Le thème « no fap » abordé sur youtube par Mind Makeover
Actuellement sur YouTube, et crée par Mind Makeover (), une vidéo se concentre sur le thème « no fap », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.
YouTube permet à tous dans le monde entier de partager leurs passions, leurs talents et leurs idées, offrant une plateforme unique pour s’exprimer.
Lors de notre récente consultation de cette vidéo (), elle totalisait des interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 15560.
La durée (00:10:45s), le titre (Nofap Benefits Timeline: From Ordinary to Extraordinary in 90 days (Animated)), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« Obtenez le cours qui change la donne en cliquant ci-dessous 👇 https://mindmakeover.learnworlds.com/course/quit-porn-and-fapping-with-a-holistic-strategy Le défi NoFap est une méthode scientifiquement prouvée pour améliorer votre santé globale , la force et le succès. En vous abstenant de la pornographie et de la masturbation, vous pouvez augmenter votre taux de testostérone, améliorer votre concentration et renforcer votre confiance et votre estime de soi. La chronologie de mes avantages NoFap décompose le processus en étapes gérables, afin que vous puissiez suivre vos progrès et rester motivé tout au long du défi. Vous découvrirez la science derrière NoFap, les avantages de l’abstention et les meilleures stratégies pour réussir. En plus des avantages pour les hommes, NoFap profite également aux femmes en termes d’augmentation des niveaux d’énergie, de meilleure humeur et d’amélioration de la peau. N’attendez plus pour commencer votre voyage vers un meilleur vous-même. N’oubliez pas de vous abonner à notre chaîne pour des vidéos plus informatives sur l’amélioration personnelle et de laisser un commentaire avec votre propre parcours NoFap. ».
La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous
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NoFap : un défi pour les hommes d’aujourd’hui
Comprendre l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes est crucial.
Les effets de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes ont été étudiés par des chercheurs, mettant en lumière des problèmes tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a notamment publié une étude sur les conséquences de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur le bien-être des individus.
Analyser les raisons qui poussent à s’engager dans NoFap permet d’en comprendre les bénéfices à long terme.
La communauté NoFap se bat contre les méfaits de la pornographie, cherche à améliorer la performance érectile et à réduire l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté la pornographie.
NoFap cherche à limiter les effets négatifs de la pornographie sur l’esprit.
Le mouvement NoFap propose de rompre avec la pornographie et la masturbation afin de réduire l’addiction. Il s’agit d’une initiative permettant aux hommes d’améliorer leur bien-être mental et physique.
Comment réussir son parcours NoFap
Trucs et astuces de NoFap pour lutter contre la masturbation
La clé du succès passe par des habitudes saines, telles que l’exercice et la méditation, pour conserver une motivation élevée et éviter les tentations.
Des stratégies sont essentielles pour gérer les rechutes pendant NoFap.
Les rechutes surviennent souvent dans le cadre du défi NoFap, comme le révèlent des recherches scientifiques. Il est crucial de réévaluer les causes de l’échec et de s’appuyer sur la communauté Nofap pour continuer sur la voie de l’abstinence.
Consulter des plateformes pour des témoignages et conseils sur NoFap.
Les articles et études scientifiques, notamment ceux de Nicole Prause, offrent une perspective approfondie sur les effets de la pornographie et de la masturbation, tout en proposant des approches scientifiques pour y faire face.
L’abstinence modifie divers aspects de la vie des hommes, qu’ils soient émotionnels ou physiques.
Évaluer les bienfaits psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme est essentiel.
Grâce à l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une baisse de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une amélioration de leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent régulièrement.
Vérifier l’impact de l’abstinence sur la fonction érectile.
Les problèmes érectiles associés à la masturbation sont courants chez l’homme, mais l’abstinence offre des solutions.
Évaluer comment la réduction de la masturbation peut atténuer les symptômes d’anxiété et de dépression.
L’anxiété est souvent exacerbée chez l’homme par la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, les hommes remarquent une baisse de la dépression et une plus grande maîtrise de leurs comportements.
La communauté NoFap est un pilier essentiel pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer de leurs dépendances.
Explorer l’impact des forums et des groupes de soutien sur la progression des participants dans leurs objectifs.
Les études scientifiques ont révélé que la participation aux forums de la communauté NoFap aide à surmonter les comportements problématiques, notamment l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes de soutien augmentent les chances de succès grâce à la solidarité entre les membres.
