIA

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