Démontrer l’impact positif du soutien social et émotionnel dans la réussite de l’abstinence.
Les forums Nofap sont une source précieuse de soutien pour les hommes, leur permettant de gérer l’anxiété et la dépression tout en partageant des stratégies efficaces pour éviter les rechutes et rester sur la voie de l’abstinence. Une intervention professionnelle peut être nécessairenotamment ce spécialiste du Nofapà Paris.
Les plateformes NoFap offrent une possibilité de se connecter avec d’autres hommes confrontés aux mêmes défis.
Les forums de la communauté sont des espaces où les hommes peuvent échanger des conseils pratiques et accéder à des études scientifiques sur les effets de l’abstinence.
Pour consulter la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur le lien suivant :
le post original: Cliquer ici
#Chronologie #des #avantages #Nofap #dordinaire #extraordinaire #jours #animé
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: I discovered pornography when I was 11 years old at first it seemed like a fun thing to do I thought I was learning so much about sex and that it would help me become ready for when the time was right to do it with a girl however as time went on I began to realize how utterly wrong I was and how destructive this habit was it took all the joy out of my life as I sat at my desk at the age of 23 staring at the computer screen in front of me I couldn’t help but feel a sense of Shame and disgust wash over me my addiction to pornography had been controlling my life for far too long and had taken a serious toll on my mental health and relationships I knew that I needed to make a change but the thought of quitting pornography was overwhelming I was depressed anxious and really down in the gutters I knew I couldn’t keep living like this with missed opportunities and ruined relationships due to my addiction and the constant guilt and shame Weighing on me every day I made the decision right then and there to start my nofap journey it wouldn’t be easy but I was determined to break this cycle and take back control of my life stay with me until the end of this video to discover the golden takeaway I learned during my 90-day Challenge and by embracing this lifestyle and how it can help you in your own Journey towards a better life so I will begin with day one so you understand completely what to expect when you go on this journey yourself day one as the day went on the Cravings Hit me hard it was as if my body was screaming for the release it had become accustomed to getting from pornography and masturbation for the past 12 years I became irritable and restless and it was a struggle to stay focused on my work and other tasks so I went for a run meditated and took a long relaxing bath these activities helped to distract me from my cravings and kept me going for the day days two to six it was tough I won’t lie to you the first few days of my nofap journey were a real struggle like trying to quit alcohol addiction at a New Year’s Eve party but I knew I had to push through the Cravings were intense and it was hard to focus on anything else but then something amazing happened around day four I started to notice a change my energy levels went through the roof and I felt like I could conquer the world or at least my to-do list I was more confident in myself and I felt like I had a newfound sense of clarity the brain fog that had been clouding my thoughts lifted and I felt like I could think more clearly and work more efficiently my mood improved and I felt like I was in control of my emotions and better equipped to handle stress this boost in energy and Clarity motivated me to tackle tasks and projects I had been putting off and I felt a sense of accomplishment as I completed them day seven as the days went by the benefits continued to accumulate by day seven I could feel the positive changes in my body and mind I remember feeling proud of myself by the end of that week I had noticed an increase in my energy levels and concentration and as research had suggested I was also experiencing an increase in my testosterone levels in fact a study found that participants who abstained from pornography and masturbation for seven days experienced an average increase of hopping 145.7 percent in testosterone levels I was excited to see what other benefits my nofap journey would bring and I was determined to keep moving forward this is a journey not a destination and I took it one day at a time second week as I entered my second week I was starting to see some more powerful benefits The Compound Effect had begun one of the most noticeable changes was in my interactions with others especially women I found myself feeling more confident and able to hold eye contact and engage in conversations with them this was a big change from before when I often struggled with social anxiety and felt like I couldn’t connect with others according to a study by the University of Cambridge men who used pornography regularly are more likely to suffer from social anxiety and this was definitely true in my case a noteworthy moment during this time was when I had a conversation with a woman at a coffee shop we struck up a conversation about the book she was reading and I was pleasantly surprised at how easy and effortless the conversation was I was able to hold eye contact share my thoughts and opinions and genuinely connect with her it was a small but meaningful interaction that boosted my confidence and made me feel more connected to the world around me this experience reinforced my motivation to stay committed to this journey and the belief that it will help me overcome my social anxiety third week I continued to experience the benefits of my journey my energy levels were stable my concentration was consistently good and my mood remained positive my relationships with friends and family were stronger and more positive it was like a nofap superpower was giving me the ability to make people like me even more it was like being a superhero that instead of saving the world I was saving conversations with my friends and family my jokes were funnier my story is more interesting and my listening skills were on point it was like a nofap version of a motivational speaker everyone wanted to be around me and I couldn’t be happier I was living my best life and it was all thanks to the power of nofap fourth week during fourth week I mustered up the courage to approach my crush and ask for her phone number I had always admired her from afar but my addiction had held me back from making a move but with the Newfound boost in confidence and Clarity that my nofap journey had given me I was able to approach her like a boss and have a natural and engaging conversation to my surprise she agreed to give me her number and we made plans to go out on a date it was a small but meaningful interaction that boosted my confidence even more as I reached the end of the month I couldn’t believe how much progress I had made I felt like a new man were born like the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes of my addiction but just when I thought I had it all figured out I was thrown at curveball my date had to be rescheduled for later I guess the universe was testing me and for the next two to four weeks everything fell apart and I hit my lowest point yet in my journey second month I began to experience the Flatline phase this is a common phenomenon where the initial benefits of nofap begin to level off and it can vary greatly in terms of duration for different people it can be a challenging time as cravings and urges to relapse May surface during this phase I noticed that my energy levels were not as consistent as they had been during the first month my mood also fluctuated more and I found myself struggling with cravings and urges to relapse however I was determined to stay the course I leaned on the support of my friends and family and made a conscious effort to focus on exercise nutrition and staying out more I found that the longer I stayed at home the more my Cravings intensified as I moved past the Flatline phase and into the second half of the month I began to experience a plateau of benefits as the flat line began to fade away this is where the long-term benefits of nofap begin to set in and I noticed a much more stable mood and energy third month as the third month went on around day 78 I finally went on a date with my crush and we had sex for the first time and let me tell you it was like upgrading from a tricycle to a Ferrari I had always been self-conscious about my performance and had struggled with erectile dysfunction in the past but with the improved blood flow and sensitivity that my nofap journey had given me I was able to fully enjoy the experience and pleasure my partner without any issues it was a very significant victory for me by day 90 my crush and I went on a Country tour and my life has never been the same again I feel like a man now whereas I always felt like a little scared boy who was always afraid to speak in front of others golden takeaway as I reflect on my journey with no fap over the past five years I realized that my focus on numbers and counting days was not as essential as embracing the lifestyle and making it a permanent part of my life in the beginning it was easy to get caught up in the excitement of reaching certain milestones and tracking my progress however I have come to learn that the true key to success was to Simply accept nofap as my new reality and integrate it into my daily routine I found it helpful to focus on the long-term benefits of nofap and remind myself of the positive changes it had brought into my life I also made a conscious effort to practice self-care and engage in activities that supported my well-being such as exercise nutrition meditation cold showers and spending time with loved ones another important aspect of embracing the nofap lifestyle was to be patient and kind to myself I realized that I was not perfect and that I would inevitably face setbacks and challenges along the way but I learned to be gentle with myself and remember that progress is a journey not a destination I realized that the occasional relapse did not negate the progress I had made or reversed the benefits I had gained it was easy to fall into the mindset that one slip up would erase all the hard work and effort I had put in but I learned that this was simply not true just like in the gym where muscle gains are not lost overnight if you miss a workout the benefits of nofap are not easily undone sure a relapse May set you back and require some extra effort to get back on track but it does not erase all the progress you have made overall I learned that the key to success on the nofap journey is to embrace a holistic approach and focus on both abstaining from pornography and cultivating other healthy habits that support recovery if you were struggling with a pornography addiction I encourage you to stay strong and seek out the support and resources you need to overcome it if you would like to learn more about my exact strategy for beating pornography addiction be sure to subscribe to my channel to stay updated on my upcoming videos .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 I discovered pornography when I was 11
0 years old at first it seemed like a fun
0 thing to do I thought I was learning so
0 much about sex and that it would help me
0 become ready for when the time was right
0 to do it with a girl
0 however as time went on I began to
0 realize how utterly wrong I was and how
0 destructive this habit was it took all
0 the joy out of my life
0 as I sat at my desk at the age of 23
0 staring at the computer screen in front
0 of me I couldn&;t help but feel a sense
0 of Shame and disgust wash over me my
0 addiction to pornography had been
0 controlling my life for far too long and
0 had taken a serious toll on my mental
0 health and relationships I knew that I
0 needed to make a change but the thought
0 of quitting pornography was overwhelming
0 I was depressed anxious and really down
0 in the gutters I knew I couldn&;t keep
0 living like this with missed
0 opportunities and ruined relationships
0 due to my addiction and the constant
0 guilt and shame Weighing on me every day
0 I made the decision right then and there
0 to start my nofap journey it wouldn&;t be
0 easy but I was determined to break this
0 cycle and take back control of my life
0 stay with me until the end of this video
0 to discover the golden takeaway I
0 learned during my 90-day Challenge and
0 by embracing this lifestyle and how it
0 can help you in your own Journey towards
0 a better life
0 so I will begin with day one so you
0 understand completely what to expect
0 when you go on this journey yourself
0 day one
0 as the day went on the Cravings Hit me
0 hard it was as if my body was screaming
0 for the release it had become accustomed
0 to getting from pornography and
0 masturbation for the past 12 years I
0 became irritable and restless and it was
0 a struggle to stay focused on my work
0 and other tasks so I went for a run
0 meditated and took a long relaxing bath
0 these activities helped to distract me
0 from my cravings and kept me going for
0 the day
0 days two to six
0 it was tough I won&;t lie to you the
0 first few days of my nofap journey were
0 a real struggle like trying to quit
0 alcohol addiction at a New Year&;s Eve
0 party but I knew I had to push through
0 the Cravings were intense and it was
0 hard to focus on anything else
0 but then something amazing happened
0 around day four I started to notice a
0 change my energy levels went through the
0 roof and I felt like I could conquer the
0 world or at least my to-do list I was
0 more confident in myself and I felt like
0 I had a newfound sense of clarity the
0 brain fog that had been clouding my
0 thoughts lifted and I felt like I could
0 think more clearly and work more
0 efficiently my mood improved and I felt
0 like I was in control of my emotions and
0 better equipped to handle stress this
0 boost in energy and Clarity motivated me
0 to tackle tasks and projects I had been
0 putting off and I felt a sense of
0 accomplishment as I completed them
0 day seven as the days went by the
0 benefits continued to accumulate by day
0 seven I could feel the positive changes
0 in my body and mind
0 I remember feeling proud of myself by
0 the end of that week I had noticed an
0 increase in my energy levels and
0 concentration and as research had
0 suggested I was also experiencing an
0 increase in my testosterone levels in
0 fact a study found that participants who
0 abstained from pornography and
0 masturbation for seven days experienced
0 an average increase of hopping
0 145.7 percent in testosterone levels
0 I was excited to see what other benefits
0 my nofap journey would bring and I was
0 determined to keep moving forward this
0 is a journey not a destination and I
0 took it one day at a time
0 second week
0 as I entered my second week I was
0 starting to see some more powerful
0 benefits The Compound Effect had begun
0 one of the most noticeable changes was
0 in my interactions with others
0 especially women
0 I found myself feeling more confident
0 and able to hold eye contact and engage
0 in conversations with them
0 this was a big change from before when I
0 often struggled with social anxiety and
0 felt like I couldn&;t connect with others
0 according to a study by the University
0 of Cambridge men who used pornography
0 regularly are more likely to suffer from
0 social anxiety and this was definitely
0 true in my case
0 a noteworthy moment during this time was
0 when I had a conversation with a woman
0 at a coffee shop we struck up a
0 conversation about the book she was
0 reading and I was pleasantly surprised
0 at how easy and effortless the
0 conversation was
0 I was able to hold eye contact share my
0 thoughts and opinions and genuinely
0 connect with her it was a small but
0 meaningful interaction that boosted my
0 confidence and made me feel more
0 connected to the world around me
0 this experience reinforced my motivation
0 to stay committed to this journey and
0 the belief that it will help me overcome
0 my social anxiety
0 third week
0 I continued to experience the benefits
0 of my journey my energy levels were
0 stable my concentration was consistently
0 good and my mood remained positive my
0 relationships with friends and family
0 were stronger and more positive it was
0 like a nofap superpower was giving me
0 the ability to make people like me even
0 more it was like being a superhero that
0 instead of saving the world I was saving
0 conversations with my friends and family
0 my jokes were funnier my story is more
0 interesting and my listening skills were
0 on point it was like a nofap version of
0 a motivational speaker everyone wanted
0 to be around me and I couldn&;t be
0 happier I was living my best life and it
0 was all thanks to the power of nofap
0 fourth week
0 during fourth week I mustered up the
0 courage to approach my crush and ask for
0 her phone number I had always admired
0 her from afar but my addiction had held
0 me back from making a move but with the
0 Newfound boost in confidence and Clarity
0 that my nofap journey had given me I was
0 able to approach her like a boss and
0 have a natural and engaging conversation
0 to my surprise she agreed to give me her
0 number and we made plans to go out on a
0 date it was a small but meaningful
0 interaction that boosted my confidence
0 even more
0 as I reached the end of the month I
0 couldn&;t believe how much progress I had
0 made I felt like a new man were born
0 like the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes
0 of my addiction but just when I thought
0 I had it all figured out I was thrown at
0 curveball
0 my date had to be rescheduled for later
0 I guess the universe was testing me and
0 for the next two to four weeks
0 everything fell apart and I hit my
0 lowest point yet in my journey
0 second month I began to experience the
0 Flatline phase this is a common
0 phenomenon where the initial benefits of
0 nofap begin to level off and it can vary
0 greatly in terms of duration for
0 different people it can be a challenging
0 time as cravings and urges to relapse
0 May surface
0 during this phase I noticed that my
0 energy levels were not as consistent as
0 they had been during the first month my
0 mood also fluctuated more and I found
0 myself struggling with cravings and
0 urges to relapse however I was
0 determined to stay the course
0 I leaned on the support of my friends
0 and family and made a conscious effort
0 to focus on exercise nutrition and
0 staying out more I found that the longer
0 I stayed at home the more my Cravings
0 intensified
0 as I moved past the Flatline phase and
0 into the second half of the month I
0 began to experience a plateau of
0 benefits as the flat line began to fade
0 away this is where the long-term
0 benefits of nofap begin to set in and I
0 noticed a much more stable mood and
0 energy
0 third month
0 as the third month went on around day 78
0 I finally went on a date with my crush
0 and we had sex for the first time and
0 let me tell you it was like upgrading
0 from a tricycle to a Ferrari
0 I had always been self-conscious about
0 my performance and had struggled with
0 erectile dysfunction in the past but
0 with the improved blood flow and
0 sensitivity that my nofap journey had
0 given me I was able to fully enjoy the
0 experience and pleasure my partner
0 without any issues it was a very
0 significant victory for me by day 90 my
0 crush and I went on a Country tour and
0 my life has never been the same again
0 I feel like a man now whereas I always
0 felt like a little scared boy who was
0 always afraid to speak in front of
0 others
0 golden takeaway
0 as I reflect on my journey with no fap
0 over the past five years I realized that
0 my focus on numbers and counting days
0 was not as essential as embracing the
0 lifestyle and making it a permanent part
0 of my life
0 in the beginning it was easy to get
0 caught up in the excitement of reaching
0 certain milestones and tracking my
0 progress
0 however I have come to learn that the
0 true key to success was to Simply accept
0 nofap as my new reality and integrate it
0 into my daily routine
0 I found it helpful to focus on the
0 long-term benefits of nofap and remind
0 myself of the positive changes it had
0 brought into my life I also made a
0 conscious effort to practice self-care
0 and engage in activities that supported
0 my well-being such as exercise nutrition
0 meditation cold showers and spending
0 time with loved ones
0 another important aspect of embracing
0 the nofap lifestyle was to be patient
0 and kind to myself
0 I realized that I was not perfect and
0 that I would inevitably face setbacks
0 and challenges along the way but I
0 learned to be gentle with myself and
0 remember that progress is a journey not
0 a destination
0 I realized that the occasional relapse
0 did not negate the progress I had made
0 or reversed the benefits I had gained it
0 was easy to fall into the mindset that
0 one slip up would erase all the hard
0 work and effort I had put in but I
0 learned that this was simply not true
0 just like in the gym where muscle gains
0 are not lost overnight if you miss a
0 workout the benefits of nofap are not
0 easily undone
0 sure a relapse May set you back and
0 require some extra effort to get back on
0 track but it does not erase all the
0 progress you have made
0 overall I learned that the key to
0 success on the nofap journey is to
0 embrace a holistic approach and focus on
0 both abstaining from pornography and
0 cultivating other healthy habits that
0 support recovery
0 if you were struggling with a
0 pornography addiction I encourage you to
0 stay strong and seek out the support and
0 resources you need to overcome it if you
0 would like to learn more about my exact
0 strategy for beating pornography
0 addiction be sure to subscribe to my
0 channel to stay updated on my upcoming
0 videos
